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Genus: Stephanodiscus| Diatom

Species unknown, samples collected in Pinto Lake, California

Order: Thalassiosirales

Family: Stephanodiscaceae

Description: Cells discoid or barrel-shaped, often with delicate organic threads radiating from around the edge of the valve. A ring of spines is present around the valve face. Plastids numerous, discoid. 

Distribution: Stephanodiscus is a diverse and widespread planktonic genus of freshwater, primarily lentic (lake), habitats. Many species are variable in morphology (polymorphic) in response to the concentration of dissolved silica in the surrounding waters.

This Phytoplankton Identification page is affiliated with CeNCOOS and HABMAP, and is maintained by the Kudela Lab at the University of California Santa Cruz. Details about site history, funding, and sources of information and images can be found here.