Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf |
Monterey Wharf |
phytoplankton, monitoring, red tides, harmful algal bloom, monterey bay, monterey, santa cruz, net tow |
Week of Monday, August 15 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ m mm ttttttttt-
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Margalefidinium: Present
* Impressions *
Overcast at the wharf this am with scattered rain in the area. Bait ball was around the wharf (but not directly in the sampling area) and lots of birds in the area (mostly Pelicans this am). Phytoplankton biomass was about the same this week, but shifted to smaller cells. Dinoflagellate abundance and diversity both increased this week and an unknown flagellate was the most abundant.
P: Ceratium
P: Prorocentrum
P: Margalefidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Oxyphysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Boreadinium
R: Akashiwo
R: Gyrodinium
R: Heterocapsa
R: Scrippsiella
P: Navicula
P: Leptocylindrus
R: Thalassiosira
R: Pleurosigma
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Detonula
R: Eucampia
R: Fragilariopsis
R: Lauderia
A: Unknown flagellate
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:10 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.5 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 2/4 (#30)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: Low – 8:53, 1.4 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.6 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Cloudy w/fog
Air Temperature: 57.6 F (14.2 C)
Wind: 6 mph, S
Solar radiation: 210 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
v mmmmmmmmm vvmmmmmm
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Margalefidinium: Rare
* Impressions *
It was wet and cloudy at the wharf this morning. The water was dark with visibility at 3 m. Chlorophyll dropped dramatically compared to last week. Pseudo-nitzschia abundance dropped, but remained common in the sample. Dinophysis, Cochlodinium, and Akashiwo also appeared in the sample.
R: Akashiwo sanguinea
R: Prorocentrum gracile
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Ceratium spp.
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
P: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Cochlodinium spp.
R: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Cerataulina spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
R: Detonula spp.
R: Eucampia
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinnids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
* Environmental Information *
TIME: 0857 PT
COLLECTOR: Jasmine Ruiz
Water Temperature: 17.83 °C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color: 5GY 2/2
Visibility: 3 m
Tide: Slack, 0.49 m, low at 0855 h
Chlorophyll: net: 0.218 mg/m^3; whole water: 5.255 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Sky: mostly cloudy, 70% cloud
Air Temperature: 15.0°C
Wind: NE, 0.89 m/s
Week of Monday, August 8 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ mm mm nmn ttttttttt-
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Margalefidinium: None
* Impressions *
Warm sunny morning at the wharf. Phytoplankton biomass decreased this week. Dinoflagellate abundance also decreased and the phytoplankton assemblage was an even mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates. Thalassionema was the most abundant this week.
P: Gonyaulax
R: Dinophysis
R: Ceratium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Alexandrium
R: Boreadinium
R: Akashiwo
C: Thalassionema
P: Pleurosigma
P: Coscinodiscus
P: Detonula
P: Eucampia
R: Guinardia
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Ditylum
R: Asteromphalus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:30 am
Collector: C. Martin
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.6 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 10:55, 3.9 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 1-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 2.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 2.6 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 0.3 ft, WSW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 63.5 F (17.5 C)
Wind: 2 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 500 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
v vvmmmmmm mmmmmm mm
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Margalefidinium: None
* Impressions *
When I first started sampling around 8:26 am the sky was clear, but when I was packing up around 8:53 a dense fog was incoming from the east. The water was warm with visibility at 4 m. Chlorophyll increased with a significantly bigger bloom of Pseudo-nitzschia compared to last week. Akashiwo and Cochlodinium also appeared in the sample.
R: Akashiwo sanguinea
R: Prorocentrum micans
R: Prorocentrum gracile
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
P: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Cochlodinium spp.
R: Lingulodinium polyedrum
R: Oxyphysis
P: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
A: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
R: Detonula spp.
R: Eucampia
R: Myrionecta spp
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinnids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
* Environmental Information *
TIME: 0826 PT
COLLECTOR: Jasmine Ruiz
Water Temperature: 17.5 °C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color: 10Y 3/4
Water Visibility: 4 m
Tide: Rising, 0.81 m, high at 1057 h
Chlorophyll: net: 2.268 mg/m^3; whole water: 12.425 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Sky: clear, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 17.5 °C
Wind: N, 1.79 m/S |
Week of Monday, August 1 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ mm m nmn ttttttttt-
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Common
- Margalefidinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Fog clearing out from the wharf this am. CA sea lion snoozing on a piling support beam at the sampling site. Phytoplankton biomass was similar to last week, but the assemblage shifted to mostly dinoflagellates. A “little round ball” dino (~15um diameter) was the most abundant this week. Saw a couple Alexandrium cells in the net tow, but none in the probe counts.
C: Dinophysis
P: Ceratium
P: Scrippsiella
P: Oxyphysis
P: Protoperidinium
P: Gymnodinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Alexandrium
R: Cochlodinium
R: Polykrikos
P: Thalassiosira
P: Leptocylindrus
R: Guinardia
R: Skeletonema
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Navicula
R: Fragilariopsis
R: Detonula
P: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:10 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.4 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Risling, Low – 8:39, 0.9 ft
Surf Report: S swell, 2-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.3 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.6 ft, SSE
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.3 ft, NNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Fog, clearing
Air Temperature: 58.1 F (14.5 C)
Wind: 2 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 415 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
mmmmmm mmm mmm-------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Abundant
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Margalefidinium: Rare
* Impressions *
It was warm and partly cloudy at the wharf this morning. The sky was clear directly above the wharf, but clouds and fog were incoming from the east. The water was more yellow-green with visibility at 4.8 m. Chlorophyll dropped compared to last week, with Pseudo-nitzschia dominating the sample.
P: Prorocentrum gracile
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Ceratium spp.
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
P: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
R: Pyrocystis lunula
R: Cochlodinium spp.
R: Oxyphysis
C: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
A: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Lithodesmium spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
P: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Stephanopyxis spp.
R: Cerataulina spp.
R: Detonula spp.
R: Eucampia
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinnids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
* Environmental Information *
TIME: 0817 PT
COLLECTOR: Jasmine Ruiz
Water Temperature: 16.9 °C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color: 10Y 3/4
Visibility: 4.8 m
Tide: Falling, 0.35 m, low at 0840 h
Chlorophyll: net: 1.474 mg/m^3; whole water: 5.772 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Sky: incoming clouds/fog, 20% cloud
Air Temperature: 16.1°C
Wind: NNW, 1.34 m/S |
Week of Monday, July 25 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ m nmn ttttttttt-
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Margalefidinium: None
* Impressions *
Overcast/marine layer at the wharf this am. The bait ball has returned and was in the sampling area along with some very active CA sea lions. Overall phytoplankton biomass decreased this week, but the diatom and dinoflagellate biomass increased. Phytoplankton diversity remained high with Prorocentrum and Thalassiosira being the most abundant. Saw Alexandrium in both the net tow and the cell counts this week.
C: Prorocentrum
P: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Alexandrium
R: Ceratium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Scrippsiella
R: Boreadinium
C: Thalassiosira
P: Guinardia
P: Skeletonema
R: Thalassionema
R: Eucampia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Navicula
R: Fragilariopsis
R: Detonula
R: Lauderia
R: Ditylum
R: Nitzschia
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Chaetoceros
R: Tropidoneis
R: Entomoneis
C: Small flagellate
R: Cluster flagellates
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:55 am
Collector: C. Martin
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 2/2 (#17)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: Risling, High – 12:00, 3.6 ft
Surf Report: SSW/NW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 3.3 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.0 ft, SSW
- Wind wave height/direction: 0.7 ft, W
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast/fog
Air Temperature: 56.8 F (13.8 C)
Wind: 3 mph, E
Solar radiation: 131 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
mm mmm -------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Margalefidinium: None
* Impressions *
It was another wet and cloudy morning at the wharf. Visibility dropped a bit to 3m, and chlorophyll increased compared to last week. Chaetoceros was abundant and the solitary Thalassiosira cells (~10-20 um) were common.
R: Prorocentrum gracile
R: Dinophysis spp.
P: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
R: Oxyphysis
A: Chaetoceros spp.
C: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
P: Thalassionema spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
P: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Cerataulina spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
R: Detonula spp.
R: Eucampia
R: Entomoneis
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinnids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
* Environmental Information *
TIME: 0809 PT
COLLECTOR: Jasmine Ruiz
Water Temperature: 17.2°C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color: 10GY 2/4
Visibility: 3 m
Tide: Rising, 0.40 m, high at 1205h
Chlorophyll: net: 1.711 mg/m^3; whole water: 13.545 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Sky: cloudy, 100% cloud
Air Temperature: 13.9°C
Wind: NNW, 0.89 m/S
Week of Monday, July 18 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ nn ttttt tttt-
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Margalefidinium: None
* Impressions *
Another foggy and cool morning at the wharf. Net tow was mostly detritus/debris this week. Diatom and dinoflagellate biomass was low this week with few cells, but a lot of diversity. Overall phytoplankton biomass was similar to last week with cluster flagellates being the most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia were delicatissima size.
C: Prorocentrum
R: Polykrikos
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Akashiwo
R: Gymnodinium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Lingulodinium
P: Thalassiosira
R: Thalassionema
R: Eucampia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Navicula
R: Detonula
R: Guinardia
R: Skeletonema
R: Odontella
R: Nitzschia
R: Tropidoneis
R: Entomoneis
C: Cluster flagellates
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:05 am
Collector: C. Martin
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.4 C
Water Conditions: Swell, kelp debris
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 10:30, 1.2 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.3 ft, SW
- Wind wave height/direction: 4.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 54.3 F (12.4 C)
Wind: 3 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 225 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
mmm -------- -----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Margalefidinium: None
* Impressions *
It was wet and cloudy at the wharf this morning. The water was dark with visibility at 3.4 m. Chlorophyll dropped compared to a couple weeks ago, with mostly diatoms, but an increase in dinoflagellate abundance and diversity. Solitary Thalassiosira cells (~10-20 um) were abundant.
R: Prorocentrum gracile
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Ceratium lineatum
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Cochlodinium spp.
R: Lingulodinium polyedrum
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Oxyphysis
R: Chaetoceros spp.
A: Thalassiosira spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Cerataulina spp.
R: Detonula spp.
R: Eucampia
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinnids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
* Environmental Information *
TIME: 0826 PT
COLLECTOR: Jasmine Ruiz
Water Temperature: 18.0°C
Water Conditions: Calm with a slight swell
Water Color: 5G 2/6
Visibility: 3.4 m
Tide: Falling, 0.59 m, low at 1031h
Chlorophyll: net: 0.584 mg/m^3; whole water: 10.595 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Sky: cloudy, 100% cloud
Air Temperature: 12.2°C
Wind: NNW, 3.80 m/S |
Week of Monday, July 11 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ ttttt tttt ---------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Foggy and wet at the wharf this am. Water temp increased this week and phytoplankton biomass decreased dramatically. Net tow was mostly zooplankton. The phytoplankton assemblage shifted to dinoflagellates this week and Polykrikos and Prorocentrum were the most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia were delicatissima size (one 3-cell chain observed) and no Alexandrium were counted.
C: Prorocentrum
C: Polykrikos
P: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Akashiwo
R: Boreadinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Ceratium
R: Heterocapsa
R: Lingulodinium
P: Chaetoceros
P: Thalassiosira
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Eucampia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Navicula
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.8 C
Water Conditions: Choppy with small swell
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 2/6 (#12)
Water Visibility: 10 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 12:06, 3.9 ft
Surf Report: SW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.2 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 58.1 F (14.5 C)
Wind: 2.6 mph, E
Solar radiation: 143 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: No sample
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
--------- ------------ -------------
Week of Monday, July 4 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------  ---------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Overcast and cool at the wharf this morning. Water was calm and clear and the bait ball was under the wharf, but not in the sampling area. Overall phytoplankton biomass decreased this week, but there were more of the larger sized cells in the net tow. Diatoms were the most abundant with a lot of diversity. Chaetoceros and Pseudo-nitzschia were the most abundant this week. Pseudo-nitzschia were both seriata and delicatissima size and Alexandrium counts decreased this week.
R: Protoperidinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Dinophysis
R: Gyrodinium
R: Boreadinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Polykrikos
R: Ceratium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Thalassiosira
P: Detonula
P: Thalassionema
P: Leptocylindrus
P: Eucampia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Guinardia
R: Skeletonema
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Ditylum
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Tropidoneis
R: Pleurosigma
R: Navicula
R: Licmophora
R: Proboscia
R: Nitzschia
R: Rhizosolenia
P: Unknown flagellate
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:40 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.1 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 2/6 (#12)
Water Visibility: 8 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 10:12, 0.8 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 3.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.9 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 0.7 ft, WSW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast
Air Temperature: 60.4 F (15.8 C)
Wind: 2.0 mph, ESE
Solar radiation: 196 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
--------- ------------ -----------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Abundant
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
It was cloudy and calm at the wharf this morning. The water was dark and visibility dropped to 3m. Chlorophyll dropped compared to last week, but Pseudo-nitzschia is still dominating.
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Ceratium spp.
R: Protoperidinium spp.
P: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Boreadinium cf
C: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
A: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
P: Thalassionema spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
P: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Eucampia
R: Entomoneis
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinnids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
TIME: 0807 PT
COLLECTOR: Jasmine Ruiz
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 0.942 mg/m^3; whole water: 4.747 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 16.3°C
Water Conditions: 10Y 2/2, calm
Visibility: 3m
Tide: Falling, 0.49 m, low at 1010h
Sky: cloudy, 100% cloud
Air Temperature: 17.8°C
Wind: ENE, 0.89 m/S
Week of Monday, June 27 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 29, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ --- ------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Foggy and cool at the wharf this am. Brown waves breaking at the beach and the large bait ball remains under the wharf and in the sampling area. Phytoplankton biomass increased this week and those unknown flagellates were the most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia were seriata and delicatissima size and Alexandrium counts increased by an order of magnitude.
P: Protoperidinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Dinophysis
R: Gyrodinium
R: Boreadinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Polykrikos
R: Oxyphysis
P: Chaetoceros
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassionema
R: Eucampia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Guinardia
R: Skeletonema
R: Lauderia
R: Rhizosolenia
A: Unknown flagellate
* Environmental Information *
Time: 7:30 am
Collector: P. Daniel
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.8 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 2/6 (#12)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 6:02, -0.6 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.0 ft, SSW
- Wind wave height/direction: 5.2 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 53.6 F (12 C)
Wind: 3.0 mph, N
Solar radiation: 90 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 29, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
--------- ------------ -----------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Abundant
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
It was cold and cloudy at the wharf this morning. There was a slight surge in the water, and visibility decreased from last week. Chlorophyll has increased, with Pseudo-nitzschia being abundant again this week.
R: Prorocentrum spp.
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Ceratium spp.
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Boreadinium cf
C: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
A: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
P: Skeletonema spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
P: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
R: Detonula spp.
P: Eucampia
R: Acantharians
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0814 PT
COLLECTOR: Jasmine Ruiz
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 1.981 mg/m^3; whole water: 7.603 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 16.5°C
Water Conditions: 5Y 2/2, slight surge
Visibility: 4.5m
Tide: Rising, 0.15 m, high at 1314h
Sky: cloudy, 100% cloud
Air Temperature: 12.2°C
Wind: WNW, 3.13 m/S |
Week of Monday, June 20 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 22, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ ---------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Warm and sunny at the wharf this morning. The large bait ball was still hanging out under the wharf and in the sampling area. There was a decrease in phytoplankton biomass and the large cells (diatoms and dinoflagellates) dropped out of the assemblage. The unknown flagellate (maybe Heterosigma?) was the most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia were delicatissima size.
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Gyrodinium
R: Boreadinium
R: Ceratium
R: Heterocapsa
R: Polykrikos
R: Scrippsiella
P: Thalassiosira
P: Asteromphalus
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Eucampia
R: Nitzschia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Lauderia
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Rhizosolenia
A: Unknown flagellate
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:30 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.7 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 6:17, 3.5 ft
Surf Report: SW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.2 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 57.6 F (14.2 C)
Wind: 1.0 mph, NW
Solar radiation: 387 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 22, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
--------- ------ -------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Abundant
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
It was sunny and cool at the wharf this morning. There was a slight surge in the water, but visibility remained about the same as last week. Phytoplankton biomass decreased from last week, with Pseudo-nitzschia being abundant.
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Ceratium spp.
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Cochlodinium spp.
R: Lingulodinium polyedrum
R: Boreadinium cf
C: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
A: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
C: Skeletonema spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
P: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Ceratulina spp.
R: Detonlula spp.
P: Eucampia
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0833 PT
COLLECTOR: Jasmine Ruiz
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 0.483 mg/m^3; whole water: 5.145 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 16.4°C
Water Conditions: 5G 2/6, slight surge
Visibility: 5.1m
Tide: Falling, 0.85 m, low at 1210h
Sky: clear, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 15.0°C
Wind: NNW, 1.1 m/S
Week of Monday, June 13 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 15, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ ---------------------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Another warm and sunny morning at the wharf and the water was flat. A large bait ball was hanging out under the wharf and in the sampling area. Phytoplankton biomass dramatically increased this week and the assemblage was mostly diatoms. Thalassiosira and Chaetoceros (most w/epiphytes) were the most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia were seriata size, but probed counts were both 0.
P: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Gymnodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Ceratium
R: Heterocapsa
R: Lingulodinium
R: Kofoidinium???
C: Thalassiosira
C: Chaetoceros
P: Asteromphalus
P: Eucampia
P: Skeletonema
P: Fragilariopsis
P: Navicula
P: Nitzschia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Entomoneis
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Detonula
R: Guinardia
R: Thalassionema
R: Ditylum
R: Tropidoneis
C: Unknown flagellate
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:30 am
Collector: P. Daniel
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.6 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Blue/green, 10BG 2/6 (#14)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 6:20, -1.9 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 1-2 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 4.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 57.2 F (14.0 C)
Wind: 5.0 mph, E
Solar radiation: 422 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 15, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
-- ----- --------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
It was clear and warm at the wharf this morning. Thalassiosira are abundant, but Chaetoceros are still common in the sample. Chlorophyll increased a bit, and visibility remained about the same as last week.
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Boreadinium cf
C: Chaetoceros spp.
A: Thalassiosira spp.
P: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
C: Skeletonema spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
P: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Detonlula spp.
R: Eucampia
R: Entomoneis
R: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinnids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0842 PT
COLLECTOR: Jasmine Ruiz
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 2.532 mg/m^3; whole water: 6.045 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 12.3°C
Water Conditions: 5G 2/6, calm
Visibility: 5m
Tide: Rising, -0.11 m, high at 1313h
Sky: clear, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 12.5°C
Wind: N, 2.91 m/s
Week of Monday, June 6 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ----------------------------------------------- ------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
A beautiful sunny morning at the wharf. Phytoplankton biomass decreased this week and shifted to be mostly diatoms. Thalassiosira was the most abundant and those unknown flagellates were still around. Pseudo-nitzschia were seriata size (only 2 chains).
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Gonyaulax
R: Lingulodinium
R: Unknown pennate
C: Thalassiosira
C: Chaetoceros
R: Asteromphalus
R: Eucampia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Nitzschia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Entomoneis
C: Unknown flagellate
R: Dictyocha
R: Cluster flagellate
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.7 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Blue/green, 10G 3/6 (#32)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 11:58, 0.7 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 3.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.3 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 59.4 F (15.2 C)
Wind: None
Solar radiation: 508 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
--- ----- -----------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
It was breezy with clear skies this morning at the wharf. Chaetoceros is still dominating the sample, but the bloom appears to be winding down. Chlorophyll has decreased significantly from last week, and visibility has increased.
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Lingulodinium polyedrum
R: Boreadinium cf
A: Chaetoceros spp.
C: Thalassiosira spp.
P: Coscinodiscus spp.
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
P: Skeletonema spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
P: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Detonlula spp.
R: Eucampia
R: Entomoneis
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0805 PT
COLLECTOR: Jasmine Ruiz
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 1.177 mg/m^3; whole water: 6.025 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 16.28°C
Water Conditions: 5G 2/6, calm
Visibility: 4.9m
Tide: Falling, 0.79 m, low at 1156h
Sky: clear, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 15.0°C
Wind: ENE, 0.89 m/s |
Week of Monday, May 30 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ---------------------- ------ -------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Marine layer burning off this am at the wharf. Bait ball hanging around under the wharf, but was not in the sampling area. Phytoplankton biomass was about the same as last week with an even mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates, but an unknown flagellate was the most abundant phyto this week.
P: Dinophysis
P: Ceratium
P: Heterocapsa
R: Protoperidinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Boreadinium
C: Thalassiosira
P: Asteromphalus
R: Eucampia
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Skeletonema
R: Guinardia
R: Chaetoceros
R: Lauderia
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Entomoneis
A: Unknown flagellate
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 7:30 am
Collector: P. Daniel
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.6 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Blue/green, 10BG 2/6 (#14)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Low – 6:56, -0.6 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.6 ft, SW
- Wind wave height/direction: 4.6 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 58.6 F (14.8 C)
Wind: 3.9 mph, S
Solar radiation: 213 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
-- --- --------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
At the wharf today the sky was half cloudy, half clear, and a bit chilly. Phytoplankton biomass increased this week, with a big bloom of chaetoceros. Chlorophyll has increased significantly from last week, and visibility has decreased.
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Cochlodinium spp.
R: Lingulodinium polyedrum
R: Boreadinium cf
A: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Corethron spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Detonlula spp.
P: Eucampia
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: foraminifera
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0950 PT
COLLECTOR: Jasmine Ruiz
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 7.669 mg/m^3; whole water: 17.097 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 14.39°C
Water Conditions: 5GY 2/2, calm
Visibility: 3.5m
Tide: Rising; high @ 14:18h
Sky: overcast, 50% cloud
Air Temperature: 12.2°C
Wind: N, 7.5 m/S
Week of Monday, May 23 |
Qare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ -- ---- --------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Common
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and cool at the wharf this morning. Phytoplankton biomass was similar to last week, but the large cell (diat/dino) biomass decreased this week. Assemblage remains an even mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates with Eucampia being the most abundant. Pn were seriata size and Alexandrium showed up in the probed counts this week.
C: Dinophysis
C: Prorocentrum
R: Protoperidinium
R: Ceratium
R: Boreadinium
A: Eucampia
R: Ditylum
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Skeletonema
R: Guinardia
R: Chaetoceros
R: Asteromphalus
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Tropidoneis
R: Coscinodiscus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:10 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.0 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Blue/green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: High – 7:45, 3.8 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 58.6 F (14.8 C)
Wind: 3.9 mph, S
Solar radiation: 213 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
-- --- -------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
It was much warmer on the wharf this morning. Eucampia are still dominating the community this week, but the bloom appears to be ending. Chlorophyll has decreased significantly and visibility has increased significantly from last week.
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Boreadinium cf
C: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
C: Detonlula spp.
A: Eucampia
R: Entomoneis
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0933 PT
COLLECTOR: Jasmine Ruiz
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 0.288mg/m^3; whole water: 2.146 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 13.7°C
Water Conditions: 10GY 3/4, calm
Visibility: 5.5m
Tide: Falling 3.15 m, low at 1345h
Sky: clear, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 16.7°C
Wind: NNW, 1 - 1.5 m/S
Week of Monday, May 16 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ -- ---- ----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Common
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
A beautiful sunny morning at the wharf. Water temp increased almost 4C from last week. Phytoplankton biomass increased this week and the assemblage shifted to be more of an even mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates. Eucampia and Dinophysis were the most abundant genera this week.
C: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Ceratium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Polykrikos
R: Boreadinium
C: Eucampia
P: Detonula
R: Ditylum
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Skeletonema
R: Guinardia
R: Chaetoceros
R: Asteromphalus
R: Lauderia
R: Tropidoneis
P: Tiny cells (<5m)
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:10 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.5 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Blue/green, 10BG 3/6 (#2)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 7:24, -1.6 ft
Surf Report: S/SSW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 10.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 9.2 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 5.2 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 52.3 F (11.3 C)
Wind: 1 mph, NW
Solar radiation: 316 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Friday, May 20, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
-- --- -------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
It was still a bit chilly on the wharf this morning with a slight breeze. Eucampia is still dominating the community this week, making all other organisms present seem rare. Chlorophyll has decreased from last week, and visibility has increased.
R: Prorocentrum micans
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Ceratium furca
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Amylax
R: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Melosira spp.
R: Corethron spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
P: Detonula spp.
A: Eucampia
R: Dictyocha spp.
P: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 09:39 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 2.649 mg/m^3; whole water: 15.521 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 13.1°C
Water Conditions: 5GY 3/4, slight surge
Visibility: 3.5m
Tide: Rising/slack, -0.35 m, high at 1640h
Sky: clear, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 12.2°C
Wind: NNW, 4-4.5 m/S
Week of Monday, May 9 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ ---- ---- ------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Common
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Another sunny and cool morning at the wharf. Water temperature dropped 2C this week. Phytoplankton biomass decreased this week and the assemblage shifted to mostly diatoms (very few dinos observed). The tiny cells are still around in high numbers, but Guinardia was the most abundant of the dinos and diatoms. Pseudo-nitzschia were seriata size and chains were all short (2-3 cells).
R: Dinophysis
R: Heterocapsa
C: Guinardia
C: Eucampia
C: Thalassiosira
C: Skeletonema
P: Ditylum
P: Rhizosolenia
P: Detonula
P: Paralia
P: Fragilariopsis
R: Thalassionema
R: Chaetoceros
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Asteromphalus
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Lauderia
R: Licmophora
R: Pleurosigma
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Tropidoneis
C: Tiny cells (<5m)
* Environmental Information *
Time: 7:10 am
Collector: P. Daniel
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 9.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 2/4 (#30)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: High – 7:11, 3.9 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.9 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 6.2 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 45.1 F (7.3 C)
Wind: 6 mph, W
Solar radiation: 50 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
--- -------- -----------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
Today was chilly at the wharf but the water was comparatively warm (11.7 C air vs. 14.5 C water). Eucampia veritably dominated the sample. Chlorophyll has increased drastically this week while visibility has decreased (3m), reflecting the blooming diatom.
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Ceratium lineatum
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Melosira spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R Asteromphalus spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Detonlula spp.
A: Eucampia
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0945 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 3.897 mg/m^3; whole water: 18.957 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 14.5°C
Water Conditions: 5Y 3/4, calm
Visibility: 3m
Tide: Falling, 0.90m, low at 1544h
Sky: clear, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 11.7°C
Wind: NNW, 2.9 - 3 m/S
Week of Monday, May 2 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ ---- -------- -------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Common
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Sunny and cool at the wharf this morning. This week’s net tow was a little different, the sample was mostly tiny cells (< 5um, round-ish and oblong) and the next most abundant thing was Mesodinium. If we overlook those 2 groups, the (large cell) phytoplankton biomass decreased and the assemblage shifted to mostly dinoflagellates. Dinophysis were the most abundant of the dinos and diatoms.
C: Ceratium
C: Dinophysis
C: Protoperidinium
P: Heterocapsa
R: Gymnodinium
R: Noctiluca
R: Polykrikos
R: Prorocentrum
R: Margalefidinium
P: Eucampia
P: Guinardia
P: Ditylum
P: Rhizosolenia
P: Detonula
P: Thalassionema
P: Leptocylindrus
R: Thalassiosira
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Asteromphalus
R: Proboscia
A: Tiny cells (<5m)
C: Mesodinium
* Environmental Information *
Time: 7:05 am
Collector: P. Daniel
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.0 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Blue-green, 5BG 2/6 (#15)
Water Visibility: 8 ft
Tide: Falling - Low – 7:56, -0.3 ft
Surf Report: SW & WNW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 9.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 8.2 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.6 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 49.6 F (9.8 C)
Wind: 6 mph, WNW
Solar radiation: 37 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
---- ------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
Clear sunny skies yielded a diverse (and slightly sparse) assortment of plankton in today’s sample. Chlorophyll is down from last week and visibility is up (~6m), reflecting the low biomass. Eucampia was the most abundant species in the sample, followed by Ditylum and Guinardia.
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Ceratium furca
P: Ceratium lineatum
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Cochlodinium spp.
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Heterocapsa triquetra
P: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
C: Ditylum spp.
C: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Melosira spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Bacillaria spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Odontella spp.
P: Asteromphalus spp.
P: Asterionellopsis spp.
A: Eucampia
P: Detonula
R: Actinoptychus
P: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 1016 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 0.366 g/m^3; whole water: 4.299 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 13.7 °C
Water Conditions: 10GY 3/4, calm
Visibility: >5, ~6 m
Tide: Rising, 0.24 m, high at 1526h
Sky: clear, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 13.3°C
Wind: NNW, 2.-2.5 m/S
Week of Monday, April 25 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ --- ------------- --------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Another sunny and cool morning at the wharf, a little earlier than usual this week. There was a decrease in phytoplankton biomass this week, but the assemblage remained mostly diatoms. Thalassiosira was the most abundant genus this week. Pseudo-nitzschia were seriata size and no P. australis or P. multiseries were seen in the counts.
P: Gymnodinium
R: Ceratium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Noctiluca
R: Heterocapsa
R: Dinophysis
R: Boreadinium
A: Thalassiosira
C: Eucampia
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Hemiaulus
P: Skeletonema
R: Chaetoceros
R: Guinardia
R: Ditylum
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Detonula
R: Thalassionema
R: Tropidoneis
R: Entomoneis
R: Asteromphalus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 7:30 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.3 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Blue-green, 10G 2/6 (#12)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising - High – 8:54, 4.4 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 10.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 8.5 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 6.2 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 45.9 F (7.7 C)
Wind: 5 mph, WNW
Solar radiation: 70 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
---- ------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
Diatoms were the dominant group at the wharf this week, despite the overcast sky during sampling (~50% cover). Chlorophyll has increased slightly from last week, with Chaetoceros taking over as the most abundant organism, followed by Pseudo-nitzschia (seriata class size), Eucampia, Lauderia, and Ditylum.
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Ceratium furca
P: Ceratium lineatum
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
P: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Noctiluca spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
P: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Amylax
R: Oxyphysis
A: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
C: Ditylum spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
P: Thalassionema spp.
P: Melosira spp.
R: Hemiaulus spp.
P: Tropidoneis spp.
C: Lauderia spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
P: Odontella spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
P: Leptocylindrus spp.
P: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
C: Eucampia
R: Actinoptychus
C: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
P: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 10:11 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 1.827 mg/m^3; whole water: 5.121 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 13.7°C
Water Conditions: 10GY 3/4, slight surge
Visibility: 5m
Tide: Falling, 1.2 m, low at 1509h
Sky: overcast, 50% cloud
Air Temperature: 11.1°C
Wind: WNW, 5.5-6 m/S
Week of Monday, April 18 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ ------------- ---------------- -----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Abundant
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and cool at the wharf, fog bank over the water. Net tow was similar to last week - mostly diatoms, mostly Pseudo-nitzschia (seriata size). Another increase in P. multiseries counts (mostly due to the 60 cell chain), but the toxic species were still less than 25% of the overall Pn assemblage.
P: Ceratium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Dinophysis
R: Boreadinium
A: Pseudo-nitzschia
C: Chaetoceros
C: Eucampia
P: Thalassiosira
P: Guinardia
P: Ditylum
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Skeletonema
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Hemiaulus
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Proboscia
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Detonula
R: Thalassionema
R: Tropidoneis
R: Entomoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.8 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 5/6 (#11)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Low – 8:31, -0.9 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.6 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, W
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny, fog clearing
Air Temperature: 52.9 F (11.6 C)
Wind: 3 mph, N
Solar radiation: 415 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
- ---------------------------- --------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Abundant
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
Similar to last week, sampling occurred after overnight rains – possibly contributing to slightly increased visibility (~6m). Chlorophyll has not significantly changed this week, and Pseudo-nitzschia (seriata class size) remains the most abundant organism. Skeletonema, Ditylum, Eucampia, and Thalassiosira were common.
R: Prorocentrum micans
R Dinophysis acuminata
R: Ceratium lineatum
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Noctiluca spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
P: Boreadinium cf
R: Ceratium divarcatum
P: Chaetoceros spp.
C: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
A: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
C: Ditylum spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
P: Rhizosolenia spp.
P: Thalassiothrix spp.
P: Thalassionema spp.
C: Skeletonema spp.
R: Corethron spp.
R: Hemiaulus spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
C: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
C: Eucampia
R: Dictyocha spp.
P: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
P: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 1022 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 1.433 mg/m^3; whole water: 2.471 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 12.6°C
Water Conditions: 5GY 3/4, calm
Visibility: ~6m
Tide: Rising, 0.06m, high at 1528h
Sky: clear, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 15.0°C
Wind: NNE, 2.9 – 3 m/S
Week of Monday, April 11 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------- ---------------- ------------ ----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Cold and sunny (with clouds) at the wharf this am. Water temp dropped 2C this week! Phytoplankton biomass decreased this week along with the dinoflagellates. Pseudo-nitzschia (seriata size) were the most abundant again this week. P. multiseries counts tripled this week, but were still less than 25% of the Pn assemblage.
R: Ceratium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Dinophysis
C: Pseudo-nitzschia
C: Chaetoceros
P: Thalassiosira
P: Guinardia
P: Asterionellopsis
P: Eucampia
R: Skeletonema
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Ditylum
R: Pleurosigma
R: Hemiaulus
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Lithodesmium
R: Odontella
R: Entomoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 10.5 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/blue, 5BG 2/6 (#15)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: High – 8:39, 4.6 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.2 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny w/clouds
Air Temperature: 48.4 F (9.1 C)
Wind: 2mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 463 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, April 4 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------- ------------ ---- ----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Sunny and warm this am with a bait ball and lots of CSL activity in the sampling area. Slight decrease in phytoplankton biomass this week with an increase in dinoflagellates. Pseudo-nitzschia were the most abundant and the Pn cells were seriata size. No P. australis in the counts this week and P. multiseries decreased by an order of magnitude – the 2 species made up about 20% of the Pn assemblage.
P: Ceratium
P: Protoperidinium
P: Dinophysis
R: Prorocentrum
R: Boreadinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Margalefidinium
C: Pseudo-nitzschia
C: Thalassiosira
C: Chaetoceros
P: Guinardia
P: Lauderia
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Eucampia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Proboscia
R: Ditylum
R: Pleurosigma
R: Hemiaulus
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Lithodesmium
R: Odontella
R: Thalassionema
R: Entomoneis
R: Tropidoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: Low – 9:19, 0.3 ft
Surf Report: WNW-NW swell, 5-7 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 11.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 10.8 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.0 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 55.4 F (13 C)
Wind: None
Solar radiation: 361 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
---- ----- ---------------d---
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
The water was a dark yellow-green today with low visibility. Chlorophyll is down from last week. Chaetoceros still appears to be the most abundant organism, followed by Pseudo-nitzschia, Guinardia, Eucampia, and Protoperidinium.
R: Prorocentrum micans
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
R: Ceratium furca
C: Ceratium lineatum
P: Gonyaulax spinifera
C: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Pyrocystis lunula
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Gymnodinium cf (colorless, lady bug shape)
R: Boreadinium cf
C: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
P: Ditylum spp.
C: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
P: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Melosira spp.
R: Corethron spp.
P: Hemiaulus spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
C: Eucampia
P: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
P: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinnids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0904 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 1.003 mg/m^3; whole water: 9.116 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 13.4°C
Water Conditions: 10Y 3/4, calm
Visibility: 3.25m
Tide: Falling/slack, 0.09 m, low at 0925h
Sky: clear, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 15.0°C
Wind: NNW, 3.13 m/S
Week of Monday, March 28 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ ---- ---- ------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Overcast and cool this am at the wharf, but the pigeon guillemots have arrived, so its officially spring! The bait ball is still around (lots of poop in the net tow), but fish were not directly in the sampling area. Phytoplankton biomass increased and the assemblage remains mostly diatoms. Thalassiosira was the most abundant this week. Pseudo-nitzschia were seriata size (single cells and chains) and cell counts increased – both P. australis and P. multiseries were observed.
P: Ceratium
P: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Prorocentrum
R: Boreadinium
R: Pyrocystis
C: Thalassiosira
C: Chaetoceros
P: Guinardia
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Lauderia
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Eucampia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Proboscia
R: Ditylum
R: Pleurosigma
R: Hemiaulus
R: Asteromphalus
R: Lithodesmium
R: Entomoneis
R: Licmophora
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.2 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 10Y 3/4 (#20)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: High – 9:50, 5.3 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.9 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast
Air Temperature: 51.8 F (11 C)
Wind: 2 mph, SSW
Solar radiation: 169 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
-- -- -------------d----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Rare
Today was overcast (100% cloud cover) but that wasn’t stopping any of the phytoplankton at the wharf. The net sample was full of Chaetoceros, Ceratium, Guinardia, and Phaeocystis.
R: Akashiwo sanguinae
R: Prorocentrum micans
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
P: Ceratium furca
R: Ceratium azicorum
C: Ceratium lineatum
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
C: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Lingulodinium polyedrum
R: Boreadinium cf
A: Chaetoceros spp.
C: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
C: Ditylum spp.
C: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Melosira spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
P: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
P: Eucampia
R: Dictyocha spp.
C: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
C: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 1012 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 3.480 mg/m^3; whole water: 34.173 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 12.50°C
Water Conditions: 5Y 2/2, calm
Visibility: 2.5m
Tide: Falling, 1.5 m, low at 1624h
Sky: overcast, 100% cloud
Air Temperature: 11.11°C
Wind: WNW, 3.6 m/S
Week of Monday, March 21 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ ---- -------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Cool and foggy at the wharf this am. Bait ball was hanging out around the wharf, but not directly in the sampling area. Phytoplankton biomass decreased this week, but the overall assemblage was similar to last week. Chaetoceros was the most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia were seriata size, cell concentrations dropped by orders of magnitude, and only P. multiseries were seen in the counts this week.
P: Ceratium
P: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
C: Chaetoceros
C: Asterionellopsis
P: Eucampia
P: Guinardia
P: Thalassiosira
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Lauderia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Proboscia
R: Ditylum
R: Nitzschia
R: Hemiaulus
R: Fragilariopsis
R: Lithodesmium
R: Entomoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:10 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.1 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/blue, 10G 3/6 (#32)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: Low – 9:54, 0.0 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.6 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.9 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 49.5 F (9.7 C)
Wind: 2 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 215 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, March 14 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------- ------------------------- ---------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Another sunny and cool morning at the wharf. A pretty decent swell was rolling in and the visibility was noticeably low. Phytoplankton biomass increased this week and it finally looks like spring. The assemblage was mostly diatoms and Chaetoceros was the most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia were seriata size and P. australis and P. multiseries were in the counts this week.
R: Ceratium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Boreadinium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Asterionellopsis
C: Eucampia
C: Guinardia
P: Thalassiosira
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Lauderia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Proboscia
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Asteromphalus
R: Ditylum
R: Thalassiothrix
R: Hemiaulus
R: Licmophora
R: Lithodesmium
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:15 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.3 C
Water Conditions: Large swell
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 5/6 (#27)
Water Visibility: 2 ft
Tide: High – 9:44, 5.3 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 6-10 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 13.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 12.8 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 4.6 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 50.9 F (10.5 C)
Wind: 3 mph, N
Solar radiation: 316 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
- -- ---- ---------d----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
Chlorophyll is up from last week, reflecting the bloom of diatoms at the
wharf this week. Chaetoceros dominated the sample, followed by Thalassiosira, Guinardia, Asterionellopsis and Pseudo-nitzschia.
R: Prorocentrum micans
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Ceratium furca
P: Ceratium lineatum
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Boreadinium cf
A: Chaetoceros spp.
C: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
P: Ditylum spp.
C: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Melosira spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
P: Odontella spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
C: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Bacteriastrum spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
C: Eucampia
R: Dictyocha spp.
P: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinnids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0954 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 2.799 mg/m^3; whole water: 4.337 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 12.6°C
Water Conditions: 5GY 3/4, calm
Visibility: 5m
Week of Monday, March 7 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- --------------------------- ---- --------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Sunny and cool at the wharf this morning with lots of wildlife activity – birds, sea lions, harbor seals hanging out in/around the bait ball. Phytoplankton biomass and diversity increased from last week. Phytoplankton assemblage was mostly diatoms and Eucampia was the most abundant. There were also quite a few flagellates (2 sizes). Saw 1 Margalefidinium cell and Pseudo-nitzschia were seriata size and based on the counts, probably mostly P. australis.
R: Ceratium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Margalefidinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Boreadinium
C: Eucampia
C: Leptocylindrus
C: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
P: Lauderia
P: Skeletonema
R: Thalassionema
R: Guinardia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Detonula
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Entomoneis
R: Proboscia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Odontella
R: Ditylum
R: Melosira
C: Lg flagellate (10um)
P: Sm flagellate? (2um)
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:10 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.2 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Blue/green, 10G 3/6 (#32)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 10:25, 0.8 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 8.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.6 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 7.2 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 50.5 F (10.3 C)
Wind: 3 mph, E
Solar radiation: 447 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
- -- ----- ----d--------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Present
A thick marine layer was hanging over the wharf while sampling this morning, and the water was a blue/green (10GY 3/4) with relatively high visibility (~7m). Dinoflagellates have taken over as the most dominant group in the community this week, with Ceratium (and ciliates - Tintinnids) being the most abundant.
P: Akashiwo sanguinae
P: Prorocentrum micans
R: Prorocentrum cf lima
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
R: Ceratium furca
A: Ceratium lineatum
R: Ceratium fusus
C: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Alexandrium spp.
P: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Ceratium divarcatum
R: Heterocapsa triquetra
R: Oxyphysis spp.
R: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: foraminifera
R: Myrionecta spp
R: oblong to spherical flagellate with brown inclusion bodies (7-15 um)
A: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinnids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0945 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): sample archived
Chlorophyll: net: 0.099 mg/m^3; whole water: 0.843 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 12.7°C
Water Conditions: 10GY 3/4, calm
Visibility: >>5m, ~7m
Tide: Falling/slack, 0.21m, low at 1027h
Sky: foggy/marine layer, 50% cloud
Air Temperature: 12.8°C
Wind: NNW, 2.7 m/S
Week of Monday, February 28 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 2, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------- ---- ------- ------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Another sunny morning at the wharf. Net tow was mostly detritus/debris with a dramatic decrease in phytoplankton biomass. Assemblage remains mostly diatoms and Chaetoceros was the most abundant this week. Pseudo-nitzschia (1 x 3cell chain) was seriata size.
R: Ceratium
R: Gymnodinium
A: Chaetoceros
P: Thalassiosira
P: Thalassionema
P: Guinardia
P: Lauderia
P: Leptocylindrus
P: Skeletonema
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Licmophora
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.9 C
Water Conditions: Swell
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 10Y 3/4 (#20)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: High – 9:43, 6.1 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 6-10 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 9.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 9.5 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 54.5 F (12.5 C)
Wind: 1.7 mph, WSW
Solar radiation: 224 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 2, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
- ----- --- -d----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
Today was another relatively warm, sunny day out on the wharf. Chlorophyll has increased from last week, with Chaetoceros continuing to dominate the sample. Eucampia and Thalassiosira were also common.
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Ceratium furca
R: Ceratium lineatum
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
A: Chaetoceros spp.
C: Thalassiosira spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
P: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
P: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Stephanopyxis spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
C: Eucampia
P: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0930 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 3.611 mg/m^3; whole water: 10.161 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 12.2°C
Water Conditions: 5Y 2/2, calm
Visibility: 4m
Tide: Rising/slack, 1.75m, high at 0944h
Sky: overcast, 50% cloud
Air Temperature: 12.5°C
Wind: NNW, 2.24 m/S |
Week of Monday, February 21 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------- ---- ------- ------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Cold and sunny at the wharf this morning. Net tow was similar to last week, mostly detritus debris and low phytoplankton biomass. The assemblage was mostly diatoms and diatom diversity remained high. Chaetoceros was the most abundant genus this week. Pseduo-nitzschia were both seriata and delicatissima size. Saw one lone Alexandrium cell in the petri dish.
R: Akashiwo
R: Ceratium
R: Alexandrium
R: Protoperidinium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
C: Thalassionema
P: Guinardia
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Detonula
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Eucampia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Paralia
R: Navicula
R: Asteromphalus
R: Entomoneis
R: Tropidoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:00 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 10.5 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Blue green, 10G 2/6 (#12)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 10:37, 0.6 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 8.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 7.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.9 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 41.5 F (5.3 C)
Wind: 5 mph, W
Solar radiation: 189 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
- ----- --- -d----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
The air was chilly but the lack of a breeze coupled with the clear sky made it feel quite warm out on the wharf. Chlorophyll is up from last week, and diatoms continue to be the dominant group. Chaetoceros was the most abundant organism in the sample, followed by Guinardia and Thalassiosira.
R: Prorocentrum cf lima
R: Ceratium furca
R: Ceratium azicorum
P: Ceratium lineatum
R: Protoperidinium spp.
A: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Bacillaria spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Stephanopyxis spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
C: Eucampia
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: foraminifera
P: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 10:08 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 0.929 mg/m^3; whole water: 3.994 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 12.4° C
Water Conditions: 5GY 2/4, calm
Visibility: 4.75m
Tide: Falling/slack, 0.09m, low at 1027h
Sky: clear, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 7.8° C
Wind: ESE, 2.7m/S
Week of Monday, February 14 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------- ---- ------- -----------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and cool at the wharf this am with a bait ball in the sampling area. Net tow was mostly detritus/debris, again. But there was an increase in phytoplankton biomass and the assemblage remains mostly diatoms (lots of diversity). Thalassionema and Chaetoceros were the most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia were both seriata and delicatissima size.
R: Akashiwo
R: Gymnodinium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Protoperidinium
C: Thalassionema
C: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
P: Detonula
P: Guinardia
R: Skeletonema
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Eucampia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Paralia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Nitzschia
R: Actinoptychus
R: Odontella
R: Asteromphalus
R: Entomoneis
R :Corethron
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.0 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/blue, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: High – 9:37, 5.8 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 10.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 8.5 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 5.2 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 51.3 F (10.7 C)
Wind: 5 mph, N
Solar radiation: 322 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
- ----- --- -d----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Present
Today’s sample occurred at nearly high tide, with a high amount of sediments stirred up in the water column. Chlorophyll is down from last week, but diversity within the sample remains high. Chaetoceros, Thalassiosira, and Guinardia were the most present diatoms in the community. Tintinnids were the ‘other’ most present organism within the sample.
P: Akashiwo sanguinae
R: Prorocentrum micans
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Ceratium furca
P: Ceratium lineatum
P: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Alexandrium spp.
R: Noctiluca spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Polykrikos spp.
P: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
P: Eucampia
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: foraminifera
R: Myrionecta spp
P: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0908PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): none taken
Chlorophyll: net: 0.350 mg/m^3; whole water: 1.637 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 13.11°C
Water Conditions: 5GY 2/4, slight surge
Visibility: 5.75m
Tide: Rising/slack, 1.71m, high at 0940h
Sky: sunny, 10% cloud
Air Temperature: 12.22°C
Wind: ESE, 1.34 m/S
Week of Monday, February 7 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------- ------- ------------------- ----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny morning at the wharf. Net tow was mostly detritus/debris with low phytoplankton biomass. Assemblage was mostly diatoms and Chaetoceros was the most abundant this week. Pseudo-nitzschia were mostly delicatissima size.
R: Akashiwo
R: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
P: Thalassionema
P: Skeletonema
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Paralia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Cylindrotheca
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.2 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 5/6 (#27)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 12:28, 5.0 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 4-6 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.6 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.0 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 57.4 F (14.1 C)
Wind: 2 mph, NNW
Solar radiation: 297 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
- ----- --- -d----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Rare
It was warm and sunny out, and the Chaetoceros at the wharf was taking full advantage. Chlorophyll in the net was down from last week, but the Chaetoceros still dominated the sample. Plenty of diversity among diatoms, with the other major players including Pseudo-nitzschia and Thalassiosira.
R: Akashiwo sanguinae
R: Prorocentrum micans
R: Ceratium furca
P: Ceratium lineatum
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
A: Chaetoceros spp.
C: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
P: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
P: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Eucampia spp.
R: Dictyocha spp.
P: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C)
: 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0930 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 0.670 mg/m^3; whole water: 2.444 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 13.3 °C
Water Conditions: 5GY 3/4, slight surge
Visibility: >>5m; ~7m
Tide: Falling, 0.61m, high at 1232h
Sky: clear, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 15.0 °C
Wind: SSE, 4 m/S
Week of Monday, January 31 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 2, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------- ------------------- ----------- ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and very windy at the wharf this am. Net tow was similar to last week, lots of detritus/debris, low phytoplankton biomass and diversity (1 cell = Rare, 2 cell = Present). Assemblage was mostly diatoms and Skeletonema remains the most abundant.
P: Gymnodinium
R: Protoperidinium
C: Skeletonema
C: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
P: Rhizosolenia
P: Proboscia
P: Thalassionema
R: Pleurosigma
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.0 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/blue, 10G 2/6 (#12)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 10:38, 6.4 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 12.8 ft
- Swell height/direction: 10.8 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 6.9 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 56.7 F (13.7 C)
Wind: 15 mph, W
Solar radiation: 283 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
- ----- --- -d----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Rare
R: Akashiwo sanguinae
R: Prorocentrum micans
R: Dinophysis acuminata
P: Ceratium furca
C: Ceratium lineatum
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Oxytoxum spp.
R: Protoceratium spp.
A: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
P: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
P: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Eucampia spp.
R: Dictyocha spp.
P: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
R: Myrionecta spp
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 1137 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 0.861 mg/m^3; whole water: 4.138 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 13.72°C
Water Conditions: 5GY 3/4, slight surge
Visibility: 5m
Tide: Falling, 1.65m, high at 0947h
Sky: clear, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 11.11°C
Wind: SSW, 2.91m/S
Week of Monday, January 24 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------- ----------- ------- -----
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Beautiful sunny morning at the wharf. Net tow was mostly detritus/debris. Phytoplankton biomass increased this week, but overall it remains low. Phytoplankton assemblage was mostly diatoms and mostly Skeletonema. Pseudo-nitzschia were seriata-size.
P: Ceratium
R: Akashiwo
R: Gymnodinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Protoperidinium
A: Skeletonema
C: Chaetoceros
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Licmophora
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:30 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.6 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 12:12, 0.6 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 5-8 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.9 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.6 ft, E
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 50.9 F (10.5 C)
Wind: 2 mph, N
Solar radiation: 326 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
- ----- --- -d----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Rare
Today was chilly despite the full sun on the wharf, with high visibility (~7m) waters. The sample was sparse yet diverse this week, with Chaetoceros and Ceratium dominating the community.
R: Akashiwo sanguinae
R: Prorocentrum cf lima
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
P: Ceratium furca
C: Ceratium lineatum
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Alexandrium spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Lingulodinium polyedrum
R: Gymnodinium cf (lime green/yellow)
R: Heterocapsa triquetra
C: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Eucampia
P: Dictyocha spp.
R: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 1027 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): none taken
Chlorophyll: net: 0.461 mg/m^3; whole water: 1.570 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 14.0° C
Water Conditions: 10GY 3/4, slight surge
Visibility: >5 m; [~7m]
Tide: Falling, 0.30 m, low at 1206h
Sky: Sunny, clear
Air Temperature: 13.89° C
Wind: SSE, 1 m/S |
Week of Monday, January 17 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ --- ----- ---------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Fog bank hanging out over the wharf this am. Net tow was pretty sparse today, not much of anything in the water, cells or debris. Phytoplankton biomass was low (1cell = Present) and cells were mostly diatoms. Chaetoceros was the most abundant.
P: Akashiwo
P: Gymnodinium
P: Gyrodinium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Skeletonema
C: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Thalassiosira
P: Detonula
P: Corethron
P: Coscinodiscus
P: Pleurosigma
P: Entomoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:10 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.0 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green blue, 10G 2/6 (#12)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 10:23, 5.8 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.2 ft, W
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 45.7 F (7.6 C)
Wind: 2 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 80 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
---------------------- --- --- -d---------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Rare
* Impressions *
The water at MWII looked like pool water today: Water color was #32 – a vivid blue-green – and water visibility remains high (>10ft, as we’ve seen it since early December). Water temperature also continues to hold steady (13.5C). Conditions were sunny and breezy; water was calm. The net was quick to drain, no odor. The net tow was sparse (low biomass) and contained mostly a smattering of diatoms.
P: Ceratium
R: Gonyaulax
R: Dinophysis
R: Akashiwo
R: Protoperidinium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Detonula
P: Actinoptychus
P: Coscinodiscus
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Rhizosolenia
P: Thalassiosira
P: Thalassionema
R: Corethron
R: Eucampia
R: Guinardia
R: Navicula
R: Proboscia
R: Radiolarian
R: Cysts
* Environmental Information *
Time: 14:15
Collector: Jacox
METHOD: (net/whole water): net (20mm)
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 13.5 C
Water Salinity: 35 ppt
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Country Squire (#32) – but need to reprint color chart
Water Visibility: >10 ft
Tide: Ebb until Low (-0.63 ft) at 17:56
NDBC buoy 46042
Significant wave height: 6.6 ft
Swell height/direction: 5.9 ft, W
Wind wave height/direction: 3.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KCAMONTE 115)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 54.8 F (12.7 C)
Wind: 4.7 mph, N
Solar radiation: 350 watts/m2
Week of Monday, January 10 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ -- -------- ---------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and cool at the wharf this am with a large swell rolling in. Net tow was similar to last week with low phytoplankton biomass and lots of detritus/debris. Diatoms were the most abundant (only saw 2 dinoflagellate cells in the dish today). Chaetoceros and Thalassiosira were the most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia abundance increased, all seriata-size and counted some P. multiseries this week.
R: Ceratium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
C: Guinardia
P: Skeletonema
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Detonula
P: Dactyliosolen
R: Thalassiothrix
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Eucampia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:20 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.3 C
Water Conditions: Large swell
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 6:11, 5.5 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 6-10 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 9.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 9.2 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.0 ft, E
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 48.2 F (9.0 C)
Wind: 5.3 mph, NW
Solar radiation: 139 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
- --- --- -d-------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
Today was sunny and clear on the wharf. Similar to last week, there were still lots of suspended sediments in the sample and no major changes to the community or chlorophyll. Thalassiosira, Lauderia, and Chaetoceros dominated the sample.
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Ceratium lineatum
R: Protoperidinium spp.
C: Chaetoceros spp.
C: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Corethron spp.
C: Lauderia spp.
P: Navicula spp.
P: Cylindrotheca spp.
P: Bacillaria spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Eucampia spp.
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%;
Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 1024 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): none taken
Chlorophyll: net: 0.430 mg/m^3; whole water: 0.430 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 13.6° C
Water Conditions: 10Y 3/4, slight surge
Visibility: 5.25 m
Tide: Falling, 1.07 m, low at 1355h
Sky: Sunny, clear
Air Temperature: 14.44° C
Wind: SSE, 0.89 m/S
Week of Monday, January 3 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 5, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ ---- --------- ----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Cool and foggy at the wharf this am. Net tow was mostly detritus/debris. Phytoplankton biomass was low and the assemblage was mostly diatoms. Chaetoceros was the most abundant.
P: Ceratium
R: Akashiwo
R: Protoperidinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Boreadinium
A: Chaetoceros
C: Skeletonema
C: Thalassiosira
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassionema
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:35 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.0 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 11:38, 6.2 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 5-7 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 9.8 ft
- Swell height/direction: 9.8 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 47.8 F (8.8 C)
Wind: 4.0 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 291 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 5, 2022
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
- -- -- d-------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: None
Today was sunny yet chilly out on the wharf due to a slight breeze. There were lots of suspended sediments in the water column, but the diatoms were still prolific. Between all the granules, my sample was dominated by Thalassiosira, Lauderia and Chaetoceros. Chlorophyll is up from last week, at 4.027 mg/m3.
R: Protoperidinium spp.
C: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Corethron spp.
R: Hemiaulus spp.
C: Lauderia spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Eucampia
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 1003 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): none taken
Chlorophyll: net: 0.578 mg/m^3; whole water: 4.027 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 13.4° C
Water Conditions: 5GY 3/4, slight surge
Visibility: 4.25m
Tide: Rising, 1.71m, high at 1133h
Sky: Sunny, 10% cloud cover
Air Temperature: 12.2° C
Wind: NNW, 3.13m/S
Week of Monday, December 20 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ ------ --------------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Overcast at the wharf this am, with rain overnight. Water was choppy with swell. Net tow again, was mostly detritus/debris with low phytoplankton biomass. Thalassiosira and Skeletonema were the most abundant this week.
R: Akashiwo
R: Dinophysis
R: Gymnodinium
C: Skeletonema
C: Thalassiosira
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Chaetoceros
R: Detonula
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Asteromphalus
R: Entomoneis
R: Pyramamonas
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.1 C
Water Conditions: Choppy w/swell
Water Color/Code: Green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 11:11, 5.4 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 8.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 6.9 ft, SW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast (rain overnight)
Air Temperature: 50.2 F (10.1 C)
Wind: 5.0 mph, W
Solar radiation: 25 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
-- d-------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Rare
Today was chilly and overcast (70% cover), with high visibility (~6.5m). I noticed some divers were taking advantage of conditions at my sample site. Chlorophyll is slightly higher from last week and there were less dinoflagellates, but there were otherwise no major changes to the community – sparse but mostly Ceratium and Chaetoceros again.
R: Akashiwo sanguinae
R: Prorocentrum spp.
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
P: Ceratium lineatum
R: Ceratium fusus
R: Scrippsiella spp.
P: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Hemiaulus spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Dactyliosolen spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
R: Eucampia spp.
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
R: Myrionecta spp
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 1005 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): none taken
Chlorophyll: net: 0.200 mg/m^3; whole water: 3.133 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 13.4 °C
Water Conditions: 10Y 2/4, slight surge
Visibility: >5m, [~6.5m]
Tide: Rising, 1.49m, high at 1113h
Sky: overcast, 70% cloud
Air Temperature: 16.1 °C
Wind: ESE, 2.24m/S
Week of Monday, December 13 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ------ ---------------------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Partly cloudy and cold this morning at the wharf – the tail end of the break in the rain. Water was choppy with a decent swell rolling through. Not surprising, the net tow was mostly detritus/debris with very little phytoplankton biomass. Assemblage shifted to mostly diatoms, with Chaetoceros and Skeletonema being most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia counts increased this week – both P. australis and P. multiseries.
R: Akashiwo
C: Chaetoceros
C: Skeletonema
C: Thalassiosira
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassionema
R: Guinardia
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Lithodesmium
R: Entomoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:10 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.6 C
Water Conditions: Choppy w/swell
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 5Y 3/4 (#21)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 7:32, 5.7 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 6-10 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 12.1 ft
- Swell height/direction: 12.1 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.6 ft, NE
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Partly cloudy
Air Temperature: 41.9 F (5.5 C)
Wind: 5.4 mph, W
Solar radiation: 144 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
------------------- d-------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Rare
It was chilly out today but warmed up quite a bit while I was out there. Plenty of suspended sediments in the water, which made some sense with the recent rains. In the same vein, there wasn’t a lot of biomasses within my sample, but chlorophyll is higher this week than last.
R: Akashiwo sanguinae
R: Prorocentrum micans
R: Prorocentrum gracile
R: Prorocentrum spp.
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
R: Ceratium furca
P: Ceratium lineatum
R: Ceratium fusus
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Alexandrium spp.
R: Oxyphysis spp.
P: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
P: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
R: Eucampia spp.
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0945 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): none taken
Chlorophyll: net: 0.313 mg/m^3; whole water: 2.889 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 13.2° C
Water Conditions: 10GY 3/4, slightly surgy
Visibility: 4m
Tide: Falling, 1.46m, high at 0734h
Sky: Sunny, 10% cloud
Air Temperature: 10.6° C
Wind: SSW, 2.24m/S
Week of Monday, December 6 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ----------------------------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Cloudy and cold morning at the wharf, with a ton of wildlife. Birds and mammals very active in and around the bait ball. Phytoplankton biomass was about the same as last week, but the assemblage shifted slightly with an increase in diatoms. Flagellates (Pyramamonas, clusterflagellates, and some unknowns) were the most abundant with Akashiwo as a distant second. Alexandrium counts decreased again this week. Pseudo-ntizschia were mostly delicatissima size, but the P. multiseries counts increased.
C: Akashiwo
R: Gymnodinium
R: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Polykrikos
C: Thalassiosira
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Thalassionema
R: Chaetoceros
R: Skeletonema
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Eucampia
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Detonula
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Asteromphalus
R: Nitzschia
R: Entomoneis
C: Flagellate – unknown (2 types)
P: Clusterflagellates
R: Pyramamonas
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:50 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.6 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 2/4 (#30)
Water Visibility: 9 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 6:56, 3.0 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.3 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.9 ft, W
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, NE
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Cloudy
Air Temperature: 52.0 F (11.1 C)
Wind: 1 mph, W
Solar radiation: 72 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Rare
Today was chilly and overcast, with blue, high visibility (~7m) waters, and low chlorophyll at 1.320 mg/m3. The net tow was quite sparse, with Pseudo-nitzschia, Coscinodiscus, and Ceratium present.
R: Akashiwo sanguinae
R: Prorocentrum micans
R: Prorocentrum cf lima
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
R: Ceratium furca
P: Ceratium lineatum
R: Ceratium fusus
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Alexandrium spp.
P: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R:Tropidoneis spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common
(C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 10:12 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): none taken
Chlorophyll: net: 0.067 mg/m^3; whole water: 1.320 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 13.89° C
Water Conditions: 10G 2/6, calm
Visibility: >>5 m; [>7m]
Tide: rising, 1.31 m, high at 1243h
Sky: overcast, 100% cloud cover
Air Temperature: 12.78° C
Wind: NNE, 0.89 m/S
Week of Monday, November 29 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, December 1, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ----------------------------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Another sunny, cool morning at the wharf. Net tow was similar to last week, no real change in phytoplankton biomass or community composition. Assemblage is still mostly dinoflagellates, but there was an increase in flagellates this week (including Pyramamonas). Alexandrium and P. multiseries counts decreased this week.
C: Gymnodinium
P: Akashiwo
P: Ceratium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Alexandrium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Guinardia
R: Thalassionema
R: Asteromphalus
C: Flagellate – unknown (2 types)
P: Pyramamonas
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:15 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.8 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 5/6 (#27)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 7:27, 6.0 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.6 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.0 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 60.6 F (15.8 C)
Wind: 1 mph, ESE
Solar radiation: 288 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, December 1, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agoo
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Rare
Today was sunny and clear – both in the sky and the water (vis >5m, 0% cloud cover). Dinoflagellates were scarce in my diatom-dominated sample, with Chaetoceros being the most abundant species.
R: Akashiwo sanguinae
R: Prorocentrum micans
R: Ceratium lineatum
R: Ceratium fusus
R: Gymnodinium cf (lime green/yellow)
A: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
C: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
P: Eucampia spp.
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 10:18 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 0.531 mg/m^3; whole water: 4.086 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 13.22° C
Water Conditions: 10GY 3/4, calm
Visibility: >>5m; [>7m]
Tide: falling, 1.19m, high at 0726h
Sky: Sunny, clear
Air Temperature: 18.9° C
Wind: SSW, 0.89 m/S
Week of Monday, November 22 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ----------------------------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and cool at the wharf. A bait ball has been hanging out by the wharf for a week or so and there was lots of bird/mammal activity. Phytoplankton biomass was about the same as last week with an increase in diversity. Net tow was mostly dinoflagellates, but that unknown flagellate from a few weeks ago was back along with another smaller round one. Gymnodinium and the flagellates were the most abundant. Alexandrium were noticeably higher this week, a few 8-cell chains were seen on the filter, along with a lot of 4-cell chains. And there was a chain of P. multiseries in the probe counts today as well.
C: Gymnodinium
C: Akashiwo
P: Ceratium
P: Gonyaulax
R: Heterocapsa
R: Protoperidinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Polykrikos
R: Alexandrium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Lauderia
R: Nitzschia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Dictyocha
C: Flagellate – unknown (2 types)
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.8 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5G 5/6 (#4)
Water Visibility: 8 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 12:09, 4.8 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 7.5 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.6 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 51.8 F (11 C)
Wind: 2 mph, SW
Solar radiation: 276 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agood-------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Common
It was a pretty, breezy morning today with zero cloud cover and coincidentally, zero fisherfolk on the wharf. There may have been no fish out there, but there were plenty of plankton!
C: Akashiwo sanguinae
P: Prorocentrum micans
R: Prorocentrum gracile
P: Prorocentrum spp.
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
R: Ceratium furca
P: Ceratium lineatum
C: Ceratium fusus
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Alexandrium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Cochlodinium spp.
R: Lingulodinium polyedrum
R: Gymnodinium spp
R: Protoceratium spp.
C: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
P: Eucampia spp.
R: Actinoptychus spp.
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
P: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0942 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 0.424 mg/m^3; whole water: 5.906 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 13.72°C
Water Conditions: 10Y 3/4, slight surge
Visibility: 4.75 m
Tide: Rising, 1.25 m, high at 1210h
Sky: clear, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 13.33°C
Wind: SSW, 2.46 m/S |
Week of Monday, November 15 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ----------------------------------------------- -----
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Another sunny and crisp morning at the wharf. Phytoplankton biomass increased slightly this week, but there was less diversity overall. Net tow remains mostly dinoflagellates and Gymnodinium was the most abundant. Alexandrium counts were similar to last week.
A: Gymnodinium
P: Heterocapsa
R: Ceratium
R: Akashiwo
R: Protoperidinium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Paralia
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.5 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: High – 8:37, 5.6 ft
Surf Report: NW & SSW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 8.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 8.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 56.5 F (13.6 C)
Wind: 2 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 303 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agood-------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Present
It was bright (~10% cloud) and chilly out today. The water was cool and slightly green with relatively high clarity (~5.25m) and full of Protoceratium again.
P: Akashiwo sanguinae
P: Prorocentrum micans
R: Prorocentrum gracile
P: Prorocentrum cf lima
P: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
C: Ceratium lineatum
C: Ceratium fusus
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
P: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Alexandrium spp.
P: Lingulodinium polyedrum
P: Gymnodinium cf (colorless, lady bug shape)
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Oxyphysis spp.
C: Protoceratium spp.
P: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Eucampia spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0930 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): sample archived
Chlorophyll: net: 0.487 mg/m^3; whole water: 6.888 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 13.61°C
Water Conditions: 5GY 3/4 , slightly breezy
Visibility: >5m (~5.25m)
Tide: falling, 1.68 m, high at 0840h
Sky: clear, 10% cloud
Air Temperature: 15.56°C
Wind: SSE, 2.24m/S
Week of Monday, November 8 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago----- ---------------------------- -----
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and beautiful at the wharf this am. Dramatic decrease in phytoplankton biomass and diversity this week. Net tow was mostly detritus/debris and dinoflagellates were the most abundant group. Gymnodinium and the mystery flagellate were the most abundant phytoplankton. Alexandrium counts decreased again.
C: Gymnodinium
C: Ceratium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Akashiwo
R: Dinophysis
R: Lingulodinium
R: Pleurosigma
R: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Paralia
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Entomoneis
C: Unknown flagellate
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:10 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.3 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 5/6 (#27)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: Low – 8:33, 3.1 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 9.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 8.9 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 55.8 F (13.2 C)
Wind: 2 mph, NE
Solar radiation: 343 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Tuesday, November 9, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agood-------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Present
Today was sunny and slightly breezy with a lot of disappointed fisherfolk on the wharf – no one was catching anything. Plenty of diversity in my sample but it
was relatively sparse compared to last week. Protoceratium spp. dominated the sample again.
Dominant Group (diatoms, dinoflagellates): dinoflagellates
Toxic Species:
- Pseudo-nitzschia: P
- Alexandrium spp.: x
- Dinophysis spp.: R
- Cochlodinium: x
- Akashiwo sanguinae: P
P: Akashiwo sanguinae
P: Prorocentrum micans
R: Prorocentrum gracile
P: Prorocentrum cf lima
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
R: Ceratium furca
P: Ceratium lineatum
P: Ceratium fusus
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Noctiluca spp.
P: Gymnodinium spp
C: Protoceratium spp.
R: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
P: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Hemiaulus spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
R: Eucampia spp.
R: Dictyocha spp.
P: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 1003 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): none taken
Chlorophyll: net: 0.399 mg/m^3; whole water: 4.718 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 15.22°C
Water Conditions: 10GY 3/4, slightly breezy
Visibility: >5 m (~5.75m)
Tide: Rising, 1.31m, high at 1259h
Sky: Sunny, overcast (60% cloud)
Air Temperature: 16.11°C
Wind: ESE, 1.31 m/S
Week of Monday, November 1 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago  -------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Foggy and cool at the wharf this am. Net tow biomass decreased slightly this week and the assemblage shifted slightly. Dinoflagellates remain the most abundant, with very few diatoms, but an unknown flagellate made an appearance this week. Gymnodinium and Ceratium were the most abundant. Alexandrium counts decreased by an order of magnitude this week.
C: Gymnodinium
C: Prorocentrum
C: Ceratium
R: Akashiwo
R: Dinophysis
R: Alexandrium
R: Heterocapsa
R: Gyrodinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Oxytoxum
R: Polykrikos
R: Pleurosigma
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Leptocylindrus
C: Flagellate
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.5 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 5Y 2/2 (#18)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: High – 9:41, 5.8 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.9 ft, W
- Wind wave height/direction: 0.7 ft, WSW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 54.3 F (12.4 C)
Wind: 5 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 95 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda-----------------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Present
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Present
It was sunny and warm again this week when I grabbed a sample at high tide. The water was relatively clear (vis ~4.25m), light green, and dominated by dinoflagellates: namely, Protoceratium and Prorocentrum.
P: Akashiwo sanguinae
P: Prorocentrum micans
C: Prorocentrum spp.
P: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
R: Ceratium azicorum
P: Ceratium lineatum
P: Ceratium fusus
P: Protoperidinium spp.
P: Alexandrium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Oxyphysis spp.
A: Protoceratium spp.
R: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Eucampia
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
R: pale green flagellate (3 - 5 um)
R: Myrionecta spp
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0945 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): none taken
Chlorophyll: net: 0.704 mg/m^3; whole water: 6.596 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 15.7°C
Water Conditions: 10Y 3/4, calm
Visibility: 4.25m
Tide: falling, 1.71m, high at 0940h
Sky: sunny, 10% cloud
Air Temperature: 16.7°C
Wind: SSE, 1.12m/s
Week of Monday, October 25 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
- -----------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Beautiful sunny morning at the wharf. Net tow similar to last week – phytoplankton biomass about the same, assemblage was mostly dinoflagellates with Gymnodinium as the most abundant. Alexandrium counts increased again this week.
A: Gymnodinium
P: Prorocentrum
R: Akashiwo
R: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Alexandrium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Pleurosigma
R: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Guinardia
R: Entomoneis
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:10 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.0 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Low – 8:41, 3.4 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 5-8 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 7.5 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 56.5 F (13.6 C)
Wind: 3 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 256 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
- -------------------------- -------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Abundant
- Dinophysis: Common
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Present
It was sunny and warm out this morning when I collected my sample. The water was light green with low clarity (~2.5m) and full of dinoflagellates. Alexandrium, Protocertatium, and Prorocentrum dominated the mix.
P: Akashiwo sanguinae
P: Prorocentrum micans
A: Prorocentrum spp.
C: Dinophysis acuminata
P: Dinophysis fortii
R: Dinophysis caudata
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
C: Ceratium lineatum
R: Ceratium fusus
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Protoperidinium spp.
A: Alexandrium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Heterocapsa triquetra
A: Protocertatium spp.
R: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Eucampia spp.
P: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0932 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): sample archived
Chlorophyll: net: 0.742 mg/m^3; whole water: 6.064 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 14.9°C
Water Conditions: 10Y 3/4, slightly surgy
Visibility: 2.5m
Tide: Rising, 1.1 m, high at 0900h
Sky: sunny, 20% cloud
Air Temperature: 16.1°C
Wind: SSE, 2.24 m/S
Week of Monday, October 18 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
------------------- ---------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Rain starting to fall at the wharf this am. Phytoplankton biomass increased this week. Net tow looked similar to 2 weeks ago - mostly dinoflagellates and Gymnodinium was the most abundant. Alexandrium counts are back up - lots of 4-cell chains on the filter.
A: Gymnodinium
P: Akashiwo
P: Prorocentrum
P: Heterocapsa
R: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Gyrodinium
R: Pleurosigma
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Eucampia
R: Guinardia
R: Detonula
R: Asteromphalus
R: Thalassionema
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:20 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.1 C
Water Conditions: Choppy w/swell
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 10:44, 5.3 ft
Surf Report: SE/ESE swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 8.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.6 ft, W
- Wind wave height/direction: 6.2 ft, WSW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Rainy
Air Temperature: 55.2 F (12.9 C)
Wind: 4 mph, S
Solar radiation: 65 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, October 11 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
--------------------- ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Partly cloudy and cool at the wharf. Water temp dropped almost 2C from last week and the phytoplankton biomass dropped as well. Net tow was mostly detritus/debris and the phytoplankton were mostly dinoflagellates. Akashiwo and Prorocentrum were the most abundant this week.
C: Akashiwo
C: Prorocentrum
P: Gymnodinium
P: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Heterocapsa
R: Protoperidinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Lingulodinium
R: Margalefidinium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Pleurosigma
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Paralia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:30 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.0 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 11:17, 3.0 ft
Surf Report: N/NW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 8.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 8.2 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Partly cloudy
Air Temperature: 52.5 F (11.4 C)
Wind: 4 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 169 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Abundant
Today was sunny and calm. The water was a slight murky green with some sediments churned up (tide was low). My sample was back to being mostly dinoflagellates this week, with Akashiwo dominating the sample.
A: Akashiwo sanguinae
P: Prorocentrum micans
R: Prorocentrum gracile
C: Prorocentrum spp.
P: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
P: Ceratium fusus
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Alexandrium spp.
R: Noctiluca spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
R: Polykrikos spp.
P: Gymnodinium spp
R: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
P: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Eucampia
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0954 PT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): samples archived
Chlorophyll: net: 0.825 mg/m^3; whole water: 7.456 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 14.8°C
Water Conditions: 10Y 3/4, calm
Visibility: 3.25m
Tide: Falling, 1.554 m, low at 1105h
Sky: Sunny, 60% cloud
Air Temperature: 13.9°C
Wind: WSW, 1-2m/S
Week of Monday, October 4 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 6, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
------------------- --------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Cloudy and cool at the wharf this am. Phytoplankton biomass increased this week and the net tow remains mostly dinoflagellates. Gymnodinium was the most abundant genera this week and only a few diatom cells were observed. Alexandrium counts almost doubled this week.
A: Gymnodinium
P: Heterocapsa
P: Ceratium
P: Akashiwo
R: Dinophysis
R: Prorocentrum
R: Protoperidinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Lingulodinium
R: Pleurosigma
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:20 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.8 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 5Y 3/4 (#21)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 10:57, 5.3 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.3 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast
Air Temperature: 56.5 F (13.6 C)
Wind: 4 mph, NNW
Solar radiation: 99 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 6, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
--------------------- ----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Abundant
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Rare
R: Akashiwo sanguinae
R: Prorocentrum micans
R: Dinophysis caudata
R: Ceratium furca
R: Ceratium azicorum
P: Ceratium lineatum
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Alexandrium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Heterocapsa triquetra
C: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
A: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
P: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Corethron spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
P: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
R: Eucampia spp.
R: Actinoptychus spp.
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0824 PDT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): sample archived
Chlorophyll: net: 0.848 mg/m^3; whole water: 5.222 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 14.8°C
Water Conditions: 10G 2/6, calm
Visibility: >5m
Tide: Rising, 0.98 m, high at 1058h
Sky: overcast, 100% cloud
Air Temperature: 16.2°C
Wind: WSW, 2.24 m/S |
Week of Monday, September 27 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 -- ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and cool at the wharf this am – it is starting to feel like fall. Net tow was similar to last week - phytoplankton biomass about the same and the assemblage was mostly dinoflagellates, but Prorocentrum was the most abundant. Alexandrium counts increased this week – saw some happy 4-cell chains zooming around the petri dish.
C: Prorocentrum
C: Heterocapsa
P: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Alexandrium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Polykrikos
R: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Nitzschia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Guinardia
R: Thalassionema
R: Dicyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.8 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 7:55, 3.4 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 5-7 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 11.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 9.8 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 6.2 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny w/high clouds
Air Temperature: 58.3 F (14.6 C)
Wind: 1 mph, W
Solar radiation: 329 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
--------------------- ----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Abundant
It was a bit surgy out today so there was some sediment in my sample. Visibility was low (~2m) and biomass was mostly dinoflagellates: Akashiwo and Prorocentrum dominated the sample.
A: Akashiwo sanguinae
P: Prorocentrum micans
P: Prorocentrum gracile
C: Prorocentrum spp.
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Dinophysis caudata
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
R: Ceratium lineatum
P: Ceratium fusus
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Noctiluca spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
P: Polykrikos spp.
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0950 PDT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): none taken
Chlorophyll: net: 1.600 mg/m^3; whole water: 17.167 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 16.7°C
Water Conditions: 5GY 3/4, surgy
Visibility: 2m
Tide: Falling, 1.1 m, high at 0800h
Sky: overcast, 70% cloud
Air Temperature: 15°C
Wind: SSW, 2.24 m/S
Week of Monday, September 20 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- --- ---------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunshine over the wharf this am, with the fog bank further out over the water. Water was pretty clear and the phytoplankton biomass decreased again this week. Phytoplankton assemblage remains mostly dinoflagellates, but Akashiwo was the most abundant this week. Alexandrium counts decreased again this week.
C: Akashiwo
C: Prorocentrum
P: Ceratium
P: Heterocapsa
R: Lingulodinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Alexandrium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Nitzschia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Paralia
R: Thalassionema
R: Dicyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:25 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.2 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 2/2 (#17)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 12:01, 4.9 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 4-6 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.6 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, SSW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny (fog offshore)
Air Temperature: 56.5 F (13.6 C)
Wind: 6 mph, NNW
Solar radiation: 219 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, September 13 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, September 15, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 --- ------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Another foggy and cool morning at the wharf. Net tow had a lot of detritus/debris this week and overall phytoplankton biomass decreased. Phytoplankton assemblage remains almost all dinoflagellates, but there were more diatoms observed (total # and # of spp). Prorocentrum remains the most abundant. Alexandrium counts decreased this week.
C: Prorocentrum
C: Ceratium
C: Akashiwo
P: Dinophysis
P: Lingulodinium
R: Heterocapsa
R: Gymnodinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Pleurosigma
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:10 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.0 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10Y 3/4 (#20)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 8:11, 3.7 ft
Surf Report: SSW/S swell, 5-8 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.6 ft, SSW
- Wind wave height/direction: 0.7 ft, W
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 57.2 F (14 C)
Wind: 3 mph, SSE
Solar radiation: 115 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, September 15, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Abundant
Today was calm and overcast (100% cloud) with high visibility (>5m). Biomass was mostly diatoms and Akashiwo was the most abundant genus observed.
A: Akashiwo sanguinae
C: Prorocentrum micans
R: Prorocentrum spp.
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
R: Ceratium teres
R: Ceratium lineatum
R: Ceratium fusus
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Alexandrium spp.
R: Noctiluca spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Oxytoxum spp.
R: Heterocapsa triquetra
R: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Hemiaulus spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Dictyocha spp.
P: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0910 PDT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): none taken
Chlorophyll: net: 0.614 mg/m^3; whole water: 3.512 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Week of Monday, September 6 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 --- --------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Foggy and cool at the wharf this morning. Water temp increased this week. Water color was a little browner this week, but the phytoplankton biomass in the net tow decreased. Phytoplankton assemblage remains almost all dinoflagellates and Prorocentrum was the most abundant. Alexandrium counts increased an order of magnitude this week.
C: Prorocentrum
C: Ceratium
C: Akashiwo
P: Dinophysis
R: Heterocapsa
R: Gymnodinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Scrippsiella
R: Thalassiosira
R: Dactyliosolen
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:10 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 17.3 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 10Y 2/2 (#19)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 6:01, 0.1 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.6 ft, S
- Wind wave height/direction: 4.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 58.5 F (14.7 C)
Wind: 2 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 157 watts/m^2
* Impressions *
Foggy and cool at the wharf this morning. Water temp increased this week. Water color was a little browner this week, but the phytoplankton biomass in the net tow decreased. Phytoplankton assemblage remains almost all dinoflagellates and Prorocentrum was the most abundant. Alexandrium counts increased an order of magnitude this week.
C: Prorocentrum
C: Ceratium
C: Akashiwo
P: Dinophysis
R: Heterocapsa
R: Gymnodinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Scrippsiella
R: Thalassiosira
R: Dactyliosolen
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:10 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 17.3 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 10Y 2/2 (#19)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 6:01, 0.1 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.6 ft, S
- Wind wave height/direction: 4.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 58.5 F (14.7 C)
Wind: 2 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 157 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, August 30 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
--- -- ------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Another foggy morning at the wharf. Water temperature increased this week. Net tow was similar to last week – assemblage was mostly dinoflagellates (only a couple diatoms in the dish) and phytoplankton biomass was about the same. Ceratium and Prorocentrum are still the most abundant. Alexandrium counts similar to last week.
C: Prorocentrum
C: Ceratium
P: Heterocapsa
P: Dinophysis
P: Akashiwo
R: Gymnodinium
R: Margalefidinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Lingulodinium
R: Polykrikos
R: Oxyphysis
R: Boreadinium
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Fragillariopsis
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:10 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.8 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 2/2 (#17)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: High – 9:06, 3.4 ft
Surf Report: SW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.6 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 59.2 F (15.1 C)
Wind: 2 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 107 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Abundant
It was a breezy, overcast morning today. The water was warm, soupy green with low clarity (~2.5m), and full of Akashiwo.
A: Akashiwo sanguinae
P: Prorocentrum micans
R: Prorocentrum gracile
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
R: Ceratium furca
R: Ceratium lineatum
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Ceratium divarcatum
R: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Odontella spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Myrionecta spp
R: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) : 10 -
49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0930 PDT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): none taken
Chlorophyll: net: 0.593 mg/m^3; whole water: 7.64 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 18.5°C
Water Conditions: 5Y 2/2, slight breeze
Visibility: 2.5m
Tide: Falling, 1.39 m, high at 0800h
Sky: overcast, 80% cloud
Air Temperature: 18.6°C
Wind: WSW, 3.6 m/S
Week of Monday, August 23 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
- ------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Foggy and cool at the wharf this am. Water was a little cooler this week and there were some small brown patches and a bait ball in the area. Phytoplankton biomass increased this week, but the assemblage was similar to last week - mostly dinos, mostly Prorocentrum and Ceratium. Alexandrium counts decreased by an order of magnitude.
C: Prorocentrum
C: Ceratium
C: Heterocapsa
P: Dinophysis
P: Gymnodinium
R: Margalefidinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Akashiwo
R: Lingulodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Thalassiosira
R: Fragillariopsis
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:30 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.6 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Low – 7:08, 0.3 ft
Surf Report: SSW/SW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 3.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.3 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 56.8 F (13.8 C)
Wind: 2 mph, SW
Solar radiation: 42 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, August 16 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, August 18, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 -- ----
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Another foggy and cool morning at the wharf, the red tide has dissipated and the water color is back to a more normal green. Phytoplankton biomass decreased this week and the net tow was almost exclusively dinoflagellates. However, this week the assemblage shifted, Ceratium and Prorocentrum were the most abundant and only a handful of Margalefidinium cells were observed. Alexandrium counts were similar to last week.
C: Ceratium
C: Prorocentrum
P: Dinophysis
R: Margalefidinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Akashiwo
R: Lingulodinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Heterocapsa
R: Oxyphysis
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Lauderia
R: Pleurosigma
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:40 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.9 C
Water Conditions: Choppy w/swell
Water Color/Code: Brown/green, 10Y 3/4 (#20)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: High – 9:14, 3.6 ft
Surf Report: SW-SSW swell, 4-6 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 10.8 ft
- Swell height/direction: 10.8 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.6 ft, W
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 60.1 F (15.6 C)
Wind: 4 mph, E
Solar radiation: 216 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, August 9 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, August 11, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 ---- ---------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Abundant
* Impressions *
Foggy and cool at the wharf this am and the water was definitely red. Not surprisingly the phytoplankton biomass increased from last week (chl ~32ug/L) and the net tow was mostly dinoflagellates. Wharf crew reported a mussel die off (tissue floating on the surface) over the past week and Margalefidinium was the most abundant genus in the sample. Alexandrium counts increased (2 orders of magnitude) this week.
A: Margalefidinium
C: Ceratium
P: Prorocentrum
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Akashiwo
R: Lingulodinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Torodinium
R: Apicoporus??? Rectangle-shape
R: Thalassiosira
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Thalassiothrix
R: Nitzschia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:30 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 17.0 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Red tide, 5Y 2/2 (#18)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 7:15, -0.2 ft
Surf Report: S swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 3.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 58.6 F (14.8 C)
Wind: 2 mph, SSE
Solar radiation: 143 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Thursday, August 12, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda ----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Abundant
- Akashiwo sanguinae: Present
P: Akashiwo sanguinae
P: Prorocentrum micans
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
R: Ceratium furca
C: Ceratium lineatum
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
P: Protoperidinium spp.
P: Noctiluca spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Polykrikos spp.
A: Cochlodinium spp.
P: Ceratium divarcatum
R: Oxyphysis spp.
R: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Dactyliosolen spp.
R: Detonlula spp.
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
P: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
None Observed (x); Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C) :
10 -49%; Abundant (A): >= 50%
TIME: 0921 PDT
COLLECTOR: Lyndsey Claassen
DEPTH: 0-5m
Toxins (matrix): none taken
Chlorophyll: net: 0.574 mg/m^3; whole water: 12.05 mg/m^3 by in vivo RFU
Water Temperature: 17.5°C
Water Conditions: 10Y 2/2, breezy
Visibility: 3.25m
Tide: Rising/slack, 0.9 m, high at 1426h
Sky: overcast, 80% cloud
Air Temperature: 19.3°C
Wind: NNW, 1.90 m/S
Week of Monday, August 2 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, August 4, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
---- ---- ---------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Common
* Impressions *
Another foggy morning at the wharf, with a bait ball hanging out about half way down (not at the sampling location). Water was more brown this week and there were lots of reports of red tides over the weekend. Net tow biomass decreased from last week and the assemblage remains mostly dinoflagellates. Margalefidinium and Ceratium were the most abundant. Dinophysis increased (relative abundance and cell#s) and Alexandrium counts decreased dramatically from last week.
C: Margalefidinium
C: Ceratium
P: Dinophysis
P: Protoperidinium
P: Unknown dino (Alex/Marglef blend)
R: Prorocentrum
R: Alexandrium
R: Akashiwo
R: Polykrikos
R: Boreadinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Navicula
R: Lauderia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Guinardia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Skeletonema
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:20 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.3 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Brown/green, 5Y 2/2 (#18)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 10:09, 3.4 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.6 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 55.6 F (13.1 C)
Wind: 3 mph, S
Solar radiation: 122 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Friday, August 6, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda ----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Abundant
* Impressions *
We’ve been away sampling the waters off of Point Reyes for the past 6 weeks; this week marked our first week back at MWII. Warm, overcast, and muggy at MWII this morning. The water at the sampling site was rust-colored (#21, “Best Bronze”), low vis (2’), and warm (17.4C). Other local samplers report that this water temp is ~2C higher than water temp observed last week. The net clogged on the first pull and net was slippery when retrieved. There was no foam in the sample area, or in the net/sample. I went for a run immediately following sampling and saw only teal/clear water along the coastline from Fisherman’s Wharf (which is immediately adjacent to MWII) to Pt Pinos; there was no visual indication that a red tide was in the area. Of note: many out-of-ordinary dinoflagellate characters were observed by compatriots who sampled at SCW this morning.
A: Margalefidinium
R: Akashiwo
R: Alexandrium
R: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Gymnodinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Prorocentrum
R: Phalacroma
R: Pseudo-nitzschia (2-cell chain, delicatissima, with epiphytes)
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:30 am
Collector: Jenny Jacox
METHOD: (net/whole water): net (20mm)
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 17.4 C
Water Salinity: n/a
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Best Bronze (#21)
Water Visibility: 2 ft
Tide: Flood until High (3.83 ft) at 11:20 am
NDBC buoy 46042
Significant wave height: 6.9 ft
Swell height/direction: 5.2 ft, NW
Wind wave height/direction: 4.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KCAMONTE 115)
Sky: Overcast, muggy
Air Temperature: 57.6 F (14.2 C)
Wind: 4.9mph, N
Solar radiation: 91.5 watts/m2
Week of Monday, July 26 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 28, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
- ----- -------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Common
* Impressions *
Foggy morning at the wharf, but the sun was trying to peek through. A brown patch of water was moving around the wharf and the sample was collected in the patch again this week. Net tow biomass was similar to last week and the assemblage was mostly dinoflagellates. Margalefidinium and Ceratium were the most abundant. Alexandrium counts were up an order of magnitude.
C: Ceratium
C: Margalefidinium
P: Gymnodinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Prorocentrum
R: Alexandrium
R: Akashiwo
R: Polykrikos
R: Boreadinium
R: Gyrodinium
P: Navicula
R: Lauderia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Guinardia
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Asteromphalus
R: Eucampia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Chaetoceros
R: Ditylum
R: Thalassionema
R: Tropidoneis
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:20 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Brown/green, 10Y 2/2 (#19)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 8:29, 0.1 ft
Surf Report: S/SW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 3.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.6 ft, S
- Wind wave height/direction: 0.7 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 56.8 F (13.8 C)
Wind: 4 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 187 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, July 19 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 21, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- --- ----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Present
* Impressions *
Another foggy morning at the wharf with some moon jellies hanging around the sampling site. Water temp increased this week and water was collected in a brown patch (of dinos). Dramatic increase in phytoplankton biomass as well as a decrease in phytoplankton diversity. Net tow was mostly dinoflagellates and mostly Ceratium. Margalefidinium were back and Alexandrium were counted – both genera were zooming around the dish in mostly 4-cell chains.
A: Ceratium
P: Margalefidinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Prorocentrum
R: Alexandrium
R: Navicula
R: Lauderia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Guinardia
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Asteromphalus
R: Eucampia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Coscinodiscus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:20 am
Collector: A. Trapp
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.7 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Brown/green, 5Y 2/2 (#18)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 10:09, 3.6 ft
Surf Report: SW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.3 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 4.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 54.9 F (12.7 C)
Wind: 2 mph, E
Solar radiation: 219 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, July 12 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 -- --------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Foggy and cool at the wharf this am. Water temp dropped about 2C and was pretty clear. Phytoplankton biomass decreased this week and the phyto cells overall looked a little worse for the wear. The assemblage was mostly dinoflagellates and mostly Ceratium.
C: Ceratium
C: Protoperidinium
P: Dinophysis
R: Prorocentrum
R: Alexandrium
R: Boreadinium
R: Navicula
R: Lauderia
R: Thalassionema
R: Thalassiosira
R: Detonula
R: Asteromphalus
R: Nitzschia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Entomoneis
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Licmophora
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:25 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.8 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 2/6 (#12)
Water Visibility: 9 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 8:29, -0.3 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.2 ft, S
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 56.3 F (14.0 C)
Wind: 4 mph, SSE
Solar radiation: 172 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, July 5 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- -- ------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Present
* Impressions *
Marine layer was clearing out from the wharf this morning. Water temp is still warm and there were quite a few SUP and kayakers out on the water exploring. The phytoplankton assemblage shifted this week to mostly dinoflagellates and mostly Ceratium. Margalefidinium showed up this week, mostly doublets and Alexandrium also returned. The Pseudo-nitzschia were mostly delicatissima sized, but did find a few P. australis in the probed counts.
A: Ceratium
C: Protoperidinium
P: Dinophysis
P: Margalefidinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Polykrikos
R: Prorocentrum
R: Alexandrium
R: Boreadinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Oxytoxum
R: Heterocapsa
P: Navicula
R: Lauderia
R: Thalassionema
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Asteromphalus
R: Nitzschia
R: Eucampia
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Fragilariopsis
R: Proboscia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Licmophora
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:40 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 11:07, 3.4 ft
Surf Report: SW-SSW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.3 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 5.2 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Marine layer clearing
Air Temperature: 58.5 F (14.7 C)
Wind: 3 mph, E
Solar radiation: 489 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, June 28 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 30, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Common
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Foggy, marine layer at the wharf this morning. Water temp went back up this week (increased 2C) - it always feels weird when the water is warmer than the air. There was a bait ball hanging out to the left of the sampling site. Phytoplankton biomass was similar to last week, but the assemblage shifted slightly to mostly diatoms. Chaetoceros (mostly single cells) was the most abundant.
C: Dinophysis
C: Protoperidinium
C: Ceratium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Polykrikos
R: Prorocentrum
R: Akashiwo
R: Boreadinium
R: Oxyphysis
A: Chaetoceros
R: Thalassiosira
R: Skeletonema
R: Thalassionema
R: Detonula
R: Pleurosigma
R: Asteromphalus
R: Eucampia
R: Guinardia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Fragilariopsis
R: Cerataulina
R: Ditylum
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.7 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 10:02, 0.0 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.6 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy/overcast
Air Temperature: 58.6 F (14.8 C)
Wind: 3 mph, NE
Solar radiation: 125 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, June 21 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 23, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Common
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Foggy/overcast at the wharf this morning. Water temp is still warm-ish,but decreased from last week. Phytoplankton biomass was about the same and the net tow was an even mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates. Assemblage remains mostly Dinophysis and Protoperidinium, but overall dinoflagellate diversity decreased from last week. While the probed counts were all 0 this week, the filters remained covered with those tiny (~2um) cells
C: Dinophysis
C: Protoperidinium
P: Ceratium
P: Gymnodinium
R: Polykrikos
R: Prorocentrum
C: Thalassiosira
P: Chaetoceros
P: Skeletonema
P: Thalassionema
R: Detonula
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Asteromphalus
R: Eucampia
R: Guinardia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Fragilariopsis
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Ditylum
R: Licmophora
R: Nitzschia
R: Lithodesmium
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:05 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.7 C
Water Conditions: Calm w/surge
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 10G 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 11:03, 3.7 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 4-6 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.9 ft, S
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, WSW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy/overcast
Air Temperature: 59.7 F (15.4 C)
Wind: 1 mph, S
Solar radiation: 226 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, June 14 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 --- ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Common
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Another sunny morning at the wharf and this week it was warm, both the air and water (water temp increased 3C from last week). Along with that warm temp, there was an increase in phytoplankton biomass as well as an increase in dinoflagellates (net tow looked pink). Dinophysis and Protoperidinium were the most abundant this week. Alexandrium counts increased and Pseudo-nitzschia were both seriata- and delicatissima-size. Also, the probe filters were covered in tiny (~2um) cells.
C: Dinophysis
C: Protoperidinium
C: Ceratium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Gymnodinium
R: Polykrikos
R: Oxyphysis
R: Alexandrium
P: Chaetoceros
P: Thalassiosira
P: Eucampia
P: Skeletonema
P: Ditylum
R: Detonula
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Asteromphalus
R: Guinardia
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Odontella
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Pleurosigma
R: Tropidoneis
R: Navicula
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:30 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.0 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Low – 9:52, -0.2 ft
Surf Report: S swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 8.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.9 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 6.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 62.1 F (16.7 C)
Wind: 2 mph, E
Solar radiation: 565 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, June 7 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 9, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
--- --- ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny with some wind at the wharf this morning. Water temperature dropped almost 2C from last week along with a noticeable drop in phytoplankton biomass. Assemblage remains mostly diatoms with Chaetoceros and Thalassiosira being the most abundant. Dinophysis numbers decreased, but were still the most abundant dinoflagellate. Pseudo-nitzschia were seriata sized and Alexandrium popped back into the mix, zooming around in 4-cell chains.
P: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Gonyaulax
R: Ceratium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Pyrocystis
R: Alexandrium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
P: Detonula
P: Coscinodiscus
P: Asteromphalus
R: Eucampia
R: Guinardia
R: Lauderia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Pleurosigma
R: Actinoptychus
R: Corethron
R: Ditylum
R: Entomoneis
R: Tropidoneis
R: Licmophora
R: Paralia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:30 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.7 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 9 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 11:57, 3.4 ft
Surf Report: SW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.9 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 57.2 F (14.0 C)
Wind: 3 mph, ESE
Solar radiation: 596 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, May 31 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 2, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
--- ---- -----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Another foggy and cool morning at the wharf and that bait ball is still hanging out ~10ft from our sampling location. Phytoplankton biomass was about the same as last week and remains mostly diatoms, but dinoflagellate abundance increased this week. Chaetoceros was the most abundant this week (a lot of single cells). Pseudo-nitzschia cells were seriata size, mostly 2-cell chains and for another week, the Dinophysis were noticeably abundant.
C: Dinophysis
C: Protoperidinium
P: Gonyaulax
R: Ceratium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Boreadinium
R: Polykrikos
C: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
P: Skeletonema
P: Eucampia
P: Guinardia
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Detonula
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Entomoneis
R: Asteromphalus
R: Tropidoneis
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:30 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.2 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 2/6 (#12)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 11:42, 0.0 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.2 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 52.2 F (11.2 C)
Wind: 1 mph, NNW
Solar radiation: 242 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Tuesday, June 1, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
----- ----- ------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Foggy and still at MWII this morning, and “it smelled like sea lion”. Waters were very calm, and still holding at 6’ visibility and “Arugula” water color (#29). The net was slower to drain than usual although biomass did not appear to be unusually elevated. I suspected Phaeocystis while collecting, but turned out to be wrong; instead, the tow was generally scuzzy and littered with very small fragments of Chaetoceros. Saw our first Amylax since we began sampling in December, and a few very active, particularly bulky Polykrikos.
P: Protoperidinium
R: Amylax
R: Boreadinium
R: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Gyrodinium
R: Heterocapsa
R: Lingulodinium
R: Polykrikos
C: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
P: Asterionellopsis
P: Cylindrotheca
P: Detonula
P: Eucampia
P: Leptocylindrus
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Skeletonema
R: Actinoptychus
R: Asteromphalus
R: Corethron
R: Ditylum
R: Entomoneis
R: Fragillariopsis
R: Pleurosigma
R: Thalassionema
R: Tropidoneis
P: Phaeocystis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:30 am
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
METHOD: (net/whole water): net (20mm)
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 14.1 C
Water Salinity: 35
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Arugula (#29)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Ebb until Low (-0.4 ft) at 10:48 am
NDBC buoy 46042
Significant wave height: 6.6 ft
Swell height/direction: 6.6 ft, WNW
Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, W
Weather Conditions (KCAMONTE 115)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 54 F (12.2 C)
Wind: 6 mph, NW
Solar radiation: 464.5 watts/m2 |
Week of Monday, May 24 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
--- ---- -----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Foggy at the wharf this am, but it was starting to clear out up on campus. A bait ball was nearby (maybe the salmon smolt released a few days prior?). Phytoplankton biomass increased this week and the assemblage remained mostly diatoms. Chaetoceros and Thalassiosira were the most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia were seriata size and there was a pretty dramatic increase in Dinophysis cells.
P: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Gonyaulax
R: Ceratium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Polykrikos
R: Boreadinium
R: Noctiluca
C: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
P: Skeletonema
P: Eucampia
R: Guinardia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Ditylum
R: Asteromphalus
R: Phaeocystis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:40 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 11:58, 3.9 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.2 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 4.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 51.1 F (10.6 C)
Wind: 2 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 176 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
----- ------- ----------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny with a light breeze at MWII this morning. Ruffled water surface. Hold-over of some conditions since our sampling last week: water color was still “Arugula” (which trends less emerald, more olive) and visibility still somewhat limited (4’). However: temperature was up 1.6 degrees since last week. The sample was high diversity but a salad of mostly diatoms; somewhat scuzzy/soupy, dominated by Chaetoceros spp. and a few other chain-forming diatoms.
P: Protoperidinium
R: Boreadinium
R: Ceratium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Polykrikos
R: Scrippsiella
A: Chaetoceros
C: Skeletonema
C: Thalassiosira
P: Asterionellopsis
P: Eucampia
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Actinoptychus
R: Cerataulina
R: Corethron
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Detonula
R: Ditylum
R: Fragillariopsis
R: Guinardia
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Licmophora
R: Navicula
R: Odontella
R: Paralia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Thalassionema
R: Thalassiothrix
R: Tropidoneis
P: Phaeocystis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:06 am
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
METHOD: (net/whole water): net (20mm)
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 14.3 C
Water Salinity: 36
Water Conditions: Ruffled surface
Water Color/Code: Arugula (#29)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Incoming until High (3.91 ft) at 10:55 am
Surf Report: mixed swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
Significant wave height: 4.6 ft
Swell height/direction: 3.6 ft, NW
Wind wave height/direction: 2.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KCAMONTE 115)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 55.9 F (13.3 C)
Wind: 10.7 mph, W
Solar radiation: 847.2 watts/m2 |
Week of Monday, May 17 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, May 19, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- -----------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and windy at the wharf this am. Phytoplankton biomass decreased, but the assemblage was similar to last week. Mostly diatoms and mostly Chaetoceros. Pseudo-nitzschia were seriata size, but no toxic spp were counted.
P: Prorocentrum
P: Protoperidinium
R: Gonyaulax
R: Scrippsiella
R: Dinophysis
R: Ceratium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Polykrikos
R: Noctiluca
A: Chaetoceros
P: Thalassiosira
P: Skeletonema
P: Leptocylindrus
R: Guinardia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Proboscia
R: Eucampia
R: Thalassionema
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Ditylum
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Entomoneis
R: Asteromphalus
R: Actinoptychus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:55 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.6 C
Water Conditions: Rippled
Water Color/Code: Green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 11:32, -0.1 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 9.8 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.6 ft, S
- Wind wave height/direction: 8.5 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 54.5 F (12.5 C)
Wind: 1.7 mph, E
Solar radiation: 385 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
--- ------- ---------- --------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Mostly cloudy and calm at MWII this morning. This past week has been marked by a strong, wet, cold fog pattern (morning fog, breezy afternoons) – plenty of microclimates to be found around the Peninsula. Net tow biomass held at medium-high. The assemblage was extremely diverse and was a more even mix (dinos/diatoms) than in past weeks. Lots of active zooplankton.
P: Protoperidinium
P: Heterocapsa/Scrippsiella
P: Small, golden-green, round, doublets and singlets
A: Chaetoceros
C: Leptocylindrus
C: Skeletonema
C: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Thalassiosira
P: Asterionellopsis
R: Actinoptychus
R: Corethron
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Ditylum
R: Entomoneis
R: Eucampia
R: Fragillariopsis
R: Guinardia
R: Licmophora
R: Nitzschia
R: Odontella
R: Pleurosigma
R: Proboscia
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Thalassionema
R: Thalassiothrix
R: Tropidoneis
P: Phaeocystis
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:00 am
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
METHOD: (net/whole water): Net (20mm)
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
TOW EFFORT: 5 x 10 ft = 50 ft
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 12.7 C
Water Salinity: NA
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Arugula (#29)
Water Visibility: 8 ft
Tide: Low (-0.16 ft) at 10:36 am
Surf Report: NW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
Significant wave height: 6.2 ft
Swell height/direction: 5.9 ft, NW
Wind wave height/direction: 2.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KCAMONTE 115)
Sky: Mostly cloudy
Air Temperature: NA
Wind: NA
Solar radiation: NA |
Week of Monday, May 10 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Another foggy and cool morning at the wharf. Phytoplankton biomass increased this week and diversity continues to be high. The assemblage shifted back to mostly diatoms this week and was mostly Chaetoceros and Thalassiosira. There was also a background of “sparkles” (tiny cells, a few microns maybe, that move and reflect the light). All the probed HAB spp (Alex, Pau, and Pmu) were counted this week.
P: Protoperidinium
R: Gonyaulax-like
R: Scrippsiella
R: Dinophysis
R: Ceratium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Gyrodinium
R: Noctiluca
C: Thalassiosira
C: Chaetoceros
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Skeletonema
P: Guinardia
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Proboscia
R: Eucampia
R: Detonula
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Ditylum
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Entomoneis
R: Pleurosigma
R: Asteromphalus
R: Tropidoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:20 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.3 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 5:59, -0.3 ft
Surf Report: SSW/S swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.2 ft, W
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, W
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 48.9 F (9.4 C)
Wind: None
Solar radiation: 235 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
--- ---------- ------ -----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Another cool, sunny morning at MWII. Phytoplankton biomass jumped up again since the last net tow, and this change was apparent during sample collection (water color change, decrease in water visibility, the net tow sample came up deeply colored and thick). Diatoms dominated the tow; it was another salad of chain-forming diatoms (seems a continuing theme of Spring 2021).
R: Ceratium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Noctiluca
R: Protoperidinium
A: Skeletonema
C: Chaetoceros
P: Thalassiosira
P: Asterionellopsis
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Ditylum
R: Entomoneis
R: Eucampia
R: Guinardia
R: Hemiaulus
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Odontella
R: Paralia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Tropidoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:00 am
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 12.7 C
Water Salinity:
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Hunt Club (#13)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Flood until High (3.56 ft) at 11:56 am
Surf Report: NW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
Significant wave height: 6.6 ft
Swell height/direction: 6.6 ft, NW
Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, W
Weather Conditions
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 51.8 F (11 C)
Wind: 5.4, N
Solar radiation: 639.3 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, May 3 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, May 5, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Foggy at the wharf this am. Water temp increased 2C (from 2wks ago), while phytoplankton biomass decreased. The assemblage has shifted to be more of an even mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates (leaning mostly dinos). Scrippsiella and Gonyaulax(-like) were the most abundant. Pn were seriata size, but no toxigenic species were counted this week.
C: Gonyaulax-like
C: Scrippsiella
C: Protoperidinium
P: Dinophysis
R: Ceratium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Polykrikos
P: Thalassiosira
P: Chaetoceros
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Skeletonema
R: Lauderia
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Proboscia
R: Paralia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Entomoneis
R: Pleurosigma
R: Asteromphalus
R: Tropidoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:40 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.4 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 2/6 (#12)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 6:31, 4.2 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.8 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.2 ft, W
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.0 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 51.1 F (10.6 C)
Wind: 3 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 374 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Tuesday, May 4, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
---- ------ ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and breezy at the MWII this morning, and it “smelled like sea lion”. The commercial salmon season opened on Saturday, and the Wharf and surrounding waters seem especially busy. The net was incredibly quick to drain, and the sample had relatively low biomass. Last week’s sample felt sparse, certainly after weeks of abundant Chaetoceros, and this week’s felt even ‘emptier’. But, high diversity. The sample was tipped toward a mix of diatoms (Pseudo-nitzschia, Leptocylindrus…), with a few dinoflagellates standing out in the background (Protoperidinium, Ceratium).
P: Ceratium
P: Protoperidinium
R: Akashiwo
R: Boreadinium
R: Gonyaulax
R: Gymnodinium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Heterocapsa
R: Noctiluca
R: Polykrikos
R: Prorocentrum
C: Chaetoceros
C: Detonula
C: Leptocylindrus
C: Pseudo-nitzchia
P: Cylindrotheca
P: Eucampia
P: Guinardia
P: Thalassiosira
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Asteromphalus
R: Bacillaria
R: Cerataulina
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Ditylum
R: Entomoneis
R: Licmophora
R: Nitzschia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Proboscia
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Skeletonema
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Thalassiothrix
R: Tropidoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:00 am
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 13.2 C
Water Salinity:
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Country Squire (#32)
Water Visibility: 10 ft
Tide: Ebb until Low (-0.37 ft) at 12:32pm
Surf Report: NW swell, 4-7 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 9.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.2 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 7.2 ft, NW
Weather Conditions
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 54.9 F (12.7 C)
Wind: 8.3 mph, NNW
Solar radiation: 660.6 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, April 26 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
------------------------------------------- ---------- |
Sample Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
------ --- -------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and breezy at MWII this morning. Notable water visibility (>10ft) and color (#32: Country Squire, which is a rich emerald green). Biomass was lower than it’s been in recent weeks. The sample was dominated by Chaetoceros spp., and littered with fragments of Rhizosolenia. Once in a while I see a flush of ethereal white globular zooplankton in the sample (suspect an early-stage trochophore); this was one of those weeks.
P: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Ceratium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Noctiluca
A: Chaetoceros
P: Rhizosolenia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Detonula
R: Ditylum
R: Eucampia
R: Guinardia
R: Licmophora
R: Odontella
R: Pleurosigma
R: Proboscia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Tropidoneis
P: Phaeocystis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:15 am
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 12.6 C
Water Salinity: 35 ppt
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Country Squire (#32)
Water Visibility: >10 ft
Tide: Flood until High (4.24 ft) at 11:48 am
Surf Report: Mixed/NW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.6 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 54.1 F (12.3 C)
Wind: 8.5 mph, WNW
Solar radiation: 673 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, April 19 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-------------------- --- ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
It was an overcast and cool morning at the wharf. Phytoplankton biomass increased this week thanks to an increase in Phaeocystis, which was by far the most abundant phytoplankter in the net tow. Beautiful blobs of Phaeocystis (…clogging my filters…) and some lovely Chaetoceros socialis balls were also in the mix. Despite being overshadowed by Phaeo and Chaet, diatom diversity was quite high and all those cells looked healthy and happy. P. australis counts increased this week.
R: Ceratium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Noctiluca
R: Dinophysis
R: Alexandrium
R: Prorocentrum
C: Chaetoceros
R: Guinardia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Navicula
R: Detonula
R: Eucampia
R: Proboscia
R: Thalassionema
R: Skeletonema
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Licmophora
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Pleurosigma
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Tropidoneis
A: Phaeocystis
TIME: 9:45 am
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.1 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 2/4 (#30)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 5:43, 4.3 ft
Surf Report: S/SW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 11.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 11.2 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast
Air Temperature: 52.5 F (11.4 C)
Wind: 4 mph, SE
Solar radiation: 268 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Tuesday, April 20, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
--- --- ----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Overcast and blustery at MWII today. Sampling was at low tide. Not a very diverse sample overall, though there was a diverse collection of Rhizosolenia. Plenty of Phaeocystis. The Chaetoceros socialis bloom that has dominated our last two tows appears to have let up this week.
R: Protoperidinium
R: Ceratium
R: Gyrodinium
C: Chaetoceros
P: Rhizosolenia
R: Detonula
R: Eucampia
R: Guinardia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Thalassiosira
A: Phaeocystis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 12:38 pm
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 13.0 C
Water Salinity: 35 ppt
Water Conditions: Ruffled w/swell
Water Color/Code: Arugula (#29)
Water Visibility: 8 ft
Tide: Low (0.0 ft at 12:27pm)
Surf Report: NW, 8-12 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 13.1 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.6 ft, W
- Wind wave height/direction: 11.8 ft, NW
Weather Conditions
Sky: Overcast
Air Temperature: 53.1 F (11.7 C)
Wind: 9.6 mph, W
Solar radiation: 547 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, April 12 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
--- ----- -------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and warm at the wharf this am. Phytoplankton biomass in the net tow looked about the same as last week, but the assemblage shifted to mostly diatoms. Only a handful a dinoflagellates were observed this week. Chaetoceros was by far the most abundant and we continue to see globs Phaeocystis. Surprisingly, there was a P. australis chain in the cell counts.
R: Ceratium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Noctiluca
R: Dinophysis
A: Chaetoceros
R: Guinardia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Navicula
R: Paralia
R: Odontella
R: Lauderia
R: Skeletonema
C: Phaeocystis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:45 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.2 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 2/6 (#12)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 13:18, 3.5 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 7.2 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.6 ft, W
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 53.4 F (11.9 C)
Wind: 5.8 mph, E
Solar radiation: 759 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
--- ----------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: RAre
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and breezy at MWII, with a ruffled water surface and some lines of scuzz (tan, bubbly) on the water surface. The sample was diffuse with decaying Chaetoceros socialis. Last week, the sample looked like a bin of small, squiggly-surfaced pom-poms (beautiful, healthy C. socialis colonies). This week, many of those pom-poms have frayed and fallen apart; what colonies remain are surrounded by a murk of fragments and solitary cells – and some murmurations of Phaeocystis. Focusing past the murk you can find a small variety of some of our regular characters, but they are greatly outnumbered.
R: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Gyrodinium
R: Protoperidinium
A: Chaetoceros (C. socialis; decaying bloom)
R: Navicula
R: Pleurosigma
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Rhizosolenia
C: Phaeocystis
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 11:45 am
Collector: J./M.J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 13.1 C
Water Salinity: 35 ppt
Water Conditions: Calm with ruffled surface
Water Color/Code: Arugula (#29)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: Flood until High (3.50 ft) at 1:24 pm
Surf Report: Mixed NW swell, 4-6 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 7.5 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions
Sky: Mostly sunny
Air Temperature: 55.9 F (13.3 C)
Wind: 6.5 mph, N
Solar radiation: 807.7 watts/m^2
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
- -- -----
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Cool and foggy at the wharf this am. The pigeon guillemots have arrived with their super happy call (which means winter is officially over according to my almost officially retired wharf expert – who we will miss dearly). There was an increase in phytoplankton biomass this week and the phytoplankton assemblage shifted as well. Chaetoceros, Ceratium, and Phaeocystis were the most abundant this week. For those keeping track, the Noctiluca increased from last week as well.
C: Ceratium
C: Protoperidinium
P: Noctiluca
R: Prorocentrum
R: Dinophysis
C: Chaetoceros
P: Guinardia
P: Skeletonema
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Proboscia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Paralia
R: Eucampia
R: Lauderia
R: Lithodesmium
C: Phaeocystis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:20 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 2/6 (#12)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: High – 7:56, 4.8 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.6 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy (clearing inland)
Air Temperature: 48 F (8.8 C)
Wind: 4 mph, W
Solar radiation: 104 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: RAre
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
A windy, sunny afternoon at MWII. We’ve been on a break for the past two weeks, so today was our re-introduction after some time away. In the field, despite a visibly ‘thick’ net tow, the net drained as usual, the sample wasn’t particularly odorous, and water visibility was decent (8’). Turned out the ‘thick’ tow was result of Chaetoceros socialis, which was high in both relative and absolute abundance and impressively swamped out the assemblage.
R: Prorocentrum
A: Chaetoceros (mostly C. socialis)
R: Odontella
R: Proboscia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Skeletonema
* Environmental Information *
Time: 12:52 pm
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 13.3 C
Water Salinity:
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Arugula (#29)
Water Visibility: 8 ft
Tide: Ebb until Low (-0.41) at 2:52 pm
Surf Report: NW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.0 ft, W
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions
Sky: Sunny, windy
Air Temperature: 52.7 F (11.5 C)
Wind: 11.6 mph, WNW
Solar radiation: 746.10 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, March 29 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Another warm and sunny morning at the wharf. Phytoplankton biomass increased in the net tow this week and the assemblage shifted to mostly diatoms. Chaetoceros was the most abundant.
R: Protoperidinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Ceratium
R: Noctiluca
R: Boreadinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Gyrodinium
A: Chaetoceros
R: Skeletonema
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Proboscia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Paralia
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Detonula
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:30 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.4 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 7:28, -0.4 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.2
- Swell height/direction: 5.9, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.3, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 57.7 F (14.3 C)
Wind: 5 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 425 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, March 22 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 - ---------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
It was beautiful and sunny at the wharf this morning! Net tow was a fairly even mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates, but the biomass decreased dramatically from last week. Assemblage shifted to mostly Protoperidinium (at least 4 species). There was one chain of seriata-size Pseudo-nitzschia.
C: Protoperidinium
C: Prorocentrum
P: Ceratium
R: Noctiluca
R: Dinophysis
R: Boreadinium
P: Guinardia
P: Eucampia
P: Skeletonema
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Proboscia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Paralia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:10 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.7 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 3/6 (#32)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 7:26, 4.9 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.9
- Swell height/direction: 7.9, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 52.9 F (11.6 C)
Wind: 8 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 556 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, March 15 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
- --- ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Mostly cloudy at the wharf this am with rain in the forecast for tomorrow. Water was very clear and much bluer than usual. Net tow was similar to last week - phytoplankton biomass about the same, even mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates. This week Ceratium, Noctiluca, and Chaetoceros were the most abundant. Pseudos were seriata and delicatissima sized and there were P. australis in the probed cell counts.
C: Ceratium
C: Noctiluca
P: Prorocentrum
P: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
C: Chaetoceros
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Guinardia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Eucampia
R: Detonula
R: Ditylum
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Proboscia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Bacteriastrum
R: Paralia
R: Stephanopyxis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:30 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.0 C
Water Conditions: Calm surface, small swell
Water Color/Code: Blue/green, 5BG 2/6 (#15)
Water Visibility: 10 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 7:58, 0.9 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.2
- Swell height/direction: 5.2, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast
Air Temperature: 44.4 F (6.7 C)
Wind: 6 mph, WNW
Solar radiation: 185 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
- ----- ---- ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Cloudy and breezy at MWII this afternoon. We’ve sampled several times since our report a week ago, and have watched a gradual composition change and then a downshift of the diatom bloom coincident with a significant increase in dinoflagellates, particularly Ceratium. We had a large juvenile otter in the immediate sampling area yesterday, retrieving and processing clots of shellfish off of the Wharf pilings.
C: Ceratium
P: Akashiwo
P: Boreadinium
P: Heterocapsa
P: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Dinophysis
R: Gonyaulax
R: Gyrodinium
R: Noctiluca
R: Polykrikos
R: Prorocentrum
C: Guinardia
P: Asterionellopsis
P: Chaetoceros
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Rhizosolenia
P: Stephanopyxis
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Detonula
R: Ditylum
R: Eucampia
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Licmophora
R: Proboscia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Tropidoneis
P: Phaeocystis
R: Dictyocha
R: Corymbellus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 1:53 pm
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
Method: (Net, whole water): net
Depth: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 12.1 C
Water Salinity: 35 ppt
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Country Squire (#32)
Water Visibility: 8 ft
Tide: Flood until High (3.42 ft) at 2:14pm
Surf Report: NW swell, 4-6 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.3 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions
Sky: Overcast
Air Temperature: 51.6 F (10.9 C)
Wind: 11 mph, SW
Solar radiation: 196 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, March 8 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
- ------- -------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Rain overnight with just a light rain and some wind at the wharf while sampling. Dramatic decrease in phytoplankton biomass from last week and a shift in the assemblage as well to an even mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates. Ceratium were the most abundant (at least 4 spp were observed). Pseudos were both delicatissima and seriata size classes and no toxigenic species were counted this week.
C: Ceratium
P: Prorocentrum
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Polykrikos
R: Noctiluca
R: Alexandrium
R: Akashiwo
R: Boreadinium
C: Chaetoceros
P: Eucampia
P: Detonula
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Thalassiosira
R: Ditylum
R: Thalassionema
R: Skeletonema
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Guinardia
R: Proboscia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Bacteriastrum
R: Paralia
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Licmophora
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:00 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.5 C
Water Conditions: Choppy
Water Color/Code: Blue/green, 10G 3/6 (#32)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 8:00, 5.7 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 4-6 ft
NDBC buoy 46042 - offline
- Significant wave height: NA
- Swell height/direction: NA
- Wind wave height/direction: NA
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast, rain stopped shortly after sampling
Air Temperature: 47.5 F (8.6 C)
Wind: 6 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 70 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
- ---- ------ ----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Stormy, with an impressive thunder/lightning and rain storm overnight. We sampled in the early morning (7:20 am, ~40 mins from extreme high tide) and again in the afternoon (2:05 pm, ~1hr from extreme low tide). The intense diatom bloom continues, but there’s been some shuffling in the composition: dramatic decreases in Eucampia & Detonula, dramatic increase in Skeletonema, while Pseudo-nitzschia & Chaetoceros are still going strong.
R: Akashiwo
R: Alexandrium
R: Boreadinium
R: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Gonyaulax
R: Gyrodinium
R: Noctiluca
R: Polykrikos
R: Protoperidinium
R: Unknown dinoflagellate (maybe Gymnodinium)
C: Chaetoceros
C: Skeletonema
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Detonula
R: Ditylum
R: Guinardia
R: Melosira
R: Odontella
R: Pleurosigma
R: Proboscia
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Thalassiosira
* Environmental Information *
Time: 2:05 pm
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 11.6 C
Water Salinity: 35 ppt
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Arugula (#29)
Water Visibility: 10 ft
Tide: Ebb until Low (-0.81) at 3:05 pm
Surf Report: WHW swell, 6-10 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: n/a
- Swell height/direction: n/a
- Wind wave height/direction: n/a
Weather Conditions
Sky: Broken storm clouds
Air Temperature: 51.8 F (11.0 C)
Wind: 6.3 mph, S
Solar radiation: 1039 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, March 1 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
----- --------- ------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Cloudy this morning at the wharf, but still nice enough. Phytoplankton biomass about the same. The phytoplankton assemblage was still mostly diatoms, but shifted from last week to mostly Eucampia and Chaetoceros. There were a fair amount of Noctiluca as well (Rare % wise, but probably tripled in # from last week). Oh and there were small Ctenophores (<1cm diameter) in the sample, both the whole water and net tow, which is unusual. Toxigenic Pn counts doubled from last week (driven mostly by an increase in P. australis, P. multiseries counts decreased).
R: Ceratium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Polykrikos
R: Noctiluca
C: Eucampia
C: Chaetoceros
P: Detonula
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Lauderia
P: Ditylum
R: Thalassionema
R: Thalassiosira
R: Skeletonema
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Guinardia
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Odontella
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Licmophora
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:50 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.3 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: Low – 7:41, 0.7 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 4-6 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 9.8 ft
- Swell height/direction: 9.8 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 0.7 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast
Air Temperature: 51.3 F (10.7 C)
Wind: 3 mph, NE
Solar radiation: 236 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
---- -------- ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Partly-cloudy and windy at MWII this afternoon. Almost high tide; ruffled water surface. The net tow contained a beautiful Spring-bloom ‘salad’ of diatoms (Pseudo-nitzschia, Eucampia, Thalassiosira, Chaetoceros spp., Detonula), with very high phytoplankton biomass.
P: Ceratium
P: Protoperidinium
R: Akashiwo
R: Boreadinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Gyrodinium
R: Noctiluca
R: Polykrikos
C: Chaetoceros
C: Detonula
C: Eucampia
C: Pseudo-nitzschia (mostly seriata)
C: Thalassiosira
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Ditylum
R: Licmophora
R: Odontella
R: Skeletonema
R: Thalassionema
R: Tropidoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 1:00 pm
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 12.0 C
Water Salinity: 35
Water Conditions: Ruffled surface, otherwise calm
Water Color/Code: Isle of Pines (#12)
Water Visibility: >10 ft
Tide: Flood until High (3.78) at 1:40pm
Surf Report: NW swell, 6-8 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 9.8 ft
- Swell height/direction: 9.5 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 0.7 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions
Sky: Partly cloudy
Air Temperature: 55.9 F (13.3 C)
Wind: 11.6 mph, SSW
Solar radiation: 528 watts/m^2
Solar radiation: 236 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, February 22 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
--------- -----------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
It was another beautiful, sunny morning with a little bit of wind. Dramatic increase in phytoplankton biomass this week, looks like the beginning of a spring bloom. Net tow was mostly diatoms and Thalassiosira remains the most abundant. P. austrais, P. multiseries, and Alexandrium were all in the cell counts this week.
R: Ceratium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Cochlodinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Prorocentrum
R: Noctiluca
C: Thalassiosira
C: Detonula
C: Eucampia
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Chaetoceros
R: Thalassionema
R: Ditylum
R: Proboscia
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Guinardia
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Bacteriastrum
R: Lithodesmium
R: Odontella
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:00 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.0 C
Water Conditions: Choppy
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: High – 7:43, 5.7 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 12.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 9.8 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 7.9 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 55.6 F (13.1 C)
Wind: 2 mph, ESE
Solar radiation: 439 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
------ ----- -----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Clear and sunny with a stiff breeze at MWII this afternoon. The water surface was ruffled and there were coin-size patches of foam nearby the sampling area. The net tow had moderate phytoplankton biomass, dominated by an assortment of diatoms (incl. some very nice chains of Thalassiosira). As in past weeks, Ceratium (spp.) was the most prevalent dinoflagellate.
C: Ceratium
P: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Gyrodinium
R: Noctiluca
R: Polykrikos
R: Prorocentrum
C: Eucampia
C: Thalassiosira
C: Detonula
C: Chaetoceros
P: Coscinodiscus
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Skeletonema
R: Ditylum
R: Licmophora
R: Pleurosigma
* Environmental Information *
Time: 12:42 pm
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 12.9 C
Water Salinity:
Water Conditions: Ruffled surface, coin-sized foam nearby, mild surge.
Water Color/Code: #4 (Jadite)
Water Visibility: >10 ft
Tide: Ebb until Low (-0.71) at 3:09 pm
Surf Report: NW, 5-8 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 11.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 8.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 7.5 ft, NW
Weather Conditions
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 58.3 F (14.6 C)
Wind: 7.4 mph, NW
Solar radiation: 600 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, February 15 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
------------------------------ -------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Another sunny and beautiful morning at the wharf. Net tow was mostly detritus/debris with low phytoplankton biomass. Assemblage was mostly diatoms with Thalassiosira being the most abundant. Pn were seriata size and there was a chain of P. australis in the cell counts.
P: Ceratium
P: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Lingulodinium
R: Noctiluca
C: Thalassiosira
C: Detonula
C: Eucampia
P: Chaetoceros
P: Lauderia
R: Thalassionema
R: Ditylum
R: Paralia
R: Guinardia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:00 am
Collector: K. Negrey & Sportball
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.8 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Low – 8:34, 1.7 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 4-7 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 10.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 9.5 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 49.1 F (9.5 C)
Wind: 4 mph, E
Solar radiation: 478 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
----- ---- --------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
A gorgeous, sunny afternoon at MWII. There was plenty of detritus in the tow but phytoplankton biomass was high: an absolute salad bar of diatoms, including some Pseudo-nitzschia (seriata-class). For the dinos, Ceratium was most prevalent and in higher abundance that in weeks prior. *Note: NOT accounted for in the RAs below, the net tow contained a large amount of filaments. This is the third time I’ve seen these filaments (1-3mm width, varying around ~200mm length) in high abundance at MWII, but I have not seen them prior/elsewhere. I can’t see anything that suggests they are cell chains. They do not settle out in the observation dish, but are found in very high abundance suspended in the water column.
C: Ceratium
P: Gonyaulax
P: Protoperidinium
R: Amylax
R: Boreadinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Gyrodinium
R: Noctiluca
R: Polykrikos
R: Prorocentrum
C: Chaetoceros
C: Detonula
P: Asterionellopsis
P: Coscinodiscus
P: Eucampia
P: Leptocylindrus
P: Pseudo-nitzschia (seriata-size)
P: Skeletonema
P: Thalassiosira
R: Ditylum
R: Lauderia
R: Licmophora
R: Pleurosigma
R: Thalassionema
R: Dictyocha
*(A: unknown filaments)
* Environmental Information *
Time: 1:27 pm
Collector: J./M./J.Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 13.0 C
Water Salinity: -
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Jadite (#4)
Water Visibility: 10 ft
Tide: Flood until High (3.19 ft) at 2:30pm
Surf Report: WNW, 6-8 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 8.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 7.9 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.9 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 56.3 F (13.5 C)
Wind: 4 mph, N
Solar radiation: 621 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, February 8 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
---------------------- ------- ---------- --- |
Sample Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
----- ---- --------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Cool, sunny afternoon at MWII. Some clouds in the distance and a cold wind. Water temperature has held around 13C. Biomass and diversity are both up from last week. Not a particularly phyto-dense tow, but plenty to explore and see. The Pseudo-nitzschia were all seriata size-class; beautiful, healthy cells in long chains. For the dinoflagellates, a good amount and variety of Ceratium spp.
P: Ceratium
R: Boreadinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Gonyaulax-like
R: Noctiluca
R: Prorocentrum
R: Protoperidinium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Detonula
P: Leptocylindrus
P: Pseudo-nitzschia (seriata size-class)
P: Thlalassiosira
P: Unknown centric
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Ditylum
R: Guinardia
R: Licmophora
R: Proboscia
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Dictyocha
R: Phaeocystis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 1:20 pm
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 13.4
Water Salinity: -
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: “Country Squire” (#32)
Water Visibility: 9 ft
Tide: Ebb until Low at 4:09pm (-1.2 ft)
Surf Report: WNW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
Significant wave height: 3.9 ft
Swell height/direction: 3.6 ft, NW
Wind wave height/direction: 2.0 ft, NW
Weather Conditions
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 55.4 F (13 C)
Wind: 6.5 mph, NNW
Solar radiation: 498 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, February 1 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
------- ----- ----- ----
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
In stark contrast to last week, it was sunny and beautiful this morning at the wharf. For the first week in awhile, the net tow did not look like chocolate milk, but it was still mostly detritus/debris. Phytoplankton biomass decreased this week. Diatoms are still the dominant group, but the assemblage shifted to mostly Thalassiosira. Pn were seriata size.
R: Akashiwo
R: Gonyaulax
R: Protoperidinium
R: Noctiluca
C: Thalassiosira
C: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassionema
P: Ditylum
P: Paralia
R: Detonula
R: Guinardia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Bacteriastrum
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Proboscia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:20 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: “0-10 ft”
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.7 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 5/6 (#11)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Low – 9:17, 1.6 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.6 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 48.4 F (9.1 C)
Wind: 3 mph, WNW
Solar radiation: 330 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Tuesday, February 3, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
----- ---- --------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Clear blue skies and bright sun with a light breeze this afternoon at MWII. Since our last sampling we had an extreme precipitation event (1/27/21) with local flash flooding; yesterday (2/2/21) we had precip that was less flashy but appreciable. Water temperature and water visibility both increased since last week. Since we began sampling in Dec 2020 our water color has bounced between “Starboard” (#3) and “Jadite” (#4); today we saw the slightly bluer “Poseidon” (#6).
Extremely low phytoplankton biomass in the net tow. The tow was far and away dominated by fecal pellets, fine detritus, and ciliates. Of what phytoplankton there were, fragments of Chaetoceros took the day.
P: Ceratium
R: Gonyaulax
C: Chaetoceros
P: Antinoptychus
P: Coscinodiscus
P: Detonula
P: Ditylum
P: Guinardia
P: Skeletonema
P: Thalssiosira
R: Proboscia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 1:37 pm
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 13.2 C
Water Salinity: 35 ppt
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: “Poseidon” (#6)
Water Visibility: >10 ft
Tide: Flood – High @ 2:48 pm, 3.54 ft
Surf Report: WNW/NW swell, 4-7 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.6 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KCAMONTE115)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 53.2 F (11.8 C)
Wind: 6 mph, N
Solar radiation: 503.6 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, January 25 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- ---- - ----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
There are some days when you arrive at your sample site, see the conditions, and wonder if this is the day you lose your gear to the ocean gods…that was this am.
A fair amount of wind and rain passed through overnight, but there was a break in the rain while sampling. Water was sloppy - choppy and brown with a decent mixed swell and surface current. Net tow was mostly detritus/debris, but there was an increase in phytoplankton biomass. Assemblage was mostly diatoms, led by Chaetoceros. Pn were seriata size. Oh and no gear was lost.
R: Akashiwo
R: Gymnodinium
R: Ceratium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Noctiluca
A: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
P: Detonula
P: Guinardia
P: Coscinodiscus
R: Eucampia
R: Paralia
R: Ditylum
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Skeletonema
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Bacteriastrum
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Cerataulina
R: Thalassionema
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:10 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: “0-10 ft”
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.0 C
Water Conditions: Choppy w/lg swell
Water Color/Code: Brown/green, 10Y 3/4 (#20)
Water Visibility: 2 ft
Tide: High – 8:41, 6.1 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 5-8 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 12.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 11.8 ft, SSW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.9 ft, SSW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast
Air Temperature: 51.3 F (10.7 C)
Wind: 13 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 79 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
---- ------ -----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present (seriata size-class)
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Expecting a severe storm on Wednesday we sampled a day early. Conditions at MWII were “freezing cold”, cloudy, and gray with some wind. Plenty of white caps, wind waves, and chop out on the exposed Bay but the water around MWII was calm. We sampled from both the west and east rails of MWII to see if we could detect a difference in the net tow assemblages and sampling experience (today, we could not). The phytoplankton was more mixed than last week (greater diversity of dinoflagellates) but still relatively diatom-dominated (Chaetoceros fragments + a smattering of other chain-formers).
R: Akashiwo
R: Alexandrium
R: Boreadinium
R: Ceratium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Heterocapsa
R: Polykrikos
R: Prorocentrum
R: Protoperidinium
R: Noctiluca
C: Chaetoceros
P: Detonula
P: Ditylum
P: Eucampia
P: Pseudo-nitzchia (seriata size-class)
P: Skeletonema
P: Stephanopyxis
P: Thalassionema
P: Thalassiosira
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Guinardia
R: Lauderia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Proboscia
R: Rhizosolenia
P: Phaeocystis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 1:00 pm
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 12.0 C
Water Salinity: 35
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: #4 (Jadite)
Water Visibility: 8 ft
Tide: Ebb: Low @ 3:40pm, -0.7 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 8-12 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 12.8 ft
- Swell height/direction: 7.2 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 10.5 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KCAMONTE115)
Sky: Cloudy
Air Temperature: 51.1 F
Wind: 9.2 mph, S
Solar radiation: 200.8 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, January 18 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- ---- - ----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Beautiful sunny morning on the wharf. Net tow was again mostly detritus/debris, but phytoplankton biomass increased. Assemblage remains mostly Chaetoceros.
R: Akashiwo
R: Gymnodinium
A: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
P: Paralia
P: Detonula
R: Guinardia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Odontella
R: Pleurosigma
R: Eucampia
R: Ditylum
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Bacteriastrum
R: Actinoptychus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:50 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.2 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 11:03, 62.0 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.3 ft, W
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.6 ft, E
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 54.3 F (12.4 C)
Wind: 2 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 358 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
------ ----------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Abundant (delicatissima size class)
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Warm, sunny, and calm. Sampling was done on the WEST side of MWII today. Sea otter, birds (grebes), sea lion all in the sampling area. The ocean was finally calm enough for an entirely vertical tow (no swirling, no surge). Diatom-dominated tow, full of delicatissima size-class Pseudo-nitzschia, some Chaetoceros, and a decent variety of other diatoms in the background. Dinoflagellates were few to none. To note: Del Monte Beach to Window on the Bay was closed the past few days due to possible asbestos exposure (asbestos clean-up underway at job-site on Munras; asbestos may have reached the stormwater drain).
R: Akashiwo
R: Ceratium
R: Noctiluca
A: Pseudo-nitzschia (delicatissima size-class)
C: Chaetoceros
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Detonula
R: Ditylum
R: Guinardia
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Thalassiosira
* Environmental Information *
Time: 2:10 pm
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 12.5 C
Water Salinity: 35 PSU
Water Conditions: CALM
Water Color/Code: “Jadite” (#4)
Water Visibility: >10 ft
Tide: High @ 4:28 pm, 3.00 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 4-6 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.6 ft, W
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, E
Weather Conditions (KCAMONTE115)
Sky: Sunny w/clouds
Air Temperature: 61.3 F (16.3 C)
Wind: 3.4 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 344.4 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, January 11 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
- - ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and…warm-ish on the wharf…add in a king tide with a decent swell and it made for an eventful morning collecting water. Water temp increased from last week, but the net tow remains mostly detritus/debris with few cells. Most cells were diatoms with Chaetoceros being the most abundant.
P: Ceratium
P: Prorocentrum
R: Akashiwo
R: Protoperidinium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Paralia
P: Guinardia
P: Thalassiosira
R: Detonula
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Odontella
R: Pleurosigma
R: Thalassionema
R: Proboscia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:40 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.2 C
Water Conditions: Choppy w/swell
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 5/6 (#11)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: High – 9:42, 6.7 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 8-12 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 14.8 ft
- Swell height/direction: 14.8 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 0.7 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 53.6 F (12 C)
Wind: 3 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 315 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
------------------------ -----
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
A beautiful, sunny day. The ocean was calmer, though there was plenty of swirly action in the sampling area. Visibility has dropped notably since last week. The water had greened up and the copepod-then-ciliates party we’ve seen the past two Wednesdays has cleared out. There was still plenty of silt and sand in the sample, but finally some phytoplankton to see and enjoy. It was a fairly even mix of diatoms (esp. Chaetoceros) and dinoflagellates (esp. Ceratium).
A: Ceratium
R: Akashiwo
R: Alexandrium
R: Noctiluca
R: Prorocentrum
R: Protoperidinium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Coscinodiscus
P: Skeletonema
P: Stephanopyxis
R: Detonula
R: Eucampia
R: Guinardia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 2:00 pm
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 12.7 C
Water Salinity: n/a
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: #10 (“Nurture Green”)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: Ebb (Low at 5:09pm, -1.43 ft)
Surf Report: WNW swell, 12-15 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 15.4 ft
- Swell height/direction: 15.4 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, N
Weather Conditions (KCAMONTE115)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 56.3 F (13.5 C)
Wind: 3.8 mph, N
Solar radiation: 309 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, January 4 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 6, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
- ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Cold winter morning at the wharf with some decent waves for all the surfers. Net tow was mostly detritus/debris with low phytoplankton biomass. The assemblage was an even mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates with Chaetoceros and Ceratium being the most abundant.
C: Ceratium
P: Akashiwo
R: Prorocentrum
R: Gymnodinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Heterocapsa
C: Chaetoceros
P: Guinardia
P: Paralia
P: Detonula
R: Thalssiosira
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Licmophora
R: Pleurosigma
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Tropidoneis
R: Entomoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:40 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.6 C
Water Conditions: Large swell
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 3/6 (#32)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 11:03, 1.8 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 6-10 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 12.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 12.5 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Mostly cloudy
Air Temperature: 44.8 F (7.1 C)
Wind: 2.7 mph, W
Solar radiation: 180 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 6, 2021
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
------------------- -----
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Partly cloudy with cirrus clouds overhead at MWII this afternoon; light wind. The ocean was surface-calm but surging at time of the net tow, so there was plenty of horizontal as well as vertical water-column coverage. Remarkably low phytoplankton biomass – it was hard to find any phytos in either settled or unsettled samples of the tow. High detritus. Loads of zooplankton: last week’s copepod party has turned into this week’s ciliate-fest.
C: Ceratium
C: Chaetoceros (fragments)
C: Coscinodiscus
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 1:10 pm
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 12.8 C
Water Salinity: 35 ppt
Water Conditions: No chop, significant surge
Water Color/Code: Green (#4)
Water Visibility: 8 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 4:17pm, 3.5 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 10-15 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 11.8 ft
- Swell height/direction: 11.8 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, W
Weather Conditions
Sky: Sunny w/clouds
Air Temperature: 59 F (15.1 C)
Wind: n/a
Solar radiation: n/a
Week of Monday, December 28 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
-- -------------------
* Water Color *
* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Windy and cold at MWII today. Very busy. Sampling was from the other (west) side of the Wharf.
A: Ceratium
C: Coscinodiscus
R: Chaetoceros
R: Lioloma
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:38 am
Collector: J./M./J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: 12 C
Water Salinity: 35
Water Conditions: Swell
Water Color/Code: Teal
Water Visibility:
Surf Report:
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height:
- Swell height/direction:
- Wind wave height/direction:
Weather Conditions
Sky: Partly cloudy
Air Temperature:
Solar radiation: |
Week of Monday, December 21 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, December 23, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Abundant
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Cold and brisk at MWII today. Crowded. The tow was littered with short-chain Pseudo-nitzschia, predominantly delicatissima-size.
R: Akashiwo
R: Ceratium
R: Alexandrium
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Noctiluca
A: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Eucampia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Detonula
* Environmental Information *
Time: 2:40 pm
Collector: J. Jacox
Water Conditions (MWII)
Water Temperature: ~12C
Water Salinity: n/a
Water Conditions: Choppy w/swell
Water Color/Code: n/a
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Surf Report:
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height:
- Swell height/direction:
- Wind wave height/direction:
Weather Conditions
Sky: Sunny w/clouds
Air Temperature: n/a
Wind: n/a
Solar radiation: n/a
Week of Monday, December 14 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 - ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Another cool, sunny morning at the wharf. Net tow remains mostly detritus/debris (over half of that was dead Akashiwo cells). Phytoplankton assemblage shifted to mostly dinoflagellates and there was an increase in phytoplankton biomass. Once again Akashiwo was the most abundant and Pn were seriata size.
A: Akashiwo
P: Ceratium
P: Prorocentrum
R: Gymnodinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Oxytoxum
R: Alexandrium
R: Noctiluca
P: Chaetoceros
P: Thalssiosira
P: Thalassionema
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Paralia
R: Lauderia
R: Ditylum
R: Asteromphalus
R: Skeletonema
R: Entomoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:30 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.2 C
Water Conditions: Choppy w/swell
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: High – 9:55, 6.8 ft
Surf Report: WNW/NW swell, 5-8 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 11.8 ft
- Swell height/direction: 11.8 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny w/clouds
Air Temperature: 49.3 F (9.6 C)
Wind: 2 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 295 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, December 7 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
- -- ----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and cool at the wharf with a decent swell rolling in. Net tow remains mostly detritus/debris with low phytoplankton biomass. Phytoplankton cells were an even mix of diatom and dinoflagellates and Akashiwo was the most abundant. Pn were seriata size.
C: Akashiwo
C: Ceratium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Protoperidinium
R: Oxytoxum
C: Chaetoceros
C: Coscinodiscus
R: Gunardia
R: Thalassiothrix
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Detonula
R: Ditylum
R: Asteromphalus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:10 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.3 C
Water Conditions: Choppy w/swell
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 5Y 3/4 (#21)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 12:26, 1.6 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 4-7 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 13.1 ft
- Swell height/direction: 13.1 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.0 ft, W
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 54.0 F (12.2 C)
Wind: 4 mph, WSW
Solar radiation: 270 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, November 30 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
- ----- ----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
It was another sunny morning at the wharf. Net tow was similar to last week - remains mostly detritus/debris with low phytoplankton biomass. It was an even mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates and Akashiwo and Thalassiosira were the most abundant. Pn were seriata size.
C: Akashiwo
P: Gymnodinium
P: Ceratium
P: Prorocentrum
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Gonyaulax
R: Pyrocystis
C: Thalassiosira
P: Gunardia
P: Thalassionema
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Paralia
R: Odontella
R: Lauderia
R: Chaetoceros
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:40 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.6 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: High – 9:50, 5.7 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 5-7 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 8.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 8.5 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 46.0 F (7.8 C)
Wind: 3 mph, W
Solar radiation: 210 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, November 23 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
- --- -------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
A beautiful sunny morning at the wharf. Water was clear (>10ft vis) and calm. The sea lions were also active this am and water was collected at the edge of a bait ball. Net tow was mostly detritus/debris and the phytoplankton biomass decreased from last week. Diatom abundance increased though, so it was a pretty even mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates. Akashiwo and Thalassiosira were the most abundant. Pn were seriata size.
C: Akashiwo
P: Gymnodinium
P: Ceratium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
C: Thalassiosira
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Paralia
R: Skeletonema
R: Gunardia
R: Thalassionema
R: Lauderia
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Entomoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:15 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.6 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: >10 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 6:51, 4.9 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 7.5 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 50.9 F (10.5 C)
Wind: 1 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 314 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, November 16 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
It was overcast at the wharf this am, rain coming in the afternoon. Water was choppy with a pretty decent swell rolling in (along with the King Tides). Net tow was mostly detritus/debris, but phytoplankton biomass increased a bit. Dinoflagellates remained the most abundant, but dino diversity dropped dramatically while diatom diversity increased. And like last week, a majority of the cells were Akashiwo. Saw a couple Pn chains – cells were seriata size.
A: Akashiwo
C: Gymnodinium
P: Ceratium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Eucampia
R: Skeletonema
R: Gunardia
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Lauderia
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Actinoptychus
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Paralia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:30 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.5 C
Water Conditions: Choppy w/swell
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 4:51, 2.5 ft
Surf Report: NW & SSW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.6 ft, W
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.6 ft, SSE
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast (rain coming…)
Air Temperature: 55.8 F (13.2 C)
Wind: 7 mph, S
Solar radiation: 28 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, November 9 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 -- ---------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
It was a sunny and cold morning at the wharf. A bait ball was moving in and out of the sampling location. Water temp dropped almost 3C this week and the phytoplankton biomass and diversity dropped as well. Like last week, the net tow was mostly detritus/debris, almost all dinoflagellates, and mostly Akashiwo.
A: Akashiwo
P: Ceratium
P: Prorocentrum
R: Dinophysis
R: Gymnodinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Thalassiosira
R: Asteromphalus
R: Odontella
R: Entomoneis
TIME: 9:15 am
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.2 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 12:34, 2.0 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 7.5 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 47.3 F (8.5 C)
Wind: 4 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 344 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, November 2 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, November 3, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
- -- ---------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Foggy and cool at the wharf this am. Net tow was mostly detritus/debris and phytoplankton biomass decreased from last week. Assemblage remains mostly dinoflagellates (very few diatoms observed), but this week it was co-dominated by Akashiwo and Ceratium (several species). Alexandrium counts decreased and were mostly single cells.
C: Akashiwo
C: Ceratium
P: Dinophysis
P: Gymnodinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Oxytoxum
R: Boreadinium
R: Thalassiosira
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Licmophora
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:30 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Brown/green, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 10:50, 5.2 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.6 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.9 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 49.6 F (9.8 C)
Wind: 4 mph, W
Solar radiation: 108 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, October 26 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and cool at the wharf this am (finally feels like fall). Bait ball in the sampling area today and water was more brown than green. Slight increase in phytoplankton biomass this week and the assemblage remains mostly dinoflagellates and mostly Akashiwo. Alexandrium counts increased this week (quite a few 4-cell chains).
A: Akashiwo
P: Prorocentrum
P: Ceratium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Gymnodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Lingulodinium
R: Thalassiosira
R: Thalassionema
R: Chaetoceros
R: Guinardia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Paralia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:30 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.3 C
Water Conditions: Rippled w/small swell
Water Color/Code: Brown/green, 5GY 2/2 (#17)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: High – 9:06, 4.7 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.6 ft, W
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 49.1 F (9.5 C)
Wind: 5 mph, W
Solar radiation: 118 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, October 19 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Fog clearing out at the wharf this morning with a lot of activity (dolphin pod, jellies, active CSLs, construction). Phytoplankton biomass increased this week and the net tow was mostly dinoflagellates. Assemblage shifted this week to mostly Akashiwo. Pn were delicatissima-size.
A: Akashiwo
P: Prorocentrum
P: Ceratium
P: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Gymnodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Thalassionema
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Eucampia
R: Chaetoceros
R: Guinardia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Entomoneis
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Lauderia
R: Ditylum
R: Asteromphalus
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:00 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.1 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 7:02, 2.3 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.6 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.6 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy and clearing
Air Temperature: 51.8 F (11 C)
Wind: None
Solar radiation: 83 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, October 12 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 - --------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and warm at the wharf this am. Net tow was mostly dinoflagellates, but also had a fair amount of diatoms. Phytoplankton biomass increased slightly this week. Assemblage remained mostly Prorocentrum and Ceratium. Pn were both delicatissima- and seriata-sized. Alexandrium counst dropped an order of magnitude.
C: Prorocentrum
C: Ceratium
C: Akashiwo
P: Protoperidinium
P: Dinophysis
R: Gymnodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Pyrocystis
R: Oxyphysis
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Thalassiosira
P: Thalassionema
P: Rhizosolenia
R: Skeletonema
R: Chaetoceros
R: Guinardia
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Entomoneis
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Lauderia
R: Ditylum
R: Paralia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:20 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.7 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5BG 2/6 (#15)
Water Visibility: 8 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 9:02, 4.5 ft
Surf Report: NNW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.6 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 57.2 F (14 C)
Wind: 4 mph, WNW
Solar radiation: 144 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, October 5 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
- - -------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Fog starting to clear out at the wharf this morning and a small bait ball hanging out near the sampling location. Phytoplankton biomass decreased this week, but there was an increase in phytoplankton diversity. Prorocentrum and Ceratium were the most abundant. Pn were both seriata- and delicatissima-sized. Alex counts doubled this week.
C: Prorocentrum
C: Ceratium
P: Gymnodinium
P: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Cochlodinium
R: Akashiwo
R: Alexandrium
R: Pyrocystis
R: Boreadinium
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Thalassiosira
P: Skeletonema
P: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Guinardia
R: Eucampia
R: Proboscia
R: Licmophora
R: Entomoneis
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Hemiaulus
R: Ditylum
R: Pleurosigma
R: Paralia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:40 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 2/6 (#12)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 6:56, 2.4 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.2 ft, WSW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Fog clearing out
Air Temperature: 51.1 F (10.6 C)
Wind: 1 mph, E
Solar radiation: 98 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, September 28 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 - -------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Rare
Foggy at the wharf this am. Phytoplankton biomass increased significantly this week, but the assemblage was pretty similar to last week – mostly dinoflagellates, mostly Prorocentrum. Didn’t see any Alex in the net tow, but they came up in the counts and we started to see chains on the IFCB.
A: Prorocentrum
C: Ceratium
P: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Oxytoxum
R: Akashiwo
R: Heterocapsa
R: Boreadinium
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Hemiaulus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Asteromphalus
R: Dictyocha
TIME: 8:25 am
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.5 C
Water Conditions: Calm surface, with small swell
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 10:14, 4.5 ft
Surf Report: SW/SSW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.6 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 0.7 ft, SSW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 55.4 F (13 C)
Wind: 2 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 58 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, September 21 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
- ------ ----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Fog clearing out at the wharf this morning. Phytoplankton biomass decreased from last week and there was a noticeable increase in detritus/debris. The assemblage remained mostly dinoflagellates and Prorocentrum was still the most abundant.
A: Prorocentrum
C: Ceratium
P: Protoperidinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Cochlodinium
R: Polykrikos
R: Dinophysis
R: Oxyphysis
R: Akashiwo
R: Gyrodinium
R: Pyrocystis
R: Boreadinium
R: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Guinardia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Asteromphalus
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:15 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 8 ft
Tide: Low – 8:24, 2.2 ft
Surf Report: SW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.6 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy/high marine layer
Air Temperature: 54.3 F (12.4 C)
Wind: 3 mph, WNW
Solar radiation: 21 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, September 14 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, September 15, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
---- --------------- -------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Present
* Impressions *
Sunny this morning, but hazy from the smoke (still, it was nice to see some blue sky). Water temp dropped 2C this week and the water was also the clearest its been in awhile. Phytoplankton biomass increased this week and the assemblage shifted to mostly dinoflagellates. Prorocentrum was the most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia cells were mostly delicatissima size.
A: Prorocentrum
P: Cochlodinium
P: Ceratium
P: Gymnodinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Polykrikos
R: Dinophysis
R: Oxyphysis
R: Alexandrium
R: Pyrocystis
R: Boreadinium
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Thalassionema
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Eucampia
R: Guinardia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Hemiaulus
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Asteromphalus
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:20 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 9 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 10:15, 4.3 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 2.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 2.3 ft, SW
- Wind wave height/direction: 0.7 ft, NNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny w/smoke haze
Air Temperature: 54.1 F (12.3 C)
Wind: 2.0 mph, W
Solar radiation: 136 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, September 7 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- --------------- -------------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Present
* Impressions *
Foggy and cool at the wharf this am with a hint of smoke in the air. Water temp increased 2C from last week while the phytoplankton biomass decreased. The assemblage remains mostly diatoms, although dinoflagellate abundance increased this week. Pseudo-nitzschia was the most abundant and the cells were mostly delicatissima size.
C: Prorocentrum
P: Akashiwo
P: Cochlodinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Polykrikos
R: Gymnodinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Ceratium
R: Oxyphysis
C: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Skeletonema
P: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Thalassionema
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Detonula
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Eucampia
R: Guinardia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Asteromphalus
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:40 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 8:16, 2.2 ft
Surf Report: SW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 2.6 ft, SSE
- Wind wave height/direction: 4.6 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy w/smoke
Air Temperature: 57.7 F (14.3 C)
Wind: 2.0 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 45 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, August 31 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- ----------------------------------- ----
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Foggy and cool at the wharf this am with a hint of smoke in the air. Water temp dropped 4C from two weeks ago. Phytoplankton biomass is about the same and the assemblage remains mostly diatoms, but there was an increase in dinoflagellates. Pseudo-nitzschia and Chaetoceros were the most abundant and Pn was mostly delicatissima sized.
C: Akashiwo
P: Prorocentrum
P: Protoperidinium
R: Polykrikos
R: Gymnodinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Alexandrium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
C: Pseudo-nitzschia
C: Thalassionema
P: Asterionellopsis
P: Detonula
P: Lauderia
P: Eucampia
P: Guinardia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Skeletonema
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:45 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.6 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 11:26, 4.2 ft
Surf Report: S swell, 1-2 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 3.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.6 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy w/light drizzle
Air Temperature: 56.7 F (13.7 C)
Wind: 1.0 mph, NE
Solar radiation: 68 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, August 17 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, August 18, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
Warm and “sunny” at the wharf this am with smoke from the CZU-Lightning fires hanging in the air. Water temp jumped 3C this week (it crept up gradually over the past week). Phytoplankton biomass increased a little and the assemblage officially shifted to mostly diatoms. Thalassiosira was the most abundant (ending a almost 2month run for Akashiwo). Pseudo-nitzschia also noticeably increased and were mostly delicatissima sized.
C: Akashiwo
P: Polykrikos
R: Prorocentrum
R: Gyrodinium
R: Dinophysis
A: Thalassiosira
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Chaetoceros
R: Guinardia
R: Eucampia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Licmophora
TIME: 8:35 am
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 18.5 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 5GY 2/2 (#17)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 5:01, -0.9 ft
Surf Report: S/SW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.3 ft
- Swell height/direction: 2.3 ft, SE
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny with smoke haze
Air Temperature: 65.1 F (18.4 C)
Wind: 6.2 mph, WNW
Solar radiation: 126 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, August 10 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
Another cool, overcast/high fog morning at the wharf. Didn’t see the bait ball this am, but there were still plenty of fishermen. Slight increase in phytoplankton biomass this week and the assemblage shifted to a more even mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates. Akashiwo and Thalassiosira were the most abundant.
C: Akashiwo
R: Ceratium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Oxyphysis
R: Polykrikos
C: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Guinardia
R: Eucampia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Thalassionema
R: Dictyocha
TIME: 7:50 am
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.3 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 2/4 (#30)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 9:59, 2.1 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 0.7 ft, W
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast/fog
Air Temperature: 56.8 F (13.8 C)
Wind: 1.0 mph, S
Solar radiation: 57 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, August 3 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, August 4, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
This week was very similar to last week… Yet another cool, overcast/high fog morning, with a bait ball hanging around the wharf, but not at the sampling site. Phytoplankton biomass and assemblage similar to last week - mostly dinos, mostly Akashiwo.
A: Akashiwo
R: Ceratium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Oxyphysis
R: Polykrikos
R: Boreadinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Chaetoceros
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Eucampia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Coscinodiscus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:30 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 17.5 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 2/4 (#30)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 6:06, -0.7 ft
Surf Report: SW swell, 1-2 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.0 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast/fog
Air Temperature: 58.5 F (14.7 C)
Wind: 2.0 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 72 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, July 27 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
It was another cool, overcast/high fog morning at the wharf. Bait ball still hanging around, but it was closer to shore this week. Net tow was mostly dinoflagellates with another increase in phytoplankton biomass. Akashiwo remains the most abundant.
A: Akashiwo
R: Ceratium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Oxyphysis
R: Chaetoceros
R: Guinardia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Lauderia
R: Eucampia
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Asteromphalus
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:15 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.2 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 2/4 (#30)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 6:09, 3.3 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042 @6:40**
- Significant wave height: 3.3 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.0 ft, SSW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, W
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast/fog
Air Temperature: 56.3 F (13.5 C)
Wind: 1.0 mph, SSE
Solar radiation: 54 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, July 20 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, July 21, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 --- --------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
It was another cool, overcast/high fog morning at the wharf. Bait ball still hanging around, but it was not as large as last week. Water was collected at the edge of the ball. Net tow was mostly dinoflagellates with an increase in biomass this week. Akashiwo was the most abundant. Alexandrium counts dropped significantly this week.
A: Akashiwo
P: Ceratium
P: Prorocentrum
R: Alexandrium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Oxyphysis
R: Gymnodinium
R: Polykrikos
R: Noctiluca
R: Chaetoceros
R: Guinardia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Lauderia
R: Eucampia
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Asteromphalus
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Nitzschia
R: Licmophora
R: Dictyocha
TIME: 8:35 am
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.7 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 2/6 (#12)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 6:09, -1.1 ft
Surf Report: SW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 3.3 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.3 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast/fog
Air Temperature: 55.6 F (13.1 C)
Wind: 1.0 mph, NE
Solar radiation: 120 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, July 13 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
--- - ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Overcast/high marine layer over the wharf this am. Bait ball surrounded the wharf and there was lots of bird activity (and people fishing). Net tow remains mostly dinoflagellates, but there was an increase in diatom abundance and diversity this week. Akashiwo and Ceratium were the most abundant and the Alexandrium counts again decreased by half this week.
C: Akashiwo
C: Ceratium
P: Prorocentrum
R: Alexandrium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Oxyphysis
R: Heterocapsa
R: Gymnodinium
R: Cochlodinium
R: Polykrikos
R: Boreadinium
P: Chaetoceros
P: Guinardia
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Detonula
R: Eucampia
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Asteromphalus
R: Cocsindiscus
R: Nitzschia
R: Lauderia
R: Phaeocystis
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:30 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.3 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 10GY 2/4 (#30)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 6:57, 3.0 ft
Surf Report: SW swell, 1-2 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast/fog
Air Temperature: 55.6 F (13.1 C)
Wind: 1.0 mph, S
Solar radiation: 99 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, July 6 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, July 7, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 -- --------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny, warm, and the water was red at the wharf this am (whole water looked like a net tow). There was also a bait ball hanging around nearby. Net tow was (obviously) mostly dinoflagellates and Akashiwo was the most abundant. Alexandrium counts decreased by half this week.
A: Akashiwo
P: Prorocentrum
P: Ceratium
R: Alexandrium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Oxyphysis
R: Heterocapsa
R: Pyrocystis
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Chaetoceros
R: Guinardia
R: Thalassiosira
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:10 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.6 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Brown/red, “5Y 2/2” (#18)
Water Visibility: 2 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 7:12, -0.9 ft
Surf Report: S swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.2 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 4.9 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 56.8 F (13.8 C)
Wind: 2.0 mph, N
Solar radiation: 329 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, June 29 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- --- -----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Present
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Sunny and warm at the wharf this am. Reports of red tides throughout the area (and at the wharf), but the water was green today. Net tow was similar to last week – phytoplankton biomass was about the same and continues to be mostly dinoflagellates, but diatoms did increase this week. Prorocentrum and Akashiwo were the most abundant and Alexandrium counts are holding steady.
C: Prorocentrum
C: Akashiwo
C: Ceratium
P: Alexandrium
P: Gymnodinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Oxyphysis
R: Gyrodinium
R: Boreadinium
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Chaetoceros
R: Guinardia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Eucampia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Licmophora
R: Ditylum
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:20 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.6 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 5GY 3/4 (#28?)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 7:26, 3.4 ft
Surf Report: SW/SSW swell, 4-6 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 8.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 8.5 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 59.9 F (15.5 C)
Wind: 2.0 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 357 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, June 22 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- --- -----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Present
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
June gloom rolled in at the end of last week and the wharf was cool with a high marine layer this morning. Net tow was similar to last week – phytoplankton biomass was holding steady and the assemblage was mostly dinoflagellates. Akashiwo and Prorocentrum were the most abundant and Alexandrium counts increased this week
C: Akashiwo
C: Prorocentrum
C: Ceratium
P: Alexandrium
P: Gymnodinium
P: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Lingulodinium
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Guinardia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Lauderia
R: Eucampia
R: Chaetoceros
R: Skeletonema
R: Licmophora
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:05 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.1 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 2/6 (#12)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 7:13, -1.0 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 3.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, W
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast/fog
Air Temperature: 56.1 F (13.4 C)
Wind: 2.0 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 128 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, June 15 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 ---- ---------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Warm and sunny at the wharf this morning. Net tow was similar to last week – phytoplankton biomass about the same and mostly dinoflagellates. Ceratium and Prorocentrum continue to be the most abundant genera. Alexandrium counts decreased by half.
C: Ceratium
C: Prorocentrum
P: Dinophysis
P: Akashiwo
P: Gymnodinium
P: unknown little round ball (LRB)
R: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Boreadinium
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Guinardia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Eucampia
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Skeletonema
R: Proboscia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:10 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.7 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: High – 8:32, 3.1 ft
Surf Report: S/SW swell, 1-2 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 2.6 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 5.9 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 58.5 F (14.7 C)
Wind: 4.0 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 348 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, June 8 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, June 9, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 ---- ---------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
There was lots of wind over the weekend, but we had another warm and sunny morning at the wharf. Water temp dropped this week. Phytoplankton biomass was similar to last week and the assemblage was mostly dinos. Prorocentrum and Ceratium were the most abundant. Both species of Pseudo-nitzschia and the Alexandrium cell counts increased.
C: Ceratium
C: Prorocentrum
C: Heterocapsa
P: Protoperidinium
P: Dinophysis
P: Akashiwo
R: Gymnodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Pyrocystis
R: Noctiluca
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Tropidoneis
R: Guinardia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Ditylum
R: Eucampia
R: Dactyliosolen
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:15 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.4 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: Low – 8:24, -0.9 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.6 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.9 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 60.3 F (15.7 C)
Wind: 3.0 mph, NE
Solar radiation: 376 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, June 1 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
---- --- ---------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Another warm and sunny morning at the wharf! Net tow was similar to last week – phytoplankton biomass was about the same and the assemblage was mostly dinoflagellates. Akashiwo and Ceratium were the most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia increased this week (mostly seriata size) and the Alexandrium counts decreased.
C: Akashiwo
C: Ceratium
P: Protoperidinium
P: Dinophysis
R: Prorocentrum
R: Gymnodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Noctiluca
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Guinardia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Ditylum
R: Eucampia
R: Skeletonema
R: Thalassionema
R: Asteromphalus
R: Tropidoneis
R: Phaeocystis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:15 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 18.5 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: High – 8:36, 3.8 ft
Surf Report: SW/SSW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.9 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 59.7 F (15.4 C)
Wind: 2.0 mph, N
Solar radiation: 363 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, May 25 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 ------------ --------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Warm and sunny at the wharf this am. Water temp increased over 1C from last week and the phytoplankton assemblage shifted to mostly dinoflagellates. Akashiwo was the most abundant this week. Pseudo-nitzschia pretty much gone (handful of single cells, seriata-size), while Alexandrium cell counts increased.
A: Akashiwo
C: Ceratium
P: Prorocentrum
P: Protoperidinium
P: Scrippsiella
R: Gymnodinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Boreadinium
R: Lingulodinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Proboscia
R: Guinardia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:05 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 18.7 C
Water Conditions: Calm, small swell
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Low – 8:16, -0.7 ft
Surf Report: WNW/NW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 7.5 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.6 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 61.3 F (16.3 C)
Wind: 2.0 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 314 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, May 18 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
------------ --------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Abundant
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Rain over the weekend, but it was beautiful and sunny at the wharf this am. Net tow remains mostly detritus/debris, but less than last week. Phytoplankton biomass was about the same – mostly diatoms with a slight increase in dinos. Pseudo-nitzschia was the most abundant and like last week, most were P. australis.
P: Akashiwo
R: Protoperidinium
R: Scrippsiella
R: Ceratium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Gymnodinium
R: Gyrodinium
A: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Thalassiosira
R: Chaetoceros
R: Eucampia
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Paralia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Lauderia
R: Asteromphalus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 7:50 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 17.4 C
Water Conditions: Rippled w/swell
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 9:38, 3.5 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 4-6 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 8.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 8.2 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 52.7 F (11.5 C)
Wind: 8.0 mph, WSW
Solar radiation: 279 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, May 11 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Some rain overnight and early this am with the last of the clouds lingering over the wharf. Sample site was at the edge of a sediment plume with a fair amount of kelp wrack as well. Add in the swell and it proved to be one of the more interesting sample collections. Net tow was mostly detritus/debris (there was so much that cell observations were a challenge). Phytoplankton assemblage was mostly diatoms and co-dominated by Chaetoceros and Pseudo-nitzschia. Pn were mostly P. australis.
R: Protoperidinium
R: Scrippsiella
R: Akashiwo
R: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Prorocentrum
R: Gymnodinium
R: Lingulodinium
R: Boreadinium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Eucampia
P: Skeletonema
P: Thalassiosira
R: Ditylum
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Thalassionema
R: Guinardia
R: Lauderia
R: Actinoptychus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:45 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.2 C
Water Conditions: Small swell
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 10Y 3/4 (#20)
Water Visibility: 2 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 9:51, -0.6 ft
Surf Report: S/SSW swell, 4-6 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.6 ft, S
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, SSW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast
Air Temperature: 55.9 F (13.3 C)
Wind: 1.0 mph, E
Solar radiation: 158 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, May 4 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Sunny and warm on the wharf this am, definitely a nice morning to resume sampling. Net tow was mostly diatoms and mostly Eucampia. But the phytoplankton assemblage was pretty diverse for both diatoms and dinos. Pn were an even mix of deli and seriata sizes.
P: Protoperidinium
P: Scrippsiella
R: Akashiwo
R: Ceratium
R: Alexandrium
R: Cochlodinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Prorocentrum
R: Gymnodinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Pyrocystis
R: Boreadinium
A: Eucampia
C: Chaetoceros
P: Pseudo-nitzshia
P: Dactyliosolen
P: Ditylum
P: Leptocylindrus
P: Skeletonema
R: Thalassiosira
P: Coscinodiscus
R: Thalassionema
R: Detonula
R: Hemiaulus
R: Proboscia
R: Asteromphalus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:20 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 17.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 10 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 9:39, 4.5 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 10.0 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 55 F (12.8 C)
Wind: 2.0 mph, E
Solar radiation: 347 watts/m^2 |
COVID-19 Shelter In Place - no sampling |
Week of Monday, March 9 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 ------ --------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Present
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Present
* Impressions *
Another sunny and warm morning at the wharf! Phytoplankton biomass increased from last week and there were very few diatoms in the assemblage. Akashiwo was the most abundant, but the Alexandrium counts increased by an order of magnitude (lots of 4-cell chains zooming around).
A: Akashiwo
C: Ceratium
P: Alexandrium
P: Cochlodinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Prorocentrum
R: Lingulodinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Thalassiosira
R: Guinardia
R: Eucampia
P: Coscinodiscus
R: Fragillariopsis
R: Pleurosigma
R: Odontella
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Paralia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:45 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.4 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 12:29, 5.7 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.2 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.6 ft, SSW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny with high clouds
Air Temperature: 57.2 F (14.0 C)
Wind: 3.0 mph, ESE
Solar radiation: 402 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
- ---- --------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo: None
* Impressions *
A crystal clear sky followed overnight rains making a spectacular setting for sampling off MWII. Chlorophyll biomass continued on a downward trend (Net Fraction: 0.3X to 0.10 ug/L; Total: 0.23X to 7.17 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Phytoplankton abundance was low (1 cell=Present), but diatoms remained dominant in the community and led by this week by Chaetoceros spp with hitchhikers (0.82X to 265 chains/L), Guinardia spp (371 cells/L) and Pseudo-nitzschia spp (0.30X to 212 cells/L, 25% seriata size class) and a mix of Thalassiosira spp (0.15X to 106 cells/L). Dinoflagellates were led by non-descript 'brown balls' (265 cells/L) and Prorocentrum (0.24X to 53 cells/L). Calm waters and low phytoplankton biomass contributed to increased water clarity (visibility >7m!).
C: Scrippsiella spp. (868 cells/L)
C: Gymnodinium cf (< 10 um brown, BB)
P: Prorocentrum gracile (53 cells/L)
P: Prorocentrum spp. (53 cells/L)
P: Pyrocystis lunula
P: Heterocapsa triquetra (53 cells/L)
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Dinophysis spp.
R: Ceratium furca
R: Ceratium azicorum
R: Ceratium spp.
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Oxytoxum spp.
C: Chaetoceros spp. (265 chains/L)
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (212 cells/L, 25% seriata size class)
C: Guinardia spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
P: Navicula spp.
P: Cylindrotheca spp.
P: Licmophora spp.
P: Nitzschia spp.
P: Proboscia spp.
P: Cocconeis spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Lithodesmium spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
Other: C: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
C: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: foraminifera
P: Myrionecta spp
P: Corymbellus aureus
C: fecal pellets, nauplii, tintinids, calanoids, fish larvae, eggs
* Environmental Information *
Time: 11:15am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 13.17 oC
Water Conditions: 10GY 3/4, calm
Visibility: >>5 m; [>7m]
Tide: Rising/slack, 1.554 m, high at 1227h
Sky: Sunny, clear
Air Temperature: 13.9oC
Wind: NNW, 1-2 m/S |
Week of Monday, March 2 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
---- ---- --------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Sunny and warm at the wharf this am – “beach chickens and ocean dogs” welcomed Charlie back and kept him company while sampling. Dramatic decrease in phytoplankton biomass this week along with an assemblage shift to mostly dinoflagellates. Akashiwo and Ceratium were the most abundant.
C: Akashiwo
C: Ceratium
P: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Alexandrium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Lingulodinium
R: Cochlodinium
R: Oxyphysis
R: Boreadinium
R: Noctiluca
P: Chaetoceros
P: Thalassiosira
R: Thalassionema
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Guinardia
R: Skeletonema
R: Ditylum
P: Coscinodiscus
R: Fragillariopsis
R: Pleurosigma
R: Licmophora
R: Navicula
R: Rhizosolenia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Actinoptichus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:05 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.0 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 5:07, 5.0 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 8.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 8.2 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny with high clouds
Air Temperature: 57.0 F (13.9 C)
Wind: 1.0 mph, NE
Solar radiation: 394 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
- ---- --------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: Present
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo: Rare
* Impressions *
Well March has come in like a lamb here at MWII where the intrepid sampler had to spend yet another beautiful sunny, morning of sampling. Talking about a meek beginning to the month, net chlorophyll biomass was sharply lower while total was higher in samples this week (Net Fraction: 0.35X to 0.34 ug/L; Total: 1.37X to 31.84 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence) hinting at a shift to smaller cells (< Phaeocystis) and detritus. Diatoms while sparse at best, were led this week by Pseudo-nitzschia spp (0.27X to 705 cells/L, 46% seriata size class) and a mix of Thalassiosira spp (705 cells/L). Dinoflagellates continued to decline in abundance being led by Scripsiella spp (1.29X to 868 cells/L), Ceratium spp (0.43X to 325 cells/L) and Prorocentrum spp. (0.32X to 675 cells/L). Akashiwo sanguinae dropped to rare abundance (0.07X to 54 cells/L). Alexandrium spp. increased in abundance (6.04X to 163 cells/L) with active 4 cell chains observed.
C: Scrippsiella spp. (868 cells/L)
P: Prorocentrum gracile
P: Prorocentrum spp. (217 cells/L)
P: Ceratium lineatum
P: Ceratium spp. (325 cells/L)
P: Alexandrium spp. (163 cells/L)
P: Heterocapsa niei (108 cell/L)
P: Heterocapsa triquetra
R: Akashiwo sanguinae (54 cells/L)
R: Prorocentrum micans
R: Ceratium furca
R: Boreadinium cf
R: cysts
R: gymnodinoid, brown oblong, apical cingulum, 50um x 25um
C: Thalassiosira spp. (651 cells/L)
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (705 cells/L, 46% seriata size class)
C: Navicula spp.
P: Chaetoceros spp. (325 chains/L)
P: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
P: Cylindrotheca spp.
P: Nitzschia spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Cerataulina spp.
C: Dictyocha spp.
C: Phaeocystis spp. (singletons and clumps)
C: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
P: Acantharians
P: (ulvacean) green zoospores
P: pale green flagellate (3 - 5 um)
P: foraminifera
R: Myrionecta spp
P: Tintinids, oligotrichs, nauplii, calanoids, eggs, fish larvae, fecal pellets, detritus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 11:00am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 13.4 oC
Water Conditions: 10Y 3/4, calm, surface scum from nearby fish offloading
Visibility: 4.5 m;
Tide: Rising/slack, 1.307 m, high at 1145h
Sky: Sunny, with lite haze, 20% high wispy clouds
Air Temperature: 14.2oC
Wind: SSW, 1-2 m/S |
Week of Monday, February 24 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
------ ---- --------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Another sunny morning at the wharf. Phytoplankton biomass similar to last week. Chaetoceros remains the most abundant. But there were tons of tiny cells this week (~2um). Pn were mostly deli size.
P: Akashiwo
P: Ceratium
R: Cochlodinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Lingulodinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Noctiluca
A: Chaetoceros
C: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Thalassiosira
P: Thalassionema
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Eucampia
R: Guinardia
R: Skeletonema
R: Ditylum
P: Corethron
R: Lithodesmium
R: Pleurosigma
R: Hemiaulus
R: Thalassiothrix
R: Phaeocystis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:30 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.7 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/blue, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 11:41, 4.5 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.3 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 61.7 F (16.5 C)
Wind: 2.0 mph, N
Solar radiation: 441 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
- ---- --------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Rare
- Akashiwo: Common
* Impressions *
Yet another beautiful sunny morning of sampling at MWII. Chlorophyll biomass was higher in samples this week (Net Fraction: 2.1X to 0.955 ug/L; Total: 3.1X to 23.31 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Diatoms were led this week by a mix of Chaetoceros spp. (0.4X to 1,220 chains/L) followed by Pseudo-nitzschia spp (0.53X to 2,576 cells/L, 39% seriata size class) . Dinoflagellates increased in relative abundance and were led by Akashiwo sanguinae (1.16X to 759 cells/L) and Ceratium spp (1.56X to 759 cells/L) with Prorocentrum spp. exhibiting the largest increase since last sample (4.14X to 675 cells/L).
C: Akashiwo sanguinae (759 cells/L)
C: Prorocentrum gracile
C: Prorocentrum spp. (675 cells/L)
C: Ceratium lineatum
C: Ceratium spp. (759 cells/L)
C: Scrippsiella spp. (675 cells/L)
P: Prorocentrum micans
P: Dinophysis acuminata
P: Dinophysis spp. (163 cells/L)
P: Ceratium furca
P: Gonyaulax spinifera
P: Lingulodinium polyedrum (108 cells/L)
P: Heterocapsa triquetra
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Ceratium fusus
R: Alexandrium spp. (27 cells/L)
R: Cochlodinium spp. (54 cells/L)
C: Chaetoceros spp. (1,220 chains/L)
C: Thalassiosira spp. (813 cells/L)
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (2,576 cells/L, 39% seriata size class, up to 10 cell chains)
C: Guinardia spp. (459 cells/L)
P: Thalassionema spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
P: Navicula spp.
P: Cylindrotheca spp.
P: Asterionellopsis spp.
P: Nitzschia spp.
P: Eucampia
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Corethron spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Cocconeis spp.
C: Phaeocystis spp.
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: foraminifera
R: (ulvacean) green zoospores
R: Corymbellus aureus
P: Tintinids, oligotrichs, rotifer, nauplii, eggs, fecal pellets
* Environmental Information *
Time: 11:15am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 13.2 oC
Water Conditions: 5GY 2/4, calm
Visibility: 5 m;
Tide: Rising/slack, 1.307 m, high at 1145h
Sky: Sunny, 5% high wispy clouds
Air Temperature: 16.7oC
Wind: N, 2 m/S |
Week of Monday, February 17 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
---- ------ --------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: Present
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Sunny and cool at the wharf. Phytoplankton biomass about the same as last week. Dinoflagellate abundance increased, but Chaetoceros remained the most abundant.
C: Akashiwo
C: Ceratium
P: Alexandrium
R: Cochlodinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Gonyaulax
R: Oxytoxum
R: Prorocentrum
R: Protoceratium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Skeletonema
R: Ditylum
R: Eucampia
R: Guinardia
R: Thalassionema
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Corethron
R: Detonula
R: Pleurosigma
R: Odontella
R: Asteromphalus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:05 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.2 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 10GY 2/4 (#30)
Water Visibility: 7 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 7:05, 5.7 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 43.7 F (6.5 C)
Wind: 4.1 mph, W
Solar radiation: 235 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
- ---- --------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo: Present
* Impressions *
A beautiful sunny, cool morning of sampling at MWII. Chlorophyll biomass was lower in samples this week (Net Fraction: 0.52X to 0.454 ug/L; Total: 0.46X to 7.55 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Diatoms were most abundant in the net community and led this week by a mix of Chaetoceros spp. (2.14X to 3,091 chains/L) followed by Pseudo-nitzschia spp (0.46X to 4,881 cells/L, 99.9% seriata size class) and Guindardia spp. (1,464 cells/L). Dinoflagellates declined in abundance and were led by Akashiwo sanguinae (0.45X to 651 cells/L) followed by Ceratium spp (0.19X to 488 cells/L) and Prorocentrum spp. (0.06X to 163 cells/L).
P: Akashiwo sanguinae (651 cells/L)
P: Ceratium furca
P: Ceratium lineatum
P: Ceratium spp. (488 cells/L)
P: Lingulodinium polyedrum
R: Prorocentrum micans
R: Prorocentrum gracile
R: Prorocentrum spp. (163 cells/L)
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Dinophysis spp. (163 cells/L)
R: Ceratium azicorum
R: Alexandrium spp. (<163 cells/L)
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Oxytoxum spp. (163 cells/
C: Chaetoceros spp. (3,091 chains/L)
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (4,881 cells/L, 99.9% seriata size class, up to 10 cell chains)
C: Guinardia spp. (1,464 cells/L)
P: Thalassiosira spp. (163 cells/L)
P: Thalassiothrix spp.
P: Thalassionema spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
P: Navicula spp.
P: Nitzschia spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Corethron spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Stephanopyxis spp.
R: Cocconeis spp.
R: Eucampia
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: Phaeocystis spp.
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
P: foraminifera
R: filamentous cyanobacteria
R: Corymbellus aureus
P: Tintinids, oligotrichs, rotifer, nauplii, eggs, bivalve and fish larvae, fecal pellets (C)
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:55am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 12.5 oC
Water Conditions: 10GY 2/4, light chop
Visibility: >>5 m;
Tide: Falling, 0.786 m, low at 1432h
Sky: Sunny, clear skies!
Air Temperature: 11.2oC
Wind: NNW 2-3 m/S |
Week of Monday, February 10 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
---- ------ -------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Sunny and “warmer” at the wharf this am. Increase in phytoplankton biomass this week and the assemblage was mostly diatoms. Chaetoceros and Thalassiosira were the most abundant. Pn were mostly seriata size, with P. australis lighting up on the probed counts.
R: Cochlodinium
R: Akashiwo
R: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Pyrocystis
C: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
C: Thalassionema
P: Asterionellopsis
P: Eucampia
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Guinardia
P: Skeletonema
R: Ditylum
P: Corethron
R: Detonula
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Lauderia
R: Stephanopyxis
R: Odontella
R: Fragilariopsis
R: Licmophora
R: Phaeocystis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:20 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.1 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/blue, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 6:34, 1.6 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 7.2 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 51.8 F (11.0 C)
Wind: 3.0 mph, NW
Solar radiation: 342 watts/m^2 |
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
-- ------------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: Present
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo: Common
* Impressions *
A blue sky and somewhat warmer air temperature greeted our sampler today who was joined by some frustrated fishermen nearby. Once again the week began with strong (ca 30 mph) onshore winds and sunny weather. SST was little changed. Net chlorophyll biomass increased while total biomass was little changed in this week's samples (Net Fraction: 3.24X to 0.875 ug/L; Total: 0.94X to 16.28 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Net phytoplankton biomass was diverse and led by dinoflagellates. Dinoflagellates were led by Prorocentrum spp. (8.93X to 2,886 cells/L), Lingulodinium polyedrum (1.52X to 2,705 cells/L) and Ceratium spp (1.42X to 2,524 cells/L) Pseudo-nitzschia spp more than doubled in abundance (3.13X to 10,642 cells/L, 61% seriata size class). Cyanobacterial like filaments made their annual winter appearance and were abundant in the sample ( 0.5 - 1mm length, 5,050 filaments/L).
C: Akashiwo sanguinae
C: Prorocentrum micans
C: Prorocentrum gracile
C: Prorocentrum spp. (2,886 cells/L)
C: Ceratium furca
C: Ceratium spp. (2,525 cells/L)
C: Lingulodinium polyedrum (2,705 cells/L)
P: Dinophysis spp. (361 cells/L)
P: Ceratium lineatum
P: Alexandrium spp. (721 cells/L)
P: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Ceratium azicorum
R: Ceratium macroceros
R: Ceratium fusus
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Oxytoxum spp. (182 cells/L)
R: Heterocapsa spp
C: Chaetoceros spp. (1,443 chains/L)
C: Thalassiosira spp. (1,622 cells/L)
C: Thalassionema spp. (901 cells/L)
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (10,642 cells/L, 61% seriata size class, up to 10 cell chains)
P: Guinardia spp.
P: Navicula spp.
P: Cylindrotheca spp. (721 cells/L)
P: Eucampia
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Nitzschia spp.
R: Pseudoguinardia recta
R: Detonlula spp.
C: filamentous cyanobacteria
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: Phaeocystis spp.
R: foraminifera
R: Myrionecta spp
P: Tintinids, Oligotrichs, rotifer, nauplii, eggs, fecal pellets
* Environmental Information *
Time: 11:15am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 11.97 oC
Water Conditions: 5GY 3/4, surface scum from fish offloading
Visibility: 5 m;
Tide: Rising, 1.458 m, high at 1223h
Sky: Sunny, clear skies!
Air Temperature: 14.3oC
Wind: NNW 4-5 m/S |
Week of Monday, February 3 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
------ -------- --------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Common
* Impressions *
Another sunny morning at the wharf. Less detritus/debris in the net tow this week, phytoplankton biomass was about the same. The phytoplankton assemblage shifted slightly – an increase in dinoflagellates and Chaetoceros was the most abundant this week. Only a few chains of Pn (seriata size) and Alex popped up on the probed counts.
C: Cochlodinium
P: Akashiwo
P: Ceratium
R: Lingulodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Gymnodinium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
P: Asterionellopsis
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassionema
R: Ditylum
P: Paralia
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Asteromphalus
R: Odontella
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:55 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 11.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/blue, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 6:38, 5.7 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 8.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 8.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.6 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Mostly sunny, high clouds
Air Temperature: 41.5 F (5.3 C)
Wind: 5.0 mph, W
Solar radiation: 267 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
------------------------- ----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo: Rare
* Impressions *
A sunny, cold and surprisingly quiet morning of sampling at MWII. Strong NW winds impacted the bay to start the week and SST was nearly 1oC lower compared to last sample. Net chlorophyll biomass remained low while total biomass increased in this week's samples (Net Fraction: 0.84X to 0.27 ug/L; Total: 1.82X to 17.27 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Overall, net phytoplankton biomass was sparse, but represented by a mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates. Pseudo-nitzschia spp increased in abundance and size (1.76X to 3,395 cells/L, 61.9% seriata size class). Dinoflagellates were led by Lingulodinium polyedrum (1,778 cells/L).
C: Ceratium spp. (1,778 cells/L)
C: Lingulodinium polyedrum (1,778 cells/L)
P: Dinophysis acuminata
P: Dinophysis fortii
P: Dinophysis spp. (485 cells/L)
P: Ceratium furca
P: Ceratium lineatum
R: Akashiwo sanguinae
R: Prorocentrum gracile (323 cells/L)
R: Prorocentrum spp. (323 cells/L)
R: Dinophysis tripos
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
R: Ceratium teres
R: Ceratium azicorum
R: Ceratium fusus
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Scrippsiella spp.
C: Chaetoceros spp. (1,940 chains/L)
C: Thalassiosira spp. (1,293 cells/L)
C: Thalassionema spp. (1,455 cells/L)
C: Cylindrotheca spp. (1,778 cells/L)
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (3,395 cells/L, 61.9% seriata size class)
P: Pleurosigma spp.
P: Striatella spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Corethron spp. (small cells)
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Nitzschia spp.
R: Detonlula spp.
R: Eucampia
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
P: Myrionecta spp
R: Acantharians
P: Oligotrichs, Tintinids, calanoid
* Environmental Information *
Time: 11:15am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 11.9 oC
Water Conditions: 5GY 3/4, lite surface scum
Visibility: 4.5 m;
Tide: Falling, 0.544m, low at 1420h
Sky: Sunny, 5% cloud, brisk!
Air Temperature: 6.8oC
Wind: NNW 2-3 m/S |
Week of Monday, January 27 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-------- -------- ----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Mostly sunny at the wharf. Net tow was similar to last week, mostly detritus debris and few phytoplankton cells. Phytoplankton assemblage similar to last week as well, Thalassiosira and Chaetoceros were the most abundant. Pn were mostly seriata size, but none were seen in the probed counts.
P: Akashiwo
P: Lingulodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Cochlodinium
R: Protoperidinium
C: Thalassiosira
C: Chaetoceros
P: Guinardia
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Thalassionema
R: Ditylum
P: Paralia
R: Lauderia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Skeletonema
R: Pleurosigma
R: Corethron
R: Navicula
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:35 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.8 C
Water Conditions: Large swell
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 2/2 (#17)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 7:03, 2.5 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 6-10 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 12.8 ft
- Swell height/direction: 12.1 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 4.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Mostly sunny, high clouds
Air Temperature: 49.8 F (9.9 C)
Wind: 2.0 mph, SSE
Solar radiation: 213 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, January 20 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-------- -------- -------- ---
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Rain overnight, but skies clearing this am. Net tow was mostly detritus/debris. Slight increase in phytoplankton biomass . The assemblage was mostly diatoms, but dinoflagellates increased from last week. Thalassiosira and Chaetoceros were the most abundant. Pn were mostly seriata size and the toxic Pn count is down by an order of magnitude this week.
P: Akashiwo
R: Alexandrium
R: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Cochlodinium
R: Lingulodinium
R: Gymnodinium
C: Thalassiosira
C: Chaetoceros
C: Guinardia
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Paralia
R: Ditylum
R: Odontella
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Skeletonema
R: Pleurosigma
R: Asteromphalus
R: Corethron
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:35 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.7 C
Water Conditions: Choppy w/large swell
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 2 ft
Tide: High – 8:03, 6.3 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 8-12 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 12.1 ft
- Swell height/direction: 12.1 ft, W
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, SSE
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Cloudy, but clearing
Air Temperature: 52.5 F (11.4 C)
Wind: 4.0 mph, WNW
Solar radiation: 74 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
-- ---------------------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo: Present
* Impressions *
An overcast morning following overnight rain set the stage for today's sampling at MWII. Chlorophyll biomass was lower in samples this week (Net Fraction: 0.51X to 0.32 ug/L; Total: 0.72X to 0.47 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Sediment and detritus were dominant in today's samples associated with large long period swell impacting the bay. Overall, phytoplankton biomass was sparse, with diatoms leading dinoflagellates in fixed and live samples. Diatoms were again led by a mix of Chaetoceros spp (0.48X to 1,782 chains/L) and Thalassiosira spp (1.46X to 1,485 cells/L). Pseudo-nitzschia spp decreased in abundance and size (0.28X to 1,931 cells/L, 23% seriata size class). Dinoflagellate adundance declined sharply led by A. sanguinae (0.15X to 298 cells/L).
P: Akashiwo sanguinae (298 cells/L)
P: Ceratium lineatum
P: Ceratium spp.
P: Scrippsiella spp. (298 cells/L)
P: Lingulodinium polyedrum
R: Dinophysis acuminata (149 cells/L)
R: Dinophysis spp. (149 cells/L)
R: Ceratium furca
R: Ceratium fusus
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: cysts
C: Chaetoceros spp. (1,782 chains/L)
C: Thalassiosira spp. (1,485 cells/L)
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (1,931 cells/L, 23% seriata size class)
P: Guinardia spp. (2.63X to 894 cells/L)
P: Pleurosigma spp. (298 cells/L)
P: Thalassionema spp. (596 cells/L)
P: Lauderia spp.
P: Nitzschia spp.
P: Striatella spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp. (149 cells/L)
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Stephanopyxis spp.
C: filamentous cyanobacteria
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
P: foraminifera
C: Fecal pellets, Tintinids, rotifer, nauplii, embryos, eggs
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:45am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 12.67 oC
Water Conditions: 5GY 2/2, choppy, large 20s period swell
Visibility: 4 m;
Tide: Falling, 1.23m, low at 1531h
Sky: 100% cloud cover, clearing offshore
Air Temperature: 14.1oC
Wind: NNE 0-2 m/S |
Week of Monday, January 13 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
------ ------ -- ----- ---
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Another cold sunny morning at the wharf. Net tow had a lot of detritus/debris and low phytoplankton biomass. The phytoplankton assemblage was mostly diatoms (only saw 1 dino). Thalassiosira was the most abundant this week. Total toxic Pn count was about the same as last week, but more evenly split between P. australis and P. multiseries.
R: Akashiwo
C: Thalassiosira
C: Chaetoceros
C: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Detonula
P: Guinardia
R: Lithodesmium
R: Ditylum
R: Odontella
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Paralia
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Eucampia
R: Licmophora
R: Hemiaulus
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:25 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 12.1 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 2/2 (#17)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 7:54, 2.4 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 4-7 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 9.8 ft
- Swell height/direction: 9.8 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Clear
Air Temperature: 40.6 F (4.8 C)
Wind: 9.0 mph, WNW
Solar radiation: 157 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo: Common
* Impressions *
A beautiful, yet very brisk morning for sampling at MWII. SST was 1.5oC lower than last week. Chlorophyll biomass was higher in samples this week (Net Fraction: 3.13X to 0.63 ug/L; Total: 1.60X to 13.13 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Wind chop and large long period swell contributed to a substantial sediment and detrital load, although it was less severe than last week. In spite of the intense mixing, today's samples were surprisingly diverse. Dinoflagellates were visually dominant led by Lingulodinium polyedrum (2,716 cells/L) and A. sanguinae (2,037 cells/L). Diatoms biomass also increased, visually led by a mix of Chaetoceros spp (3,735 chains/L) and Thalassiosira spp (1,019 cells/L). Pseudo-nitzschia spp increased in abundance and size (3.33X to 6,791 cells/L, 95% seriata size class).
C: Akashiwo sanguinae (2,037 cells/L)
C: Ceratium spp. (2,377 cells/L)
C: Lingulodinium polyedrum (2,716 cell/L)
P: Prorocentrum micans (1,019 cells/L)
P: Prorocentrum spp. (1,109 cells/L)
P: Dinophysis acuminata (679 cells/L)
P: Dinophysis spp. (679 cells/L)
P: Ceratium furca
P: Ceratium lineatum
P: Ceratium fusus
P: Protoperidinium spp.
P: Gymnodinium cf (< 10 um brown, BB)
P: Boreadinium cf
R Prorocentrum gracile
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Ceratium teres
R: Ceratium azicorum
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: cysts
C: Chaetoceros spp. (3,735 chains/L)
C: Thalassiosira spp. (1,019 cells/L)
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (6,791 cells/L, 95% seriata size class)
P: Guinardia spp. (340 cells/L)
P: Lauderia spp.
P: Cylindrotheca spp. (1,358 cells/L)
P: Striatella spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Corethron spp.
R: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Stephanopyxis spp.
R: Pseudoguinardia recta
R: Cocconeis spp.
R: Eucampia
C: filamentous cyanobacteria
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: Phaeocystis spp.
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
R: Myrionecta spp
P: Fecal pellets, Tintinids, oligotrichs, rotifer, nauplii, calanoid, fish and polycheate larvae, eggs
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:45am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 12.13 oC
Water Conditions: 5Y 3/4, choppy, large 15-20s swell
Visibility: 4 m;
Tide: Rising, 1.11m, high at 1325h
Sky: Sunny, 5% cloud cover
Air Temperature: 8.5oC
Wind: ENE 2-4 m/S |
Week of Monday, January 6 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
--- -- ----- --------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Mostly sunny, cool and calm at the wharf this am. Net tow was mostly diatoms. Chaetoceros, Thalassiosira and Pseudo-nitzschia were the most abundant. Pn were seriata size and mostly P. multiseries (based on the WCP counts).
R: Lingulodinium
R: Akashiwo
R: Ceratium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Cochlodinium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
C: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Odontella
P: Guinardia
P: Lithodesmium
P: Ditylum
R: Lauderia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Detonula
R: Paralia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Asteromphalus
R: Corethron
R: Skeletonema
R: Thalassionema
R: Entomoneis
R: Pyramamonas
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:10 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.6 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 7:49, 6.2 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 7.5 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.6 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Clear
Air Temperature: 47.5 F (8.6 C)
Wind: 4.0 mph, W
Solar radiation: 139 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2020
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo: Rare
* Impressions *
A new year for sampling at MWII. Chlorophyll and living biomass are near their winter lows (Net Fraction: 0.20 ug/L; Total: 8.22 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Today's samples were dominated by sediment and detritus. Diatoms led the low biomass phytoplankton assemblage with Coscinodiscus spp, numerous Chaetoceros spp and Cylindrotheca spp were common. Healthy looking Pseudo-nitzschia spp were observed in live and quantitative samples (2,037 cells/L, 50% seriata size class). The dinoflagellate community was sparse with single Akashiwo sanguinae and Dinophysis spp cells observed in live samples.
P: Prorocentrum micans (170 cells/L)
P: Prorocentrum spp. (170 cells/L)
P: Dinophysis acuminata (170 cells/L)
P: Dinophysis spp. (340 cells/L)
R: Akashiwo sanguinae
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: cysts
C: Chaetoceros spp. (1,019 chains/L)
C: Thalassiosira spp. (340 cells/L)
C: Coscinodiscus spp. (678 cells/L)
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (2,037 cells/L, 50% seriata size class)
P: Guinardia spp. (340 cells/L)
P: Lithodesmium spp.
P: Corethron spp. (170 cells/L)
P: Cylindrotheca spp. (848 cells/L)
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Fragilariopsis spp.
R: Striatella spp.
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: foraminifera
R: Phaeocystis spp.
R: Myrionecta spp
P: Tintinids, nauplii, oligotrichs, rotifer
* Environmental Information *
Time: 11:05am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 13.43 oC
Water Conditions: 5GY 3/4, glassy surface
Visibility: 4 m;
Tide: Falling, 1.05m, low at 1525h
Sky: Sunny, 50% cloud cover
Air Temperature: 12.7oC
Wind: NW 2-4 m/S |
Week of Monday, December 16 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, December 18, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- -- --- ----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Overcast, but a pocket of sun over the wharf while sampling this am. Large swell with a choppy surface. Visibility back down to 3ft and the net tow was mostly detritus/debris. Phytoplankton biomass was about the same as last week, but the assemblage shifted to an even mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates. Lingulodinium and Chaetoceros were the most abundant.
C: Lingulodinium
P: Akashiwo
P: Ceratium
P: Gymnodinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Noctiluca
R: Polykrikos
C: Chaetoceros
P: Lauderia
P: Thalassiosira
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Fragilariopsis
R: Eucampia
R: Odontella
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Paralia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Lithodesmium
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 11:05 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.9 C
Water Conditions: Choppy with swell
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 9:41, 2.7 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 4-7 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 12.1 ft
- Swell height/direction: 11.8 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.6 ft, SW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast w/a pocket of sun
Air Temperature: 53.4 F (11.9 C)
Wind: 7.0 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 365 watts/m^2 |
Week of Monday, December 9 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- --- -------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Overcast and drizzling this am. Water was calm and clear, clearest its been in over a year (visibility was over 3m) and the water temp increased almost 2C. The net tow was mostly detritus/debris and phytoplankton biomass decreased again this week. Assemblage remains mostly dinoflagellates. Lingulodinium and Akashiwo were the most abundant.
C: Akashiwo
C: Lingulodinium
C: Ceratium
P: Gymnodinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Protoperidinium
P: Chaetoceros
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Fragilariopsis
R: Detonula
R: Odontella
R: Rhizosolenia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:35 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.3 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10G 3/6 (#32)
Water Visibility: +10 ft
Tide: High – 8:54, 6.1 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.9 ft, W
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.3 ft, WSW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast, drizzle
Air Temperature: 54.0 F (12.2 C)
Wind: 6.0 mph, NW
Solar radiation: 74 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, December 2 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- -------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Present
* Impressions *
Overcast and with a little rain this am. Net tow was mostly detritus/debris again this week. Phytoplankton biomass decreased, but the assemblage remains mostly dinoflagellates. Akashiwo was the most abundant.
C: Akashiwo
C: Heterocapsa
P: Cochlodinium
P: Ceratium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Dinophysis
R: Alexandrium
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Fragilariopsis
R: Asteromphalus
R: Guinardia
R: Paralia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:25 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.8 C
Water Conditions: Choppy
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 5GY 2/2 (#17)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 11:30, 2.6 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.2 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.0 ft, ESE
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast w/rain
Air Temperature: 54.5 F (12.5 C)
Wind: 4.0 mph, N
Solar radiation: 195 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, November 25 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, November 27, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- -----------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: Common
* Impressions *
Double rainbow at the wharf this am! Overcast with rain (of course it stopped once sampling was completed). Net tow was mostly detritus/debris (hard to see/find cells) and phytoplankton biomass decreased. Assemblage was mostly Akashiwo and Cochlodinium (not convinced its Cochlo – could be an Alex?).
C: Akashiwo
C: Cochlodinium?
P: Prorocentrum
P: Ceratium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Polykrikos
P: Thalassiosira
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Chaetoceros
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Fragilariopsis
R: Lauderia
R: Guinardia
R: Proboscia
R: Paralia
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:30 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.1 C
Water Conditions: Choppy w/big swell
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 2 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 9:57, 6.4 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 6-10 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 17.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 17.4 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.3 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast w/rain
Air Temperature: 44.4 F (6.9 C)
Wind: 5.9 mph, WNW
Solar radiation: 75 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, November 18 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
---------------------- ---- ------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Quiet morning on the wharf, partly cloudy and cool. A lot of detritus/debris in the net tow along with a decrease in phytoplankton biomass and diversity. Assemblage remains mostly dinoflagellates, but Akashiwo was the most abundant this week.
A: Akashiwo
C: Prorocentrum
P: Ceratium
R: Cochlodinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Oxytoxum
R: Alexandrium
R: Thalassiosira
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Odontella
R: Paralia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:30 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 11:17, 2.5 ft
Surf Report: W/WNW swell, 4-7 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 15.7 ft
- Swell height/direction: 14.4 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 5.9 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Partly cloudy
Air Temperature: 53.1 F (11.7 C)
Wind: 3.0 mph, NNW
Solar radiation: 184 watts/m^2
Week of Monday, November 4 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
---- -------- ---------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Common
* Impressions *
It was foggy this am at the wharf and a bait ball was hanging out in the sampling area. Phytoplankton biomass increased this week and the assemblage shifted to mostly dinoflagellates. Cochlodinium was the most abundant.
C: Cochlodinium
P: Akashiwo
P: Ceratium
P: Gymnodinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Dinophysis
R: Oxyphysis
R: Oxytoxum
R: Chaetoceros
R: Asteromphalus
R: Guinardia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Proboscia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:20 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 14.6 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 2/4 (#30)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 7:02, 4.4 ft
Surf Report: W/WNW swell, 1-2 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 3.3 ft
- Swell height/direction: 2.6 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 48.4 F (9.1 C)
Wind: 2.0 mph, E
Solar radiation: 197 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
----------------------- ---- -------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Present
- Akashiwo: Present
* Impressions *
Overnight fog cleared early making for another beautiful morning for sampling at MWII. SST gradually increased by 2oC over the past week. Chlorophyll biomass increased from last sampling (Net Fraction: 2.02X to 2.04 ug/L; Total: 1.90X to 31.92 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Diatoms were only observed in live samples overall dropping to rare abundance compared to their dominance in last week's samples. The dinoflagellate community continued to evolve now being dominated by a Heterocapsa spp bloom (9.53X to 15,127 cells/L). Akashiwo sanguinae (6.93X to 997 cells/L), Prorocentrum spp (2.8X to 2,826 cells/L), Ceratium spp (2,327 cells/L) and Cochlodinium (831 cells/L) also increased in abundance.
A: Heterocapsa spp (1,587 cells/L)
C: Prorocentrum micans (2,826 cells/L)
C: Prorocentrum spp. (2,826 cells/L)
C: Ceratium lineatum (2,327 cells/L)
C: Ceratium spp. (2,327 cells/L)
P: Akashiwo sanguinae (997 cells/L)
P: Ceratium fusus
P: Scrippsiella spp. (1,164 cells/L)
P: Cochlodinium spp. (831 cells/L, 2 cell chains and singlets)
R Prorocentrum gracile
R: Dinophysis acuminata (166 cells/L)
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Dinophysis spp. (166 cells/L)
R: Ceratium furca
R: Ceratium teres
R: Ceratium azicorum
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Alexandrium spp. (2 cell chain in live fields)
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Lingulodinium polyedrum (166 cells/L)
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Oxytoxum spp.
R: cysts
R: Torodinium spp.
R: Karenia-like (372 cells/L)
R: Chaetoceros spp. (3,024 chains/L)
R: Thalassiosira spp. (2,304 cells/L)
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. [2 seriata-size cells]
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Dactyliosolen spp.
R: Fragilariopsis spp.
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: Myrionecta spp
P: Tintinids, nauplii, oligotrichs, rotifer, fecal pellets
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:35am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 14.22 oC [2.0oC increase over past week]
Water Conditions: 5Y 3/4, glassy surface, no swell
Visibility: 5 m;
Tide: Falling, 1.07m, low at 1258h
Sky: Sunny with smokey haze
Air Temperature: 13.5oC
Wind: NW 2-3 m/S |
Week of Monday, October 28 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-------- --------- ---------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Present
* Impressions *
Cool and sunny morning at the wharf. Water temp dropped 3C from last week. Phytoplankton biomass dropped as well. Net tow remained mostly diatoms, but the dinos increased in relative abundance this week. Thalassiosira remains the most abundant. Pn cells were mostly deli-size.
P: Akashiwo
P: Cochlodinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Oxyphysis
R: Noctiluca
R: Heterocapsa
C: Thalassiosira
C: Skeletonema
P: Thalassionema
R: Chaetoceros
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Eucampia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Guinardia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Leptocylindrus
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Lauderia
R: Paralia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:35 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 13.5 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 12:08, 6.0 ft
Surf Report: WNW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.6 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.3 ft, ESE
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 54.5 F (12.5 C)
Wind: 4.4 mph, NNW
Solar radiation: 283 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
---- ----- ---------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: Rare
- Akashiwo: Rare
* Impressions *
A crisp sunny morning for sampling at MWII. Smokey haze was prevalent around the bay, but the waters around MWII were noticeably clearer (vis >>5m). Cooler waters moved into the area after last weeks sampling, dropping SST by 2oC. Net chlorophyll biomass increased, while total chlorophyll continued to decline (Net Fraction: 1.25X to 1.01 ug/L; Total: 0.65X to 16.94 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Diatoms were led by Pseudo-nitzschia spp (6.75X to 10,101 cells/L; 28.6% seriata size class), Chaetoceros spp (1.21X to 3,024 chains/L) and Thalassiosira species (0.15X to 2,304 cells/L). The dinoflagellate community shifted in composition with an influx of Hetercapsa spp (1,587 cells/L), Scripsiella spp (1,298 cells/L) outpacing Akashiwo sanguinae (0.29X to 144 cells/L) and Prorocentrum micans (3.04X to 1,010 cells/L).
C: Heterocapsa spp (1,587 cells/L)
P: Prorocentrum micans (1,010 cells/L)
P: Prorocentrum spp. (1,010 cells/L)
P: Scrippsiella spp. (1,298 cells/L)
R: Akashiwo sanguinae (498 cells/L)
R Prorocentrum gracile
R: Ceratium lineatum (144 cells/L)
R: Ceratium spp. (144 cells/L)
R: Protoperidinium spp. (288 cells/L)
R: Alexandrium spp. (2 cell chain in live fields)
R: Cochlodinium spp. (<144 cells/L, 2 cell chains and singlets)
R: Lingulodinium polyedrum (144 cells/L)
R: Oxytoxum spp.
C: Chaetoceros spp. (3,024 chains/L)
C: Thalassiosira spp. (2,304 cells/L)
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (10,101 cells/L, 28.6% seriata size class)
P: Guinardia spp.
P: Pleurosigma spp.
P: Thalassionema spp.
P: Skeletonema spp.
P: Tropidoneis spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
P: Cylindrotheca spp.
P: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Melosira spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Nitzschia spp.
P: Phaeocystis spp.
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: Myrionecta spp
R: Tintinids, fecal pellets (C)
* Environmental Information *
Time: 11:00am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 12.14 oC [2.1oC decline over past week]
Water Conditions: 10GY 2/4, long period swell
Visibility: >>5 m; surface scum and drift algae
Tide: Rising/slack, 1.785m, high at 1207h
Sky: Sunny with smokey haze
Air Temperature: 13.8oC
Wind: NNE 1-3 m/S |
Week of Monday, October 21 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
--------- ------ -------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Beautiful morning at the wharf, warm and sunny! Net tow remains mostly diatoms, but dinoflagellates increased this week, along with an increase in water temp. Overall phytoplankton biomass was about the same. Thalassiosira was the most abundant, Pn cells were mostly deli-size (only saw 1 chain of seriata-size cells).
P: Akashiwo
P: Heterocapsa
P: Protoperidinium
R: Prorocentrum
R: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Oxyphysis
R: Alexandrium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Cochlodinium
C: Thalassiosira
C: Chaetoceros
C: Skeletonema
P: Thalassionema
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Eucampia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Guinardia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Odontella
R: Lauderia
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 11:05 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.8 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 8:00, 4.4 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 8.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 7.5 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.3 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 66.2 F (19.0 C)
Wind: None
Solar radiation: 524 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
----- -----------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo: Present
* Impressions *
A spectacular morning for sampling off MWII, made even better by the company of colleagues from the Aquarium wanting to set up phytoplankton monitoring at their facility. Chlorophyll biomass was sharply lower in this week's samples (Net Fraction: 0.6X to 0.80 ug/L; Total: 0.61X to 25.79 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). While sediment and detritus were dominant following a few days of high wave activity, diatoms were again the dominant living biomass being led by a mix of Thalassiosira species (0.46X to 7,148 cells/L), Chaetoceros spp (0.35X to 2,493 chains/L). Pseudo-nitzschia spp abundance also declined (0.07X to 1,496 cells/L; 33.3% seriata size class). Dinoflagellates remained at low abundance Akashiwo sanguinae (3.13X to 498 cells/L) and Prorocentrum micans (1.05X to 332 cells/L).
P: Akashiwo sanguinae (498 cells/L)
P: Prorocentrum micans (332 cells/L
P: Prorocentrum spp. (332 cells/L)
P: cysts
R Prorocentrum gracile
R: Ceratium lineatum (166 cells/L)
R: Ceratium spp. (166 cells/L)
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Oxytoxum spp.
A: Thalassiosira spp. (7,148 cells/L)
C: Chaetoceros spp. (2,493 chains/L)
C: Leptocylindrus spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (1,496 cells/L, 33.3% seriata size class)
P: Guinardia spp.
P: Pleurosigma spp.
P: Thalassionema spp.
P: Skeletonema spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
P: Navicula spp.
P: Cylindrotheca spp.
P: Nitzschia spp.
P: Eucampia
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Melosira spp.
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: Phaeocystis spp.
R: Acantharians
R: Myrionecta spp
R: Oligotrichs, fecal pellets (C), detritus (A)
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:30am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 14.25 oC
Water Conditions: 5Y 3/4, long period swell
Visibility: 5 m
Tide: Falling, 1.092m, low at 1321h
Sky: Sunny and cloud free
Air Temperature: 15.5oC
Wind: NW <2 m/S |
Week of Monday, October 14 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
------ ---- ----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
It was a cool and partly cloudy morning at the wharf. The water temp dropped almost 2C this week. Net tow was similar to last week – phytoplankton biomass about the same and diatoms were still the most dominant group. Thalassiosira was the most abundant this week, followed by Chaetoceros. Pseudo-nitzschia cells were mostly deli sized.
R: Prorocentrum
R: Ceratium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Oxyphysis
R: Boreadinium
C: Thalassiosira
C: Chaetoceros
C: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Skeletonema
P: Thalassionema
R: Eucampia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Guinardia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Odontella
R: Proboscia
R: Entomoneis
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:35 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.3 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/blue, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 5:56, 1.9 ft
Surf Report: SW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 3.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 2.6 ft, SW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Partly cloudy
Air Temperature: 52 F (11.1 C)
Wind: 2.0 mph, E
Solar radiation: 84 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
----- -----------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo: Rare
* Impressions *
An overcast, cool morning of sampling at MWII over grey-green calm waters. Chlorophyll biomass remains elevated, and continues on an upward trend in the net samples (Net Fraction: 1.34X to 1.75 ug/L; Total: 0.99X to 42.57 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Diatoms were again dominant in this week's samples being led by a mix of Thalassiosira species (1.58X to 15,438 cells/L), Chaetoceros spp (0.39X to 7,162 chains/L) and Pseudo-nitzschia spp (0.89X to 22,282 cells/L; 10% seriata size class). Dinoflagellates continued to decline in abundance led by unhappy looking Akashiwo sanguinae (0.09X to 159 cells/L) and Prorocentrum micans (0.11X to 318 cells/L).
P: cysts [Polykrikos type, and brown balls]
R: Akashiwo sanguinae (159 cells/L)
R: Prorocentrum micans (159 cells/L
R Prorocentrum gracile (159 cells/L)
R: Prorocentrum spp. (318 cells/L)
R: Ceratium lineatum
R: Ceratium spp. (159 cells/L)
R: Scrippsiella spp. (318 cells/L)
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Oxytoxum spp.
C: Chaetoceros spp. (7,162 chains/L)
C: Thalassiosira spp. (15,438 cells/L)
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (22,282 cells/L, 10% seriata size class)
P: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
P: Thalassionema spp.
P: Skeletonema spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
P: Cylindrotheca spp.
P: Leptocylindrus spp.
P: Eucampia
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Melosira spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Bacillaria spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Nitzschia spp.
R: Planktoniella spp.
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
R: Myrionecta spp
R: Phaeocystis spp.
R: Acantharians
P: Oligotrichs, nauplii, tintitnids, embryos, nematode, fecal pellets (C), detritus (C)
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:45am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 13.46 oC
Water Conditions: 5Y 2/2, calm, some surface foam
Visibility: 4 m
Tide: Rising, 1.535 m, high at 1206h
Sky: Overcast, marine layer and fog/haze clearing from shore
Air Temperature: 11.4oC
Wind: W 1-2 m/S |
Week of Monday, October 7 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
- -- ---------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Mostly sunny and cool at the wharf this am. The phytoplankton assemblage shifted to mostly diatoms this week, ending a ~3mo run of dinos. Diatoms were mostly small sized cells (20-30um) and assemblage was mostly Chaetoceros. Pseudo-nitzschia were mostly delicatissima size and they were the second most abundant genus.
R: Prorocentrum
R: Ceratium
R: Cochlodinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Dinophysis
R: Oxyphysis
C: Chaetoceros
C: Thalassiosira
C: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Skeletonema
P: Eucampia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Guinardia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Lauderia
R: Proboscia
R: Thalassionema
R: Ditylum
R: Entomoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:30 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/blue, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: High – 9:16, 4.3 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 10.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 7.5 ft, NNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 6.9 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Mostly sunny
Air Temperature: 56.8 F (13.8 C)
Wind: 2.0 mph, SSW
Solar radiation: 426 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
--------------------- --------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo: Present
* Impressions *
Another beautiful, fall morning at MWII, surrounded by jade green waters. Cooler waters moved into this locale at the beginning of this week, resulting in 2oC drop in SST for today's sampling. Chlorophyll biomass reversed course, in response, increasing significantly in both fractions (Net Fraction: 2.48X to 1.31 ug/L; Total: 3.10X to 42.98 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Community composition changed along with chlorophyll biomass, with diatoms finally making their presence known, being led by a mix of Chaetoceros spp (18,262 chains/L) and Pseudo-nitzschia spp (7.08X to 24,950 cells/L; 39.2% seriata size class). Dinoflagellates declined in abundance led by unhappy looking Akashiwo sanguinae (0.23X to 1,801 cells/L) and Prorocentrum micans (0.7X to 2,829 cells/L).
P: Akashiwo sanguinae (1,801 cells/L)
P: Prorocentrum micans (2,829 cells/L
P: Prorocentrum spp. (2,829 cells/L)
P: Polykrikos spp. [2 morphologies]
P: cysts (Polykrikos type)
R Prorocentrum gracile (257 cells/L)
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp. (257 cells/L)
R: Oxytoxum spp. (257 cells/L)
C: Chaetoceros spp. (18,262 chains/L)
C: Thalassiosira spp. (9,774 cells/L)
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (24,950 cells/L, 39.2% seriata size class)
C: Cylindrotheca spp. (9,260 cells/L)
P: Tropidoneis spp.
P: Asteromphalus spp.
P: Nitzschia spp. (1,285 cells/L)
P: Eucampia (771 cells/L)
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp. (257 cells/L)
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Thalassiothrix spp. (257 cells/L)
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Lauderia spp. (257 cells/L)
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
P: pale green flagellate (3 - 5 um)
R: Phaeocystis spp.
P: Oligotrichs, eggs, fecal pellets (C), detritus (C)
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:50am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 14.52 oC
Water Conditions: 10Y 3/4, surface foam, drift kelp
Visibility: 4.5 m
Tide: Falling, 1.307 m, low at 1455h
Sky: Clear and sunny, marine layer offshore
Air Temperature: 13.4oC
Wind: NW 3-4 m/S |
Week of Monday, September 30 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: Present
* Impressions *
Sunny and cool at the wharf. Net tow remains mostly dinoflagellates with an increase in detritus/debris. Akashiwo was still the most abundant, but overall phytoplankton biomass decreased from last week.
A: Akashiwo
P: Prorocentrum
P: Ceratium
P: Cochlodinium
R: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Polykrikos
R: Oxyphysis
R: Asteromphalus
R: Thalassiosira
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Chaetoceros
R: Guinardia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Odontella
R: Actinoptychus
R: Leptocylindrus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:40 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.0 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 7:20, 1.7 ft
Surf Report: SSW/S swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.9 ft, SSW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 50.5 F (10.3 C)
Wind: 5.4 mph, W
Solar radiation: 207 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
--------------------- --------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Rare
- Akashiwo: Abundant
* Impressions *
A beautiful, cool morning at MWII, with a small cruise ship anchored offshore and schools of minnows surface feeding near the wharf. Net chlorophyll biomass continued on a downward trend from 2 weeks ago, while total chlorophyll biomass was little changed (Net Fraction: 0.66X to 0.53 ug/L ; Total: 1.07X to 13.88 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Dinoflagellates were dominant this week, led by Akashiwo sanguinae of various sizes and pigmentation levels (0.66X to 7,807 cells/L). Diatoms gained the upper hand in this week's samples increasing in species richness and abundance. Prorocentrum micans increased in abundance (2.09X to 4,029 cells/L). The diatom community was sparse, led by Pseudo-nitzschia spp (0.29X to 3,526 cells/L, 21.4% seriata size class). Water temp remains elevated after last week's heat wave.
A: Akashiwo sanguinae (7,807 cells/L)
C: Prorocentrum micans (4,029 cells/L
C: Prorocentrum spp. (4,029 cells/L)
C: athecate brown balls
P: Dinophysis spp. (>252 cells/L)
P: Ceratium spp. (504 cells/L)
P: Scrippsiella spp. (1,260 cells/L)
P: Polykrikos spp. [2 morphologies, active feeding]
P: Gymnodinium spp
P: Boreadinium cf
P: cysts (Polykrikos type)
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii (252 cells/L)
R: Dinophysis tripos
R: Phalachroma rotundatum (252 cells/L)
R: Ceratium furca
R: Ceratium lineatum (504 cells/L)
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Cochlodinium spp.
R: Lingulodinium polyedrum
R: Oxytoxum spp.
R: Heterocapsa spp (252 cells/L)
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (3,526 cells/L, 21.4% seriata size class)
P: Chaetoceros spp. (1,260 chains/L)
P: Thalassiosira spp. (1,260 cells/L)
P: Cylindrotheca spp. (2,015 cells/L)
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
R: Dactyliosolen spp.
R: Cocconeis spp.
R: Eucampia
P: Dictyocha spp.
R: Myrionecta spp
P: Tintinids, oligotrichs, eggs, fecal pellets (C)
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:50am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 16.59 oC
Water Conditions: 10Y 3/4, surface foam, drift kelp, minnow schools
Visibility: >5 m
Tide: Rising, 1.303 m, high at 1332h
Sky: Clear and sunny
Air Temperature: 15.3oC
Wind: NNW 2-4 m/S |
Week of Monday, September 23 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Sunny and warm at the wharf this am. Net tow was mostly dinoflagellates and phytoplankton biomass increased this week. Akashiwo remained the most abundant and Pn were seriata size.
A: Akashiwo
C: Prorocentrum
P: Ceratium
R: Cochlodinium
R: Heterocapsa
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Polykrikos
R: Oxyphysis
R: Noctiluca
R: Asteromphalus
R: Thalassiosira
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Navicula
R: Guinardia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Fragillariopsis
R: Stephanopyxis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:20 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 17.6 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Blue/green, 5GY 2/2 (#17)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: High – 9:12, 4.2 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 68.5 F (20.3 C)
Wind: 2.9 mph, WNW
Solar radiation: 211 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
------------------- ----- ------------- |
Week of Monday, September 16 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 - ---------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Present
* Impressions *
Fog was clearing out over the wharf this am. Net tow was mostly dinoflagellates – about half the cells observed were not alive, but still intact. Diatoms increased this week (in abundance and diversity) with some +4 cell chain seriata size Pseudo-nitzschia. Akashiwo was the most abundant.
A: Akashiwo
C: Ceratium
P: Cochlodinium
P: Heterocapsa
P: Prorocentrum
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: LRB (little round balls)
R: Noctiluca
R: Chaetoceros
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Eucampia
R: Guinardia
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Fragillariopsis
R: Ditylum
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:20 am
Collector: K. Negrey
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 17.6 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Brown/green, 5GY 2/2 (#17)
Water Visibility: 8 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 7:09, 1.7 ft
Surf Report: NW swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.3 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.3 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 0.7 ft, W
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast/fog (just over north bay)
Air Temperature: 58.3 F (14.6 C)
Wind: 2.6 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 700 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
- - -----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo: Common
* Impressions *
Sunshine on land and on horizon, but MWII remained overcast for sampling today. Chlorophyll biomass continued on a downward trend (Net Fraction: 0.85X to 0.80 ug/L ; Total: 0.72X to 12.88 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Diatoms gained the upper hand in this week's samples increasing in species richness and abundance. Pseudo-nitzschia spp abundance increased significantly (15.62X to 12,057 cells/L, 54% seriata size class). While a dense redtide and foam patches were present mid-bay off of MBARI and MLML, dinoflagellates overall, were at lower abundance around MWII, now led by Akashiwo sanguinae (1.44X to 11,816 cells/L), Prorocentrum micans (0.5X to 1,929 cells/L) and Heterocapsa spp. (0.18X to 1,688 cells/L).
C: Akashiwo sanguinae (11,816 cells/L)
P: Prorocentrum micans (1,929 cells/L
P: Prorocentrum spp. (1,929 cells/L)
P: Heterocapsa spp (1,688 cells/L)
R: Ceratium furca (241 cells/L)
R: Ceratium spp. (241 cells/L)
R: Torodinium spp.
C: Chaetoceros spp. (3,376 chains/L)
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (12,057 cells/L, 54% seriata size class)
C: Cylindrotheca spp. (2,653 cells/L)
P: Thalassiosira spp.
P: Coscinodiscus spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
P: Pleurosigma spp.
P: Thalassionema spp.
P: Tropidoneis spp.
P: Navicula spp.
P: Leptocylindrus spp.
R: Lithodesmium spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Nitzschia spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
R: Pseudoguinardia recta
P: Dictyocha spp. (723 cells/L)
P: Phaeocystis spp.
P: nauplii, polychaete, fecal pellets + detritus (C)
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:30am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 13.95 oC
Water Conditions: 5Y 2/2, calm surface
Visibility: 5 m
Tide: Rising, 1.168 m, low at 1330h
Sky: Overcast, sunny landward
Air Temperature: n.d.
Wind: 0 m/s |
Week of Monday, September 9 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
- ---- -----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Common
* Impressions *
The fog was clearing out from the wharf this am. Water temp decreased 1C and there was a bit of swell. A lot of detritus/debris in the net tow today with a slight decrease in phytoplankton biomass. The assemblage remains mostly dinoflagellates, but shifted slightly to being mostly Cochlodinium and Akashiwo.
C: Cochlodinium
C: Akashiwo
C: Ceratium
C: LRB (little round balls)
P: Prorocentrum
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Lingulodinium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Thalassiosira
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:30 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 17.1 C
Water Conditions: Small swell
Water Color/Code: Brown/green, 5GY 2/2 (#17)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 10:26, 4.1 ft
Surf Report: SSW/SW swell, 4-6 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 6.2 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy (and clearing)
Air Temperature: 58.1 F (14.5 C)
Wind: 3 mph, E
Solar radiation: 444 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
- - -----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Present
- Akashiwo: Common
* Impressions *
A sunny morning of sampling from jade green waters around MWII. While not present at MWII, redtide patches were still evident offshore during our daily commute along the coast. Chlorophyll biomass continued on its recent downward trend (Net Fraction: 0.59X to 0.94 ug/L ; Total: 0.63X to 17.96 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Dinoflagellates, although at lower abundance, remained dominant this week and now led by Heterocapsa spp. (7.51X to 9,260 cells/L). Other species were in decline: Akashiwo sanguinae (0.34X to 8,231 cells/L), Prorocentrum spp (0.17X to 3,858 cells/L) and Cochlodinium spp (0.46X to 1,801 cells/L, mainly doublets). The diatom assemblage increased in diversity but remained sparse. Pseudo-nitzschia spp. returned after a few weeks absence (772 cells/L, 100% delicatissima size class).
C: Akashiwo sanguinae (8,231 cells/L)
C: Prorocentrum micans (3,858 cells/L
C: Prorocentrum spp. (3,858 cells/L)
C: Cochlodinium spp. (1,801 cells/L)
C: Heterocapsa spp (9,260 cells/L)
P: Ceratium spp.
P: Scrippsiella spp. (772 cells/L)
R: Dinophysis fortii (257 cells/L)
R: Dinophysis spp. (257 cells/L)
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
R: Ceratium furca
R: Ceratium teres (515 cells/L)
R: Ceratium lineatum
R: Ceratium fusus
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
P: Chaetoceros spp. (772 chains/L)
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (772 cells/L, 100% delicatissima size class)
P: Cylindrotheca spp. (515 cells/L)
P: Eucampia (1,799 cells/L)
R: Thalassiosira spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Navicula spp. (257 cells/L)
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
R: Nitzschia spp.
P: Dictyocha spp. (772 cells/L)
R: (ulvacean) green zoospores
P: oligotrichs, tintinid, polychaete, nematode, fecal pellets (C), detritus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:25am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 14.85 oC
Water Conditions: 5GY 3/4, jade green, calm surface with foam and drift kelp and seagrass
Visibility: 5 m
Tide: Slack High, 1.285 m, low at 1542h
Sky: Sunny, haze, fog clearing seaward
Air Temperature: 15.3oC
Wind: WNW 0-3 m/s |
Week of Monday, September 2 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, September 4, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 --- ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Present
* Impressions *
After a run of foggy Weds, it was sunny and warm this morning and a whale was hanging out by the wharf while sampling. Water was warm with decreased visibility. Phytoplankton biomass was about the same as last week the assemblage was mostly dinoflagellates with only a few diatoms. Prorocentrum and Akashiwo were the most abundant.
C: Prorocentrum
C: Akashiwo
P: Cochlodinium
P: LRB (little round balls)
R: Ceratium
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Gyrodinium
R: Gonyaulax
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Lauderia
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:40 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 18.8 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/blue, 5GY 3/4 (#28)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 8:43, 1.5 ft
Surf Report: SW swell, 4-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 6.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 4.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 63.3 F (17.4 C)
Wind: 4 mph, N
Solar radiation: 478 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, September 4, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
- - -----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: Common
- Akashiwo: Common
* Impressions *
Diffuse sun, along with thick fog clearing seaward was the backdrop for today's sampling. Our sonde at nearby Monterey Abalone Co, and MODIS imagery from 8/30 revealed dense red tide patches (chl > 200ug/L!) scattered around MWII and the bay. Today's waters were not as discolored as last sampling and correspondingly, chlorophyll biomass was significantly lower (Net Fraction: 0.66X to 1.60 ug/L ; Total: 0.38X to 28.35 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). As expected from the water color, dinoflagellates were still dominant this week and now led by Akashiwo sanguinae (1.41X to 24,404 cells/L) and Prorocentrum spp (0.92X to 23,171 cells/L). Cochlodinium spp also decreased in abundance (0.57X to 3,944 cell/L, mainly doublets). The diatom assemblage was very sparse and no Pseudo-nitzschia spp. were observed.
C: Akashiwo sanguinae (24,404 cells/L)
C: Prorocentrum micans (22,432 cells/L
C: Prorocentrum spp. (23,171 cells/L)
C: Cochlodinium spp. (3,944 cells/L)
P: Prorocentrum gracile (739 cells/L)
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
R: Ceratium furca
R: Ceratium teres (247 cells/L)
R: Ceratium spp.
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
P: Scrippsiella spp. (739 cells/L)
R: Oxytoxum spp.
R: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Navicula spp. (247 cells/L)
R: Cylindrotheca spp. (247 cells/L)
R: Dictyocha spp.
P: oligotrichs, fecal pellets, detritus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:40am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 15.25 oC
Water Conditions: 5Y 2/2, olive, surface foam and debris
Visibility: 3.5 m
Tide: Rising 0.822 m, high at 1513h
Sky: Diffuse sun, fog clearing from shore
Air Temperature: 16.3oC
Wind: WWN 3-4m/s |
Week of Monday, August 12Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50%
Sample Date: Wednesday, August 14, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
 -- --------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Present
* Impressions *
It was a warm, sunny morning at the wharf. The bait ball has been hanging around all week. Water temp increased a couple degrees this week. Phytoplankton biomass similar to last week, but the assemblage shifted to mostly Akashiwo.
A: Akashiwo
P: Cochlodinium
P: Ceratium
P: Prorocentrum
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Boreadinium
R: Thalassiosira
R: Fragilariopsis
R: Proboscia
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:15 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 17.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 5GY 2/2 (#17)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 11:37, 3.9 ft
Surf Report: SW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 2.3 ft, WNW
- Wind wave height/direction: 4.9 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 62.8 F (17.1 C)
Wind: 1.0 mph, E
Solar radiation: 455 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Saturday, August 10, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
--- ------------ ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Present
- Akashiwo: Abundant
* Impressions *
Finally, a beautiful sunny and cloud free morning of sampling at MWII! Surface waters warmed over the past week. Our nearby sonde has documented movement of high chlorophyll waters into the MWII region over the past several days, and indeed, waters were olive green and turbid. Chlorophyll biomass was significantly higher compared to last sampling (Net Fraction: 4.57X to 2.41 ug/L ; Total: 3.43X to 71.01 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence) and sample filtration was very slow. A dinoflagellate dominated bloom was present this week with Akashiwo sanguinae leading the pack (13.62X to 20,578 cells/L). Prorocentrum spp also jumped in abundance (6.68X to 18,520 cells/L), while Cochlodinium spp and Dinophysis accuminata remained at background levels. The diatom assemblage was diverse and led by Pseudo-nitzschia spp which continued to increase in abundance (4.45X to 31,381 cells/L, 34.4% seriata size class).
A: Akashiwo sanguinae (20,578 cells/L)
C: Prorocentrum micans (10,546 cells/L
C: Prorocentrum gracile (7,974 cells/L)
C: Prorocentrum spp. (18,520 cells/L)
P: Ceratium lineatum (1,799 cells/L)
P: Ceratium spp. (2,313 cells/L)
P: Scrippsiella spp.
P: Cochlodinium spp. (1,799 cells/L)
P: Oxytoxum spp.
P: cysts
P: gymnodinoid, brown oblong, apical cingulum, 50um x 25um
P: Heterocapsa spp (1,029 cells/L)
R: Dinophysis acuminata (257 cells/L)
R: Dinophysis spp. (257 cells/L)
R: Ceratium furca (514 cells/L)
R: Ceratium teres
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Lingulodinium polyedrum
R: Gymnodinium cf (< 10 um brown, BB)
R: Boreadinium cf
C: Chaetoceros spp. (6,168 chains/L
C: Thalassiosira spp. (3,084 cells/L)
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (31,381 cells/L, 34.4% seriata size class, 0% epibionts!)
C: Eucampia (4,883 cells/L)
P: Pleurosigma spp.
P: Rhizosolenia spp.
P: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Nitzschia spp.
R: Cocconeis spp.
C: Phaeocystis spp.
P: Dictyocha spp. (514 cells/L)
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
R: (ulvacean) green zoospores
R: Myrionecta spp
P: oligotrichs, tintinids, fecal pellets
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:25am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 15.85 oC
Water Conditions: 10Y 3/4, calm, no surface debris
Visibility: 3.5 m
Tide: Rising 1.137 m, high at 1143h
Sky: Sunny and clear!
Air Temperature: 17.6oC
Wind: WWN 1-3 m/s |
Week of Monday, August 5 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, August 7, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- ---- --------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Common
* Impressions *
Another overcast/foggy morning at the wharf. Water temp dropped a couple degrees this week along with a decrease in phytoplankton biomass. Cochlodinium and Ceratium were the most abundant and the handful of Pn cells observed were seriata sized.
C: Cochlodinium
C: Ceratium
P: LRB (little round ball)
R: Prorocentrum
R: Dinophysis
R: Akashiwo
R: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Polykrikos
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Asteromphalus
R: Lauderia
R: Proboscia
R: Dictyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:50 am
Collector: C. Martin
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.1 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/blue, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 6 ft
Tide: Low – 10:13, 1.3 ft
Surf Report: SSW/S swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 56.3 F (13.5 C)
Wind: 5.0 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 170 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, August 7, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
------------ ------- -----------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Rare
- Akashiwo: Common
* Impressions *
Yet another overcast morning of sampling at MWII, at least the surface debris of the past few weeks have dissipated. Cooler waters moved into this locale over the past few days and SST was 2oC lower than last week's observations. Chlorophyll biomass declined compared to last sampling (Net Fraction: 0.43X to 0.53 ug/L ; Total: 0.65X to 20.66 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). The net community was a mix of large dinoflagellates and small diatoms. Dinoflagellate abundance was lower overall and while Akashiwo sanguinae was still common, its abundance was sharply lower (0.20X to 1,511 cells/L). Prorocentrum spp exhibited a similar decline (0.51X to 2,771 cells/L), while Cochlodinium spp and Dinophysis accuminata were only observed in live samples. The diatom assemblage was diverse and led by Pseudo-nitzschia spp which increased in abundance and size (4.77X to 7,052 cells/L, 53.6% seriata size class). Silico-flagellates were also common in todays sample.
C: Akashiwo sanguinae (1,511 cells/L)
C: Prorocentrum micans (2,015 cells/L
C: Prorocentrum spp. (2,771 cells/L)
P: Prorocentrum gracile (756 cells/L)
P: Dinophysis acuminata
P: Dinophysis spp.
P: Ceratium teres
P: Ceratium lineatum
P: Ceratium spp.
P: Heterocapsa spp (504 cells/L)
R: Phalachroma rotundatum
R: Ceratium furca
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Cochlodinium spp. [singlets only]
R: Oxytoxum spp.
R: cysts
C: Thalassiosira spp. (2,015 cells/L)
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (7,052 cells/L, 53.6% seriata size class, <5% with epibionts!)
C: Cylindrotheca spp. (2,015 cells/L)
C: Eucampia (2,770 cells/L)
P: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Pleurosigma spp.
P: Rhizosolenia spp.
P: Thalassionema spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Proboscia spp.
R: Cocconeis spp.
C: Dictyocha spp. (1,763 cells/L)
C: Phaeocystis spp.
P: Acantharians (1,259 cells/L)
R: (ulvacean) green zoospores
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
P: oligotrichs, tintinids, fecal pellets
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:40am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 13.45 oC
Water Conditions: 5GY 2/2, calm, no surface debris
Visibility: 5 m
Tide: Slack Low 0.45 m, high at 1658h
Sky: Overcast
Air Temperature: 15.3oC
Wind: WWN 3 m/s |
Week of Monday, July 29 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- ---- ---------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Present
* Impressions *
Overcast/foggy at the wharf this am. Net tow was similar to last week, mostly dinoflagellates and another slight increase in biomass. Akashiwo and Ceratium were the most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia were deli-size w/epiphytes.
C: Akashiwo
C: Ceratium
C: LRB (little round ball)
P: Prorocentrum
P: Cochlodinium
P: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Polykrikos
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Pleurosigma
R: Lauderia
R: Proboscia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:10 am
Collector: S. Garcia
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 18.1 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/brown, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Rising, High – 11:37, 4.0 ft
Surf Report: S/SW swell, 1-2 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 3.9 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, W
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 56.7 F (13.7 C)
Wind: 3.0 mph, N
Solar radiation: 125 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
---- -------------- -------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Common
- Cochlodinium: Common
- Akashiwo: Abundant
* Impressions *
An overcast sky and lite mist greeted our intrepid sampler at MWII this morning. Waters were calm and dark olive green with only a few squid fragments lingering by the surface, an improvement over last week's conditions! Net chlorophyll increased while total chlorophyll declined compared to last sampling (Net Fraction: 1.42X to 1.21 ug/L ; Total: 0.89X to 31.73 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Dinoflagellates ruled the roost this week and were led by an bloom of Akashiwo sanguinae (6.20X to 7,642 cells/L). Prorocentrum spp (0.73X to 5,423 cells/L), Cochlodinium spp (1X to 1,233 cells/L) and Dinophysis accuminata (1.33X to 986 cells/L) were active in the water column. Diatoms were present in the background with Pseudo-nitzschia spp abundance continuing on a downward trend (0.04X to 1,479 cells/L, 100% delicatissima size class).
A: Akashiwo sanguinae (7,642 cells/L)
C: Prorocentrum micans (3,451 cells/L
C: Prorocentrum spp. (5,423 cells/L)
C: Dinophysis acuminata (986 cells/L)
C: Dinophysis spp. (986 cells/L)
C: Ceratium spp.
C: Cochlodinium spp. (1,233 cells/L)
C: Gymnodinium cf (< 10 um brown, BB)
C: Gymnodinium spp
P: Prorocentrum gracile (1,972 cells/L)
P: Ceratium teres
P: Ceratium lineatum
P: Gonyaulax spinifera
P: Protoperidinium spp.
P: Scrippsiella spp.
P: Oxytoxum spp.
P: cysts
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Ceratium furca
R: Polykrikos spp. [pink and lime green forms]
R: Boreadinium cf
C: Rhizosolenia spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
P: Asteromphalus spp.
P: Nitzschia spp.
P: Eucampia
R: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (1,479 cells/L, 100% delicatissima, no cells with epibionts!)
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
R: Striatella spp.
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: Acantharians
P: Myrionecta spp
R: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
P: oligotrichs, tintinids, nauplii, fish larvae, fecal pellets,
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:35am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 15.62 oC
Water Conditions: 5Y 2/2, calm, minimal surface debris
Visibility: 5 m
Tide: Rising 1.20 m, high at 1137h
Sky: Overcast
Air Temperature: 17.0oC
Wind: lite, variable <1 m/s |
Week of Monday, July 22 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
---- -- -------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Fog burning off at the wharf this am with lots of people for a Wed am (even in summer). Net tow similar to last week. Phytoplankton biomass increased and Akashiwo, Ceratium, and LRBs co-dominated the assemblage. Pseudo-nitzschia abundance increased and were all deli-size, about half had epiphytes.
C: Akashiwo
C: Ceratium
C: LRB (little round ball)
P: Prorocentrum
R: Dinophysis
R: Protoperidinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Boreadinium
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Guindardia
R: Lauderia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Chaetoceros
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:20 am
Collector: S. Garcia
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.8 C
Water Conditions: Calm, small swell
Water Color/Code: Green/blue, 5GY 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 10:05, 1.4 ft
Surf Report: S swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.6 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 55 F (12.8 C)
Wind: 4.0 mph, E
Solar radiation: 295 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
-------------- -------------- -----------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Present
- Akashiwo: Present
* Impressions *
Another beautiful sunny day at MWII, until one looked down at the dark green waters, whose surface was littered with shredded jellyfish and boat hold scum. A nearby sewage spill was identified about two days ago, yuk! Net chlorophyll declined sharply while total chlorophyll was little changed compared to last sampling (Net Fraction: 0.42X to 0.86 ug/L ; Total: 1.0X to 35.57 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). The net community however, was dominated by detritus and fecal pellets with an relatively even mix of diatoms and dinoflagelates. Dinoflagellates were led this week by Prorocentrum micans (8.48X to 6,409 cells/L), while other taxa declined in abundance; Akashiwo sanguinae (0.7X to 1,233 cells/L), Cochlodinium spp (0.26X to 1,233 cells/L), Dinophysis accuminata (0.48X to 740 cells/L). Diatoms also declined in abundance led by Pseudo-nitzschia spp (0.34X to 35,989 cells/L, 50% seriata size class). Chaetoceros continued to decline in abundance (0.21X to 2,712 chains/L). Clumps of Phaeocystis and other small flagellates were also present.
C: Prorocentrum micans (6,409 cells/L
C: Prorocentrum spp. (7,395 cells/L)
C: Gymnodinium cf (< 10 um brown, BB)
P: Akashiwo sanguinae (1,763 cells/L)
P: Prorocentrum gracile (986 cells/L)
P: Dinophysis acuminata (740 cells/L)
P: Dinophysis spp. (740 cells/L)
P: Ceratium teres
P: Ceratium spp. (>246 cells/L)
P: Scrippsiella spp.
P: Cochlodinium spp. (1,233 cells/L)
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Ceratium lineatum
R: Ceratium fusus
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: cysts
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (35,989 cells/L, 50% seriata size class, 66% of cells with P: Chaetoceros spp. (2,712 chains/L)
P: Thalassiosira spp. (1,972 cells/L)
P: Guinardia spp. (1,726 cells/L)
P: Pleurosigma spp. (2,958 cells/L)
P: Thalassionema spp. (1,726 cells/L)
P: Navicula spp. (984 cells/L)
P: Cylindrotheca spp. (1,726 cells/L)
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Lithodesmium spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Hemiaulus spp.
R: Lauderia spp. (461 cells/L)
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
R: Nitzschia spp.
R: Detonlula spp.
R: Cocconeis spp.
R: Eucampia
C: Phaeocystis spp.
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: Acantharians
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
P: Myrionecta spp
R: (ulvacean) green zoospores
P: oligotrichs, tintinids, nauplii,fecal pellets, polychaetes
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:40am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 15.4 oC
Water Conditions: 5Y 2/2, calm, shredded jellyfish, trash and drift macroalgae
Visibility: 3.5 m
Tide: Rising 0.513m, high at 1710h
Sky: Sunny, clear
Air Temperature: 17.0oC
Wind: WWN, 3-4 m/s |
Week of Monday, July 15 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- ---- -------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Present
* Impressions *
Another cool foggy morning at the wharf. Net tow shifted to being mostly dinoflagllates. Akashiwo and Ceratium were the most abundant. Pseudo-nitzschia were all deli-size.
C: Akashiwo
C: Ceratium
C: Protoperidinium
P: Prorocentrum
P: Dinophysis
P: Cochlodinium
R: Gyrodinium
P: Polykrikos
R: Alexandrium
R: Scrippsiella
R: Oxyphysis
R: LRB (little round ball)
R: Thalassiosira
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Fragilariopsis
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Thalassionema
R: Eucampia
R: Asteromphalus
R: Pleurosigma
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:45 am
Collector: S. Garcia
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 17.4 C
Water Conditions: Calm, small swell
Water Color/Code: Green/blue, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 6:02, -0.6 ft
Surf Report: SW swell, 4-7 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 5.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.9 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 2.0 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 57 F (13.9 C)
Wind: 6.0 mph, NNE
Solar radiation: 151 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
------------ ----------- ------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Abundant
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Common
- Cochlodinium: Common
- Akashiwo: Common
* Impressions *
Sunshine was beginning to dominate the clearing marine layer, making for a pleasant late morning sampling at MWII. SST increased by ca 1oC over the past week and waters remained turbid green. Net chlorophyll and total chlorophyll were little changed compared to last sampling (Net Fraction: 0.99X to 2.02 ug/L ; Total: 1.11X to 35.35 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). The net community however, shifted composition with influx of large green and pink Gyrodinium spp, and increased abundance of Akashiwo sanguinae (>7.6X to 1,763 cells/L), Cochlodinium spp (>20.8X to 4,785 cells/L) and a mix of Dinophysis spp (3.28X to 1,551 cells/L). In spite of these increases, diatoms still numerically dominated due to an increase in small Pseudo-nitzschia spp abundance (6.23X to 104,774 cells/L, 7.5% seriata size class). Chaetoceros declined in abundance (0.47X to 13,097 chains/L). Clumps of Phaeocystis were also present and sample filtration was noticeably slower.
C: Akashiwo sanguinae (1,763 cells/L)
C: Prorocentrum gracile (2,015 cells/L)
C: Prorocentrum spp. (2,771 cells/L)
C: Dinophysis acuminata (1,511 cells/L)
C: Dinophysis spp. (1,511 cells/L)
C: Cochlodinium spp. (4,785 cells/L)
P: Prorocentrum micans (756 cells/L
P: Ceratium lineatum (252 cells/L)
P: Ceratium spp. (252 cells/L)
P: Gonyaulax spinifera
P: Protoperidinium spp. (1,001 cells/L)
P: Scrippsiella spp.
P: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
P: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
P: Gymnodinium cf (large pink)
P: Gymnodinium cf (< 10 um brown, BB)
P: cysts
R: Phalachroma rotundatum (230 cells/L)
R: Ceratium furca
R: Ceratium teres
R: Alexandrium - like (large 50x50u cell)
R: Polykrikos spp. [pink and lime green forms]
R: Lingulodinium polyedrum
R: Oxytoxum spp.
R: Torodinium spp.
A: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (104,774 cells/L, 7.5% seriata size class)
C: Chaetoceros spp. (13,097 chains/L)
C: Cylindrotheca spp. (2,016 cells/L)
P: Thalassiosira spp.
P: Guinardia spp. (1,008 cells/L)
P: Pleurosigma spp. (2,268 cells/L)
P: Thalassionema spp. (1,260 cells/L)
P: Hemiaulus spp.
P: Lauderia spp. (461 cells/L)
P: Asteromphalus spp.
P: Asterionellopsis spp.
R: Lithodesmium spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Navicula spp. (230 cells/L)
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
R: Eucampia
C: Phaeocystis spp.
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: Acantharians
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
P: Myrionecta spp
R: (ulvacean) green zoospores
P: rotifers, nauplii, oligotrichs, fecal pellets, fish larvae, polychaetes
* Environmental Information *
Time: 11:00am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 15.65 C
Water Conditions: 10GY 3/4, calm, trash and drift macroalgae
Visibility: 4 m
Tide: Rising 1.07m, high at 1255h
Sky: Sunny, clear
Air Temperature: 19.9oC
Wind: WWS, 1-3 m/s |
Week of Monday, July 8 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
-- ---- -------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Fog and mist at the wharf this am. Net tow similar to last week and remains an even mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates. Chaetoceros and Ceratium co-dominated the assemblage. Pseudo-nitzschia were all deli-size.
C: Ceratium
P: Protoperidinium
P: Protoceratium
P: Prorocentrum
P: Dinophysis
R: Gyrodinium
R: Gonyaulax
C: Chaetoceros
C: Coscinodiscus
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Pleurosigma
R: Licmophora
R: Thalassiosira
R: Eucampia
R: Ditylum
R: Thalassionema
R: Thalassiothrix
R: Cylindrotheca
R: Asterionellopsis
R: Asteromphalus
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:30 am
Collector: S. Garcia
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.1 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Blue/green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 5:56, 3.5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.3 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.3 ft, S
- Wind wave height/direction: 0.7 ft, WNW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 57 F (13.9 C)
Wind: 3.0 mph, E
Solar radiation: 261 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
----------- --- ----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Rare
- Akashiwo: Rare
* Impressions *
The overnight marine layer cleared from the southern bay just in time to make a pleasant morning of training on MWII sampling for our summer interns. SST was 2oC lower and waters more turbid than last observed. Not surprisingly net chlorophyll was sharply higher (Net Fraction: 7.94X to 2.03 ug/L ; Total: 2.52X to 31.78 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). The net community also shifted dramatically to a Chaetoceros dominated (5 species, 23.84X to 28,112 chains/L) diatom community. Small Pseudo-nitzschia chains were common (17.84X to 16,821 cells/L, 32.9% seriata size class). Dinoflagellates were again led by Dinophysis accuminata which declined in abundance (0.24X to 461 cells/L). Prorocentrum spp abundance remained low (1X to 230 cells/L all P. gracile) and Akashiwo sanguinae was only oberved in live samples. Clumps of Phaeocystis were also present.
P: Dinophysis acuminata (461 cells/L)
P: Dinophysis spp. (461 cells/L)
P: Ceratium lineatum (461 cells/L)
P: Ceratium spp. (691 cells/L)
P: Gymnodinium cf (< 10 um brown, BB) (691 cells/L)
R: Akashiwo sanguinae (<230 cells/L)
R: Prorocentrum gracile (230 cells/L)
R: Prorocentrum spp. (230 cells/L)
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Phalachroma rotundatum (230 cells/L)
R: Ceratium teres (<230 cells/L)
R: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Protoperidinium spp. (230 cells/L)
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Cochlodinium spp. (<230 cells/L)
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Oxytoxum spp.
A: Chaetoceros spp. (28,112 chains/L, 5 species)
C: Thalassiosira spp.
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (16,821 cells/L, 32.9% seriata size class)
C: Cylindrotheca spp. (5,761 cells/L)
P: Pleurosigma spp. (461 cells/L)
P: Lauderia spp. (461 cells/L)
P: Nitzschia spp. (922 cells/L)
R: Ditylum spp. (230 cells/L)
R: Guinardia spp. (230 cells/L)
R: Thalassiothrix spp. (230 cells/L)
R: Thalassionema spp. (230 cells/L)
R: Melosira spp.
R: Navicula spp. (230 cells/L)
R: Licmophora spp.
R: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
R: Eucampia (230 cells/L)
C: Phaeocystis spp.
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: Acantharians
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
R: Myrionecta spp
C: Tintinids, oligotrichs,rotifers, nauplii, fecal pellets, polychaetes
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:50am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 14.57 C
Water Conditions: 10GY 3/4, glassy calm, some small hydrocarbon slicks nearby
Visibility: 4.5 m
Tide: Falling 0.576m, low at 1142h
Sky: Sunny, clear
Air Temperature: 20.5oC
Wind: WWN, <2 m/s |
Week of Monday, July 1 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 3, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
--- ---- ---------- -------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Cool and overcast at the wharf this am. Net tow was an even mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates. Chaetoceros, Akashiwo and Ceratium co-dominated the assemblage. Lots of tintinnids zooming around. Pseudo-nitzschia were all deli-size.
C: Akashiwo
C: Ceratium
C: Protoperidinium
P: LRB (little round ball)
P: Polykrikos
P: Prorocentrum
P: Dinophysis
R: Gyrodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Scrippsiella
C: Chaetoceros
P: Thalassiosira
P: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Licmophora
R: Fragilariopsis
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Ditylum
R: Lauderia
R: Navicula
R: Proboscia
R: Pleurosigma
R: Dicyocha
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:15 am
Collector: S. Garcia
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 17.8 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Blue/green, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 6:05, -1.4 ft
Surf Report: SW swell, 3-4 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 5.2 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 4.9 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Partly cloudy
Air Temperature: 57 F (13.9 C)
Wind: 2.0 mph, NNW
Solar radiation: 151 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, July 3, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
 --- -------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: None
- Dinophysis: Common
- Cochlodinium: Present
- Akashiwo: Rare
* Impressions *
A surprisingly quiet pre-holiday morning at MWII, with waters a beautiful blue-green color. Net chlorophyll continued on a downward trend, with total chlorophyll also lower relative to last observations (Net Fraction: 0.56X to 0.26 ug/L ; Total: 0.38X to 12.6 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Although a sparse net community, dinoflagellates remained dominant, this week being led by Dinophysis accuminata (7.83X to 1,886 cells/L). Prorocentrum spp abundance declined (0.11X to 236 cells/L all P. micans) and Akashiwo sanguinae was rare (0.24X to 472 cells/L). Diatoms were again led almost exclusively by Chaetoceros spp (0.32X to 1,179 chains/L). Pseudo-nitzschia continued to decline in abundance and size (0.33X to 943 cells/L, 100% delicatissima size class).
C: Dinophysis acuminata (1,886 cells/L)
C: Dinophysis spp. (1,886 cells/L)
C: Phalachroma rotundatum
P: Prorocentrum micans (236 cells/L)
P: Prorocentrum spp. (236 cells/L)
P: Ceratium furca
P: Ceratium teres (236 cells/L)
P: Ceratium lineatum
P: Ceratium spp. (>236 cells/L)
P: Gonyaulax spinifera
P: Cochlodinium spp. (1,179 cells/L)
R: Akashiwo sanguinae (472 cells/L)
R: Prorocentrum gracile
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Oxytoxum spp.
R: cysts
P: Chaetoceros spp. (1,179 chains/L)
P: Thalassiosira spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
P: Thalassiothrix spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (943 cells/L, 100% delicatissima size class)
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Nitzschia spp.
R: Rhaphoneis spp.
R: Pseudoguinardia recta
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: Acantharians
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
R: filamentous cyanobacteria
R: Myrionecta spp
C: Tintinids, oligotrichs,rotifers, nauplii, fecal pellets
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:40am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 16.45 C
Water Conditions: 5BG 2/6, calm surface,
Visibility: 5 m
Tide: Rising 0.921m, high at 1252h
Sky: Partly sunny, 50% cloud
Air Temperature: 19.5oC
Wind: W, 4 m/s |
Week of Monday, June 24 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
---- ------ ---- -------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: None
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
Sunny and warm at the wharf this am. Water temp increased almost 3C this week. Assemblage was a mix of diatoms and dinoflagellates with a decrease in phytoplankton biomass from last week. Chaetoceros and small round dinos were the most abundant.
C: LRB (little round ball)
P: Ceratium
P: Akashiwo
P: Polykrikos
P: Prorocentrum
P: Protoperidinium
P: Dinophysis
P: Gymnodinium
R: Alexandrium
R: Cocholodinium
R: Boreadinium
C: Chaetoceros
C: Nitzschia? (might be single Pn, but saw no chains)
P: Guinardia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Licmophora
R: Ditylum
R: Lauderia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:20 am
Collector: S. Garcia
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 17.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Blue/green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 5 ft
Tide: Falling, Low – 11:51, 1.3 ft
Surf Report: S swell, 2-3 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.3 ft
- Swell height/direction: 3.9 ft, SSE
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 59 F (15 C)
Wind: 3.0 mph, ESE
Solar radiation: 545 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
--- --- ---------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Present
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Common
- Cochlodinium: None
- Akashiwo: Common
* Impressions *
Sunshine prevailed for this morning's sampling, and clusters of kayakers, junior sailors were making the most of it. Net chlorophyll decreased while total chlorophyll increased relative to last observations (Net Fraction: 0.61X to 0.46 ug/L ; Total: 1.28X to 33.36 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Although net community biomass declined, dinoflagellates remained dominant in the net community, again being led by Prorocentrum gracile (0.42X to 1,688 cells/L), Akashiwo sanguinae (2.05X to 1,929 cells/L). Alexandrium spp was rare in live samples (1 cell). Diatoms were again led almost exclusively by Chaetoceros spp (3,617 chains/L). Pseudo-nitzschia declined in abundance and size (0.05X to 2,894 cells/L, 25% seriata, 4 cell chains max). Surface water temperature continued on a upward trend increasing by ca 1.5 oC, over the past week.
C: Prorocentrum gracile (1,688 cells/L)
C: Prorocentrum spp. (2,170 cells/L)
C: Dinophysis acuminata (241 cells/L)
C: Dinophysis spp.
P: Akashiwo sanguinae (1,929 cells/L)
P: Phalachroma rotundatum
P: Ceratium teres
P: Ceratium lineatum
P: Ceratium spp.
P: Gonyaulax spinifera
P: Scrippsiella spp. (482 cells/L)
P: Gymnodinium spp
P: cysts
R: Prorocentrum micans (482 cells/L)
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Dinophysis mitra
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Alexandrium spp. (1 cell observed in live samples)
R: Alexandrium - like (large 50x50u cell)
R: Gyrodinium spp. (grey green)
R: Polykrikos spp.
R: Gymnodinium cf (< 10 um brown)
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Torodinium spp.
C: Chaetoceros spp. (3,617 chains/L)
P: Thalassiosira spp.
P: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (2,894 cells/L, 25% seriata size class)
P: Guinardia spp.
P: Thalassiothrix spp.
P: Lauderia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhizosolenia spp.
R: Cylindrotheca spp.
R: Rhaphoneis spp.
R: Pseudoguinardia recta
R: Striatella spp.
R: Eucampia
C: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: Phaeocystis spp.
P: Acantharians
P: Myrionecta spp
R: (ulvacean) green zoospores
R: foraminifera
C: Oligotrichs, tintinids, rotifers, nauplii, fish larvae, polychaete, fecal pellets
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:20am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 16.87 C
Water Conditions: 10Y 3/4, calm surface,
Visibility: 4 m
Tide: Falling 0.569m, low at 1156h
Sky: Sunny, 0% cloud
Air Temperature: 17.3oC
Wind: WNW 2-4 m/s |
Week of Monday, June 17 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
------ ---- -----------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Abundant
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: None
* Impressions *
Cool and foggy at the wharf this am. Water temp decreased almost 3C since last week. Along with the temp drop came a phytoplankton assemblage shift to mostly diatoms. Pseudo-nitzschia (seriata size) was the most abundant.
P: Ceratium
R: Akashiwo
R: Prorocentrum
R: Protoperidinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Alexandrium
R: Gymnodinium
R: Scrippsiella
A: Pseudo-nitzschia
P: Thalassiosira
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Guinardia
R: Chaetoceros
R: Guinardia
R: Pluerosigma
R: Eucampia
R: Lauderia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 8:30 am
Collector: S. Garcia
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 15.1 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Blue/green, 10GY 3/4 (#29)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 7:03, -0.8 ft
Surf Report: SW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 7.5 ft
- Swell height/direction: 7.2 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.3 ft, W
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Foggy
Air Temperature: 57 F (13.9 C)
Wind: 3.0 mph, WNW
Solar radiation: 124 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
--- --- ---------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Rare
- Akashiwo: Common
* Impressions *
What would have been a dreary sampling morning under a low marine layer was made enjoyable by an inquisitive 3rd grader and his younger brother asking questions about the ocean and my sampling of fish food. Net chlorophyll increased relative to last observations (Net Fraction: 1.69X to 0.76 ug/L ; Total: 26.08 ug/L by in vivo fluorescence). Dinoflagellates remained dominant in the net community, again being led by Prorocentrum gracile (1.2X to 4,008 cells/L), Akashiwo sanguinae (1.5X to 943 cells/L). Alexandrium spp was rare in live samples. Diatoms were again led almost exclusively by Pseudo-nitzschia which increased in abundance and diversity (6.7X to 57,296 cells/L, 81.5% seriata, chains exceeding 20 cells). Surface water temperature increased by ca 2oC.
C: Prorocentrum gracile (4,008 cells/L)
C: Prorocentrum spp. (4,008 cells/L)
P: Akashiwo sanguinae (943 cells/L)
P: Dinophysis acuminata
P: Dinophysis spp.
P: Ceratium teres
P: Ceratium lineatum
P: Ceratium spp.
P: Gonyaulax spinifera
P: Protoperidinium spp.
P: Scrippsiella spp. (1,650 cells/L)
R: Prorocentrum micans
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Dinophysis mitra
R: Ceratium furca
R: Alexandrium spp. (1 cell observed in live samples)
R: Cochlodinium spp. (707 cells/L, singeltons, fixed)
R: Boreadinium cf
R: Torodinium spp.
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (57,296 cells/L, 81.5% seriata size class)
P: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
P: Guinardia spp.
P: Cylindrotheca spp.
P: Asteromphalus spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Tropidoneis spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Nitzschia spp.
R: Rhaphoneis spp.
R: Pseudoguinardia recta
R: Striatella spp.
R: Eucampia
C: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
C: pale green flagellate (3 - 5 um)
P: Dictyocha spp.
P: Myrionecta spp
R: Acantharians
P: Rotifers, Oligotrichs, nauplii, fecal pellets
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:10am
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 15.28 C
Water Conditions: 5GY 2/2, calm surface,
Visibility: 4.5 m
Tide: Rising 0.579m, high at 1408h
Sky: Dense marine layer, touching Carmel hills
Air Temperature: 16.5oC
Wind: WSW 0-2 m/s |
Week of Monday, June 10 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
------- -----------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Rare
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Rare
* Impressions *
After a warm weekend, the wharf was pleasantly cool this am, but the water temp was up almost 2C from last week. Phytoplankton assemblage shifted to mostly dinoflagellates with just a handful of diatoms. Phytoplankton biomass decreased, by about half and Akashiwo was the most abundant genus.
A: Akashiwo
P: Prorocentrum
P: Protoperidinium
R: Ceratium
R: Cochlodinium
R: Dinophysis
R: Alexandrium
R: Boreadinium
R: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Guinardia
R: Chaetoceros
R: Skeletonema
R: Pluerosigma
R: Eucampia
R: Rhizosolenia
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:30 am
Collector: S. Garcia
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 17.9 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/blue, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 4 ft
Tide: Falling, High – 7:19, 3.7 ft
Surf Report: S swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 4.3 ft
- Swell height/direction: 4.3 ft, SSE
- Wind wave height/direction: 1.0 ft, WSW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Sunny
Air Temperature: 64 F (17.8 C)
Wind: 3.0 mph, SSE
Solar radiation: 558 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
 --------- ------------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Common
- Alexandrium: Present
- Dinophysis: Present
- Cochlodinium: Present
- Akashiwo: Present
* Impressions *
The region has been under a high pressure system for several days leading to record high temperatures and surface waters approaching 18oC. Although a visit on Tues (6/11) to the Monterey Abalone Co revealed an intense Akashiwo sanguinae surface bloom around MWII, surprisingly cooler (4oC lower in <24h) and clearer waters were present for today's sampling. Net chlorophyll was lower than last observations (Net Fraction: 0.35X to 0.45 ug/L chl; Total: [No sample taken] by in vivo fluorescence). A mixed assemblage of dinoflagellate was dominant in the net samples, being led by Prorocentrum gracile (3.55X to 3,344 cells/L), Akashiwo sanguinae and Cochlodinium ( both 1.33X to 627 cells/L). Alexandrium spp was present as singeltons and 2 cell chains (1.77X to 418 cells/L). Diatoms were led almost exclusively by Pseudo-nitzschia now comprised entirely of seriata size class cells (0.06X to 8,569 cells/L, 100% seriata, chains exceeding 20 cells). Other diatom taxa were rare at best.
C: Prorocentrum gracile (3,344 cells/L)
C: Prorocentrum spp. (3,344 cells/L)
P: Akashiwo sanguinae (627 cells/L)
P: Dinophysis spp. (627 cells/L)
P: Ceratium spp.
P: Gonyaulax spinifera
P: Protoperidinium spp.
P: Alexandrium spp. (418 cells/L)
P: Scrippsiella spp. (1,044 cells/L)
P: Cochlodinium spp. (627 cells/L, 4 cell chain)
P: Gymnodinium cf (< 10 um brown)
R: Prorocentrum micans
R: Dinophysis acuminata
R: Dinophysis fortii
R: Dinophysis mitra (209 cells/L)
R: Ceratium furca
R: Ceratium teres
R: Ceratium azicorum
R: Ceratium lineatum
R: Lingulodinium polyedrum
R: Boreadinium cf
C: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (8,569 cells/L, 100% seriata size class)
R: Chaetoceros spp.
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Pleurosigma spp.
R: Rhaphoneis spp.
R: Pseudoguinardia recta
R: Striatella spp.
R: Eucampia
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
P: Myrionecta spp
R: Dictyocha spp.
C: Oligotrichs, tintinids,rotifer, zoea, fecal pellets
* Environmental Information *
Time: 11:30
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 13.65 C
Water Conditions: 5Y 3/4, calm surface,
Visibility: 5 m
Tide: Falling 0.544m, low at 1309h
Sky: Sunny, 20% cloud cover and BLIMPS!
Air Temperature: 23.7 oC and rising
Wind: WWS 2-5 m/s |
Week of Monday, June 3 |
Rare (R): <1%; Present (P): 1 - 9%; Common (C): 10 - 49%; --Abundant (A): >= 50% |
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Ago
------- --------- --
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Abundant
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: Rare
- Cochlodinium: Present
* Impressions *
Fog clearing out at the wharf. Phytoplankton biomass was similar to last week. Dinoflagellate abundance increased this week, but over all the assemblage was mostly Pseudo-nitzschia and Pn were mostly deli-size.
C: Protoperidinium
C: Ceratium
P: Cochlodinium
P: Akashiwo
R: Dinophysis
R: Alexandrium
R: Prorocentrum
A: Pseudo-nitzschia
R: Thalassiosira
R: Coscinodiscus
R: Guinardia
R: Thalassionema
R: Skeletonema
R: Pluerosigma
R: Tropidoneis
* Environmental Information *
Time: 10:15 am
Collector: S. Garcia
METHOD (net, whole water): both
DEPTH: 0-10 ft
Water Conditions (SCW)
Water Temperature: 16.0 C
Water Conditions: Calm
Water Color/Code: Green/blue, 5G 2/6 (#31)
Water Visibility: 3 ft
Tide: Rising, Low – 7:07, -1.2 ft
Surf Report: SSW swell, 3-5 ft
NDBC buoy 46042
- Significant wave height: 8.2 ft
- Swell height/direction: 7.2 ft, NW
- Wind wave height/direction: 3.6 ft, NW
Weather Conditions (KudelaHawk)
Sky: Overcast/fog
Air Temperature: 55.2 F (12.9 C)
Wind: 2.7 mph, ENE
Solar radiation: 385 watts/m^2
Sample Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2019
At a glance:
Today_______-__Last Week------ __2 Weeks Agooda
--------- -------------- -----------------------
* Water Color *

* Quick HAB Observations *
- Pseudo-nitzschia: Abundant
- Alexandrium: Rare
- Dinophysis: None
- Cochlodinium: Rare
- Akashiwo: Rare
* Impressions *
A spectacular morning for sampling at MWII as some warmer weather enters the area. Water temperature declined again by ca. 1oC over the past week. Net and total chlorophyll were little changed from last sample (Net Fraction: 0.88X to 1.27 ug/L chl; Total: 1.02X to 26.88 ug/L chl by in vivo fluorescence). Diatoms were again the dominant group this week slight decline in the Pseudo-nitzschia bloom comprised mainly of smaller delicatissima size class cells (0.66X to 154,675 cells/L, 26.4% seriata, the later common in chains exceeding 20 cells). Other diatom taxa were present at best. Dinoflagellates decreased in abundance and diversity led by Prorocentrum gracile (0.35X to 943 cells/L), Akashiwo sanguinae (0.15X to 472 cells/L) and Cochlodinium spp. (0.14X to 472 cells/L, singletons and chains of 4 cells were present). A single cell chain of Alexandrium (236 cells/L) was observed in fixed samples.
P: Prorocentrum gracile (943 cells/L)
P: Prorocentrum spp. (943 cells/L)
P: Gonyaulax spinifera
R: Akashiwo sanguinae (472 cells/L)
R: Protoperidinium spp.
R: Alexandrium spp. (236 cells/L)
R: Scrippsiella spp.
R: Gyrodinium spp. (pink tipped)
R: Cochlodinium spp. (472 cells/L, 4 cell chain)
R: Boreadinium cf
A: Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (154,675 cells/L, 26.4% seriata size class)
P: Chaetoceros spp.
P: Thalassiosira spp.
P: Pleurosigma spp.
P: Tropidoneis spp.
P: Cylindrotheca spp. (0.88X to 3,682 cells/L)
P: Pseudoguinardia recta (0.29X to 2,360 cells/L)
R: Coscinodiscus spp.
R: Ditylum spp.
R: Guinardia spp.
R: Thalassionema spp.
R: Skeletonema spp.
R: Melosira spp.
R: Lauderia spp.
R: Navicula spp.
R: Leptocylindrus spp.
R: Nitzschia spp.
R: Fragilariopsis spp.
R: Striatella spp.
R: Eucampia
P: ovoid colorless flagellate (1 um)
R: Dictyocha spp.
R: Phaeocystis spp.
R: Acantharians
R: (ulvacean) green zoospores
R: foraminifera
R: Myrionecta spp
R: Oligotrichs, rotifer, Tintinids, fecal pellets
* Environmental Information *
Time: 9:45
Collector: G Jason Smith
Monterey local conditions
Water Temperature: 13.8 C
Water Conditions: 5GY 3/4, calm surface, drift macroalgae subsurface
Visibility: 5 m
Tide: Rising 0.344m, high at 1404h
Sky: Sunny with haze
Air Temperature: 18.8oC and rising
Wind: Vrbl <1 m/s |