Species: Pyrocystis | Dinoflagellate
Common West Coast species: P. lunula, P. noctiluca
Order: Gonyaulacales
Family: Pyrocystaceae

Click on the illustration to enlarge*
Description (lunula): Unarmored, crescent moon-shaped cells. Chloroplasts present. May be bioluminescent. Easily confused with Dissodinium pseudolunula.
Cell Size: Length 100-140um
Distribution: Oceanic and coastal. Warm temperate to tropical waters.
Click on the illustration to enlarge*
Description (noctiluca): Primary vegetative stage is a large unarmored cell (>350um diameter spherical or subspherical.) Produces 1-2 biflagellated armored cells that resemble Alexandrium.
Cell Size: 350um or more
Distribution: Oceanic species. Cosmopolitan in warm temperate to tropical waters
* The illustration of P. lunula depicts a cell reproducing by production of motile planospores. The planospores look very similar to Alexandrium. The illustration of P. noctiluca shows a parent cell with both planospores and spherical aplanospores.
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