Genus: Anabaena | Cyanobacteria
Species in photographs 1 and 2: Anabaena flos-aquae
Samples in photographs 3-5 from Pinto Lake, California
Order: Nostocales
Family: Nostocaceae
![nodularia](../images_AM/illustrations - fresh/small/Aflos-aquae_sm.jpg)
Click on illustration to enlarge
Description: Colonies grow in filamentous clumps of multi-cell chains. Cells are cylindrical or barrel shaped. The end cells are often much longer than mid-chain cells, and may be hyaline (having a glass-like appearance). Anabaena is one of four cyanobacteria genera that can produce toxins.
Cell Size: 4-50um; varies with type of cell (vegetative smallest, akinetes largest)
Distribution: Common worldwide. 110 species have been described. Both benthic and planktonic species can be found in North America.