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Genus: Thalassiothrix | Diatom

Common West Coast species: T. longissima, T. antarctica, T. gibberula

Order: Bascillariales

Family: Thalassionemataceae

Description: Very long cells that can be solitary or form radiating colonies. Cells can be straight, slightly curved, or sigmoid, and are usually strongly twisted. Valves inflated at the center and apices, and marginal spines are present. Can be mistaken for Thalassionema.

Cell Size: Apical axis = 530-4000um, transapical axis 2.5-6um

Distribution: Widespread throughout the world's oceans.


This Phytoplankton Identification page is affiliated with CeNCOOS and HABMAP, and is maintained by the Kudela Lab at the University of California Santa Cruz. Details about site history, funding, and sources of information and images can be found here.