Genus: Noctiluca | Dinoflagellate
Species: N. scintillans
Order: Noctiluciphyceae
Family: Noctilucaceae

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Description: Large unarmored, round or kidney shaped cells with a striated tentacle, one flagellum and a eukaryotic nucleus. Cytoplasm may contain photosynthetic symbionts and gametes are gymnodinoid. Phagotrophic with food vacuoles containing prey. Chloroplasts absent.
Cell Size: Diameter 200-2,000um
Distribution: Cosmopolitan, neritic, cold, and warm waters.
Interesting Facts: Bioluminescent except in the NE Pacific. Reported to produce ammonium during large blooms (orange-red), which may be toxic to fish.
Below: A large nocliluca bloom in Monterey Bay, California, May 2011. For more information, click here. Click on the photo to enlarge.
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