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pyrocystis lunula




Species: Pyrocystis | Dinoflagellate

Common West Coast species: P. lunula, P. noctiluca

Order: Gonyaulacales

Family: Pyrocystaceae


Click on the illustration to enlarge*

Description (lunula): Unarmored, crescent moon-shaped cells. Chloroplasts present. May be bioluminescent.  Easily confused with Dissodinium pseudolunula.

Cell Size: Length 100-140um

Distribution: Oceanic and coastal. Warm temperate to tropical waters.


Click on the illustration to enlarge*

Description (noctiluca): Primary vegetative stage is a large unarmored cell (>350um diameter spherical or subspherical.) Produces 1-2 biflagellated armored cells that resemble Alexandrium.

Cell Size: 350um or more

Distribution: Oceanic species. Cosmopolitan in warm temperate to tropical waters

* The illustration of P. lunula depicts a cell reproducing by production of motile planospores. The planospores look very similar to Alexandrium. The illustration of P. noctiluca shows a parent cell with both planospores and spherical aplanospores.

IFCB images

This Phytoplankton Identification page is affiliated with CeNCOOS and HABMAP, and is maintained by the Kudela Lab at the University of California Santa Cruz. Details about site history, funding, and sources of information and images can be found here.