Current Research
R.M. and F. P. Chavez. Compound remote sensing for the determination
of new primary production in coastal waters. Funded by NASA grant NAG5-6563.
1997-2000 (MBARI).
Kudela, R.M. Monitoring ecosystem condition and stress in the San Pablo
Bay, CA region. Funded by NASA grant NAG5-7632. 1998-2001 (San Francisco
State University).
Kudela, R.M. and D.R. Phillips. New multi-tracer methods in biological
oceanographic research. Funded by DOE and Los Alamos National Laboratory,
UC system (1998-2000).
Chavez, F., D. Davis, G. Friederich, R. Herlien, R. Hopcroft, H. Jannasch,
K. Johnson, R. Kudela, M. Silver, and P. Strutton. Biogeochemical responses
to changes in climate and ocean circulation. Funded by MBARI (1998).
Chavez, F., T. Anderson, R. Hopcroft, K. Johnson, R. Kudela, R. Michisaki,
and T. Pennington. Biogeochemical responses to changes in climate and
ocean circulation. Funded by MBARI (1999-2001).
Chavez, F., R. Kudela, J. Paduan, E. Reinecker and C. Scholin. Generation
of near real-time satellite products. Funded by MBARI (1999).
R.M. and W.P. Cochlan. 2000. Nitrogen and Carbon Uptake Kinetics and
the Influence of Irradiance for a Red Tide Bloom Off Southern California.
Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 21: 31-47.
R.M. and F.P. Chavez. 2000. The impact of the 1992 El Niņo on new production
in Monterey Bay, California. Deep-Sea Res. II 47: 1055-1076.
R.M. and R.C. Dugdale. 2000. Regulation of phytoplankton new production
as determined by enclosure experiments with nutrient additions in Monterey
Bay, California. Deep-Sea Res. II 47: 1023-1053.
F.P. R.C. Dugdale, F.P. Chavez, and R.M. Kudela. 2000. Biomass and productivity
in Monterey Bay, CA: contribution of the larger autotrophs. Deep-Sea
Res. II 47:1003-1022.
R.M., W.P. Cochlan and R.C. Dugdale. 1997. Carbon and nitrogen uptake
response to light by phytoplankton during an upwelling event. J. Plankton
Res. 19: 609-630.
R.M. and F.P. Chavez. 1996. Bio-optical properties in relation to an
algal bloom caused by iron enrichment in the equatorial Pacific. Geophys.
Res. Letters, 23: 3751-3754.
K.H., K.S. Johnson, S.E. Fitzwater, R.M. Gordon, S. Tanner, F.P. Chavez,
L. Ferioli, C. Sakamoto, P. Rogers, F. Millero, P. Steinberg, P. Nightingale,
D. Cooper, W. Cochlan, M.R. Landry, J. Constantinou, G. Rollwagen, A.
Trasvina and R. Kudela. 1996. A massive phytoplankton bloom induced
by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial
Pacific Ocean. Nature 383: 495-501.
R.M. 1995. Characterization and Prediction of Planktonic Nitrogenous
Nutrition and New Production in Monterey Bay, California: Nutrient and
Physiological Interactions. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Southern
Applications for Satellite Oceanography in WEST, Fall 2000, Newsletter
of Coastal Ocean Processes (in pdf format).
Website References
1) Thurman, H.V.,
and A.P. Trujillo, 1999, "Essentials of Oceanography", Prentice
Hall, 527 pp.
2) Butcher, S.S.,
R.J. Charlson, G.H. Orians, G.V. Wolfe, editors, 1992, "Global
Biogeochemical Cycles", Academic Press Ltd., 364 pp.
in Phytoplankton Structure During the 1997 - 1998 El Niņo in Cental