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Genus: Woronichinia| Cyanobacteria


Species in photograph: Woronichinia naegeliana

Order: Chroococcales

Family: Gomphosphaeriaceae

Description: This group of about 14 species forms spherical or irregularly oval colonies, commonly composed of sub-colonies, usually with a narrow, colorless enveloping mucilaginous layer. The center of the colonies has a system of radially, parallel-oriented, simple, unbranched stalks. Individual cells are usually slightly elongate or oval. Colonies are free-living plankton. Cells are pale blue-green, olive-green, or slightly reddish in color.

Production of both anatoxins and microcystins has been reported.

Photo credit: Barry H. Rosen, Ph.D, & USGS


This Phytoplankton Identification page is affiliated with CeNCOOS and HABMAP, and is maintained by the Kudela Lab at the University of California Santa Cruz. Details about site history, funding, and sources of information and images can be found here.